Thursday, March 13, 2025

Pay Back Money You Stole, Lusaka High Court Orders Kelvin Sampa


Former Kasama Member of Parliament Kelvin Sampa has been ordered by the Lusaka High Court to pay back 1.4 million Kwacha he fraudulently obtained from a client on the pretence that he would help them clear the impounded goods at Zambia Revenue Authority – ZRA.

Lusaka High Court Judge Commercial Division, Hon. Mrs Justice Koreen Etambuyu Mwenda-Zimba has ordered the former lawmaker to pay back the 1.4 million Kwacha he fraudulently obtained from Mbaruku Trading.

Mbaruku trading as importers of Konyagi beer, a popular Vodka from Tanzania paid Kelvin Sampa a sum of 1.4 million Kwacha to clear goods on their behalf that where impounded by the Zambia Revenue Authority, as he claimed that he had connections at ZRA but Mr Sampa did not do anything to have the impounded goods released.

Kelvin Sampa instead sought to order ZRA and Commissioner Customs to release the goods as the client was a “friend” of the party and Government, but ZRA refused to obey his criminal directives.

Mr Sampa later disappeared claiming that the 1.4 million Kwacha he was paid to clear the goods was meant to be his Commission to engage ZRA.

The Commercial Court has established that Mr Sampa acted dishonestly and stole the 1.4 million Kwacha, hence being ordered to pay back the money to Salehe Mbaruku and Mbaruku Trading.

Brief facts of the matter are that, in March 2021, Mbaruku Trading truck carrying Konyagi beer was impounded by the Zambia Revenue Authority, and when Mr Mbaruku Sengulo explained the ordeal to Mr Ackim Lungu the Patriotic Front – PF Chairman in COMESA market, who explained to him that he knew Mr Sampa and that he would assist him with the issue of the impounded goods, after Mr Sampa was engaged on the issue he explained to the duo that he would help with getting the goods released as he had contacts at ZRA and he later demanded for about 1.2 million Kwacha as full and final penalty payment to have the goods released after some negotiations, mitigation and pleading, and on the advice of Mr Sampa, Mr Mbaruku Sengulo paid a total of 1.4 million Kwacha to Mr Sampa for the purpose of paying ZRA and that excess ampunt would be utilised by Mr Sampa as a service commission fee.

Additionally, after making the payment, Mr Mbaruku realised later that Mr Sampa had not paid ZRA, Mr Sampa was earlier reported at the Police in Lusaka after he refused to have received the money from Mr Salehe Mbaruku Sengulo, and when he was arrested, he signed an agreement that he will pay back the 1.4 million Kwacha but he never did so, and when Mr Mbaruku Sengulo stated that he had CCTV footage of Mr Sampa receiving the money, Mr Sampa later on agreed to pay back the money, and on 2nd December, 2021 Mr Sampa took a sum of 10,000 United States Dollar to Lusaka Central Police via the case officer Mr Max Nkombalume but Mr Mbaruku Sengulo did not collect the money as Mr Sampa told him on phone that it was the only money he was going to pay back, as he did not intend to pay back the money as can be seen from the agreement which does not show how he would liquidate the entire sum.


  1. The real theft and corruption is taking place under upnd. Cdf funds is method by which they are stealing with impunity these dogs

  2. P.F was a Mafia Gang, led by an “incorrigible” corrupt drunken Godfather, who used brutal enforcers like the real jailbird (shiki -pol0miya) K@1zer, not this deranged troll -“tool” making noise on L.T & fellow Brute enforcers like Chimpyongo, Form 5 Davis Mw1la & their street Goons known as Commanders to trample on citizens human rights, whilst plundering their treasury with impunity.
    Anyone who cannot see this Panga Fraternity was a defective virus in African politics either needs their heads properly examined or was benefitting & were part of the criminal enterprise, that Zambians using V.P.N told to Zwaaa -(kuyabebele)!

  3. P.F was a M@fia Gang, led by an “inc0rrigible” corrupt drunk3n G0dfather, who used brutal enforcers like the real jailbird (shiki -pol0miya) K@1zer, not this deranged troll -“tool” making noise on L.T & fellow Brute enforcers like Chimpyongo, Form 5 Davis Mw1la & their street Goons known as Commanders to trample on citizens human rights, whilst plundering their treasury with impunity.
    Anyone who cannot see this P@nga Fraternity was a defective virus in African politics either needs their heads properly examined or was benefitting & were part of the criminal enterprise, that Zambians using V.P.N told to Zwaaa -(kuyabebele)!

    • Form Fives were much more educated and respectable than the present Grade 12s that score fake distinctions

  4. Very shameless PF thieves. By the way, Kelvin Sampa should vacate the burial place in the Lamba chiefdom which he claimed to have acquired.

  5. “Kelvin Sampa instead sought to order ZRA and Commissioner Customs to release the goods as the client was a “friend” of the party and Government, but ZRA refused to obey his criminal directives.”

    These PF thugs had no limits at all, they treated govt like it was their back garden…why is Kelvin Sampa not facing additional charges like abuse of power.

  6. The above dogs are quick to comment on articles that don’t affect their lives or those of their poor relatives in zambia. Yet they will hide away in shame when an article is posted about the fertiliser scandal.

  7. What a thief! Our political industry is full of such get rich quick scums. It’s really a dirty game. I often find it very difficult to give respect to politicians.
    That’s why I don’t support the culture of naming stuff after them. Stadiums should be named after the stars who perform therein, not the thieving egotistic politicians. They may be political heroes but they aren’t all rounders to be named after airports, hospitals, stadia, roads. Aikona!

  8. Kelvin Sampa is a crook. No wonder, he has been supporting UPND, shamelessly, to cover his thievery activities. UPND should screen all those crooks who pretend to be angels all of a sudden. He is hiding under the canopy of Upnd. The earlier they realise the better for the party. Not all those who are saying UPND!UPND are real people. Most of them have a lot garbage in their closets.

  9. If UPND were an upright party, they would outrightly chase this man from the party. It is clear he joined them to shield himself from prosecution. I am certain he has other such deals.
    UPND need to know that they won elections without these defectors, such people don’t matter when it comes to votes, starting from Kakoma.

  10. People like this should never be allowed near the Govt. pot, It is these thieves and corrupt politicians that have tarnished the name of politics in Zambia. He should rightfully be made to pay back and be be punished accordingly.

  11. Zambia will develop and move away from corruption only when a critical mass of citizens begin to detest this corruption and criminality. The police, the general public and civil servants are largely corrupt in Zambia. No head of state will claim to tackle corruption without changing the mindset of all these people including the head of state themselves.

  12. By the way why is he not being prosecuted for corruption and theft by false pretence? This not a civil case. He is a criminal

  13. It is being very naïve to think that corruption is only in the PF, corruption is a national crisis. Even your small gods have benefited from corruption and continue to do so under your very noses. So wake up from your slumber let us tackle the corruption scourge without being narrow minded and naive.

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