Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Former Ministry of Defence PS Stardy Mwale Arrested in relation with the procurement of Gulfstream G650 Presidential Jet


Former Ministry of Defence Permanent Secretary Stardy Mwale has been arrested by the Anti-Corruption Commission for corrupt practices involving more than 573.9 million United States Dollars in connection to the procurement of the Gulfstream G650 Presidential Jet.

Mwale, 51, of Flat 21 Eureka Park in Makeni, has been charged with three counts of Wilful Failure to Comply with Applicable Law and Procedure contrary to Section 34 (2) (b) and one count of Fraudulent Facilitation of Payment from the Public Revenue Contrary to Section 34 (2) (a)(i) of the Anti-Corruption Act No.3 Of 2012.

The Anti-Corruption Commission Head-Corporate Communications Timothy Moono disclosed in a statement that investigations have established that Stardy Mwale, whilst acting together with others, between the 1st January, 2017 and 31st December, 2017, being Permanent Secretary and the Chairperson of the Ministerial Procurement Committee for the Ministry of Defence, did wilfully fail to comply with the applicable law and procedure in the manner he approved the award of the tender number MOD/MPC/024-17 and signed the amendment of contract number MOD/MPC/024-17 relating to the procurement of the Modernisation of the Defence forces Program at a contract price of US$ 400,000,000.00 to Elbit Systems Limited without approval from the Ministry Procurement Committee.

Mr Moono further disclosed that investigations have also established that Stardy Mwale, whilst acting together with others, between the 1st January, 2019 and 31st December, 2019, being Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, did wilfully fail to comply with the applicable law and procedure in the manner he signed a novation of the contract number MOD/MPC/002-19 between Elbit Systems Limited and Ministry of Defence to Savenda Systems Limited at a contract price of US$ 123,965,000.00.

“Investigations have further established that Stardy Mwale, whilst acting together with others, between the 1st April, 2017 and 31st December, 2019, being Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, did fraudulently facilitate a payment of US$ 50,000,000 under the contract number MOD/MPC/024-17 to Elbit Systems Limited for goods and services not supplied in full,” Mr Moono disclosed

He mentioned that the Commission has also arrested and jointly charged members of the Ministerial Procurement Committee for the Ministry of Defence with Stardy Mwale for Wilful Failure to Comply with Applicable Law and Procedure contrary to Section 34 (2) (b) of the Anti-Corruption Act No.3 of 2012, in the manner they approved the award of the tender number MOD/MPC/024-17 for the procurement of the Modernisation of the Defence forces Program to Elbit Systems Limited at a contract price of US$ 400,000,000.00.

“Those arrested and charged are former Defence Secretary Rtd. Brigadier General Michael Obister Mbewe, Former Ministry of Defence Director General Medical Services Rtd. Brigadier General Frank Hardy Sinyangwe and Director-Finance at Ministry of Green Economy and Environment Esabel Willima Chinji who was the Acting Chief Accountant at Ministry of defence,” he mentioned

Meanwhile, in another development, Mr Moono noted that the Commission has also arrested and charged Stardy Mwale with one count of Corrupt Acquisition of Public Property and Revenue contrary to Section 34 (1)(b) of the Anti-Corruption Act No.3 Of 2012.

He highlighted that details are that Stardy Mwale, jointly and whilst acting together with others, on dates between the 1st April 2019 and 31st October 2019, being Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defence, did fraudulently or unlawfully divert 65,000 metric tonnes of fertilizer belonging to the government of the Republic of Zambia to a private entity. A matter or transaction that concerned the Ministry of Defence, a public body.

“Mr. Mwale and three others have since been released on bond and are expected to appear in court soon,” Mr Moono stated


    • Now I understand why HH doesnt fly in that Gulfstream …I apologise HH I too would not compromise my principles to fly in it…Kenya Airlines Economy class will do just fine for me.

  1. This UPND government is a serious joke. You are arresting people for the same things you are doing under our noses. It’s only corruption if it were done by PF but the same corruption is called investment when done by UPND? We need a new party with fresh ideas and mindsets to ditch these jokers. It’s becoming routine for this party to make announcements of deals first and then cover up with blame and fake arrests. If you are serious about the fight against corruption, why are you not being transparent?

  2. Ambrose Lufuma today told Parliament that the Gulf Stream was bought at an inflated amount of US$193M but the ACC are telling us that they’ve arrested Stardy Mwale for corruption on the procurement of the same item and the amount involved is US$573M! How do we reconcile these figures? It seems this corruption fight might after all be just a dangerous hallucination by the UPND. I doubt if anything sensible will come out of this. Let’s wait and see

  3. This mwale guy was a kingpin in so many shady deals at whatever ministry he was at. He had no regard for procedure as he thought PF will be there forever and even if they leave nothing will happen. He needs to be made an example out of by not only jailing him but also seizing all his assets so that his family are not left to enjoy the stolen wealth.

  4. I am waiting for private Jet for Kaizar Zulu to be put on auction. After the expected corrupt case over Kaizar Zulu.
    After buyin that Jet I want to selling and help poor Zambians.

    • I can tell from your English samuel that you are not Zambian. You f00Iish Congolese haha. Bonjour. I don’t understand why tikki is responding to a comment that has nothing to do with him

    • Please ignore this keyboard jockey based here in the UK…UK is very cold this week -5*C a dumb a$$ like this one has absolutely nothing to apart from chilling at home whilst on welfare support.

    • You think Lazy Lungu would arrest his favourite erand boy Sturdy Mwale, you seriously think a PS can steal army money alone!!

  5. Please confiscate that farm Mwale paid with cash to that muzungu…please follow that money there is no way one foool can steal $50m in Zambia.

  6. @Tarino – the farm Mwale bought from that muzungu is already repossessed and in government hands. ZNS is growing wheat and maize for the nation.
    When we say PF was/is incapable of being good to the nation except stealing and depriving Zambians of their resources. With revelations of overwhelming evidence – others still protest.

    • Good…and some PF Presidential aspirant was asking why GRZ is failing to invest $300m in the mines when this was loose change to these thieves!!

  7. These revelations are are just starters before the main meal……………

    Which is To be served end 2025 or just before elections 2026………..

    To remind Zambians about the criminal enterprise lungu headed, the PF………..

    • Young Tutwa is not there now to offer Pro bono services for these thievies because he was one of the looters and was paid in advance…it will be xmas come early for lawyers they will fleece these crooks

    • You can say that again. This PF of Edgar Lungu was indeed a criminal enterprise. We should never ever again allow such leadership to govern this country

  8. Stinks as hell. The reason they desperately wanted to buy that jet is so that they divert money. PF was rotten to the core. Soon someone will confess.

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