Sunday, September 8, 2024

PF and Tutwa’s family demand for an Autopsy


The opposition Patriotic Front is demanding that an Autopsy be conducted on the body of the late Tutwa Ngulube.

The party says they have just reason to suspect that Mr Ngulube was poisoned.

PF Member of the Central Committee and Chairperson for Health Dr Canisius Banda in the company of late Tutwa Ngulube’s relatives yesterday dropped a demand letter at the Lusaka Specialist Hospital along Airport Road for an Autopsy to be done on the body of Mr Ngulube who died on Saturday, December 3 at the said hospital.

“As a Political party, we are treating Tutwa’s death as a suspicious death. We want an Autopsy to be done. A professional job to be done. We have just reason to suspect that Tutwa was poisoned,” said Dr Banda.

Mr Ngulube died at the age of 42.

He is survived by a wife and children.


  1. The last sentence speaks to “several” children. Anyhow, everyone who demands it is entitled to an unbiased autopsy based on established protocols. Let that be done. It’s fine.

  2. Tutwa was a great lawyer. Him and Makebi Zulu poked holes in all these corruption cases. And surely with him around these cases were going to be proven as a witch hunt and pure political persecution.

  3. They are also trying to kill me. I ended up in hospital yesterday after being forced to eat questionable food in jail

    • Care to explain how I am a nuisance? Your party leader is killing anyone who opposes him and yet you call me a nuisance. Remember on judgment day hh will not save you.

    • Mwenzosamwa imwe kwati simumanya ma tuvi , you used guns to threaten innocent people for no reason. Remember that one day you will be alone on that cold bed that takes you under the ground 10ft below sea level

    • You are all demonlc forces. I will fully recover and you will be ashamed off yourself. The more you wish me death the more you curse yourselves. Wait until I am fully recovered. I will hunt you down and treat your like a punching bag

  4. So it is easy to fool Zambians. An autopsy is actually normal procedure and is required unless the family waive this off. It was going to happen either way to determine cause of death. That said, the story about him being poisoned is very strange, he seemed to have underlying heart issues as it has been determined that he visited the heart clinic several times prior. I would attribute this to stress after he went full time into legal practice.

  5. Let the autopsy be done. Then what happens after the autopsy? People should understand that stroke kills suddenly and a lot of people have died in similar circumstances around the world including our late beloved president Mwanawasa

  6. The toxic relationship between the PF and the UPND isn’t good as it might lead to anarchy. The PF must not politicize Tutwa’s death, painful and untimely as it might be. The UPND must also tame their followers because it’s unZambian to celebrate a misfortune like death. God Almighty is trying to speak to you through Tutwa’s death. Please calm down and be sober otherwise you might injure many, especially innocent children. Zambia has had shocking untimely deaths before and there many examples I can give: Simon Kapwepwe, Gibson Chigaga, Richard Ngenda, Baldwin Nkumbula, Father Mutale, etc and in all these there were accusations and counter accusations. This IS the time for the PF & the UPND to reflect as to whether they’re taking the nation forward or tearing it apart. PLEASE STOP IT!!

  7. Condlences to the family. Any death is a tragedy. No autopsy result will satisfy Conspiracy theorists unless it concludes that Mr Ngulube was killed by the State. Let everyone know that young age is not a vaccine against death. Just get ready for it when it inevitably comes because the mortality rate of birth is 100%.

  8. I still recall Ben Mwila scaring FTJ Chiluba’s children who wanted an autopsy done on Kafupi because they all suspected Emmanuel Mwamba struggled him. Mwila said, and quote: “Nga bamu lepaula wiso efyo bangasanga mukati mulya imwe abana kuti mwafikwanisha”. That’s how a B.I.D. (brought in dead) whole entire former president of a country was buried without an autopsy. At least lifolofolo za Tutwa ni Kulube li shapukile. People that young just do not drop dead like this without a good reason. I did not like his politics but no one deserves to due so suddely especially leaving 5 children without a dad.

  9. It is extremely confusing, Mr. Sata was not taken to hospital in time. To make it wease, the Israeli Doctors wanted to Drip him, but they decided to fly to London.
    Today they are more careling. What a Political Part!

  10. I still recall Ben Mwila scaring FTJ Chiluba’s children who wanted an autopsy done on Kafupi because they all suspected Emmanuel Mwamba struggled him. Mwila said, and quote: “Nga bamu lepaula wiso efyo bangasanga mukati mulya imwe abana kuti mwafikwanisha”. That’s how a B.I.D. (brought in dead) whole entire former president of a country was buried without an autopsy. At least lifolofolo za Tutwa ni Kulube li shapukile. People that young just do not drop dead like this without a good reason. I did not like his politics but no one deserves to due so suddely especially leaving 5 children without a dad!!!!

  11. Sometimes its best to leave sleeping dogs to die..death by its nature is a mystery…TN lived his life yes he was still very young but that inevitable appointment came calling. It is hard to resist because the beckoning voice is oh so sweet. MHISRIEP

  12. No there is nothing wrong for asking for autopsy.
    But he should not start alarming the nation before the out come of the medical results (pathology)

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