Thursday, March 6, 2025

Sale of Presidential Jet Will Be Inline With The Law – Ambrose Lufuma


Minister of Defence Ambrose Lwiji Lufuma says the sale of the Presidential Jet Gulfstream (C650ER) will be consistent with all the relevant applicable laws, regulations, and procedures relating to the disposition of public assets.

Speaking when delivering a Ministerial statement to Parliament today, in response to the question raised on 2nd December, 2022, by Mporokoso Member of Parliament, when he raised a question on the floor of Parliament by quoting Article 210 (2) and (3) of the Republican Constitution that provides for the disposal of State assets, subject to approval by Parliament. He stated that the law is very clear in providing that the disposal of major State assets be subject to approval by Parliament. He went on to say, “clearly, the transaction has not been presented on the floor of this House, so, why is the Government proceeding with the transaction, thereby acting outside the law, instead of bringing them for approval by Parliament?”

Mr. Lufuma responded to the above question by stating that the intended disposal of the C650ER aircraft will be consistent with the Provisions of Constitution of the Republic of Zambia, in particular Article 210 (1) and(2): the Public Finance Management Act No. 1 of 2018, in particular Section 42 (1); and all relevant applicable laws, regulations as well as procedures relating to disposal of public assets.

The Defence Minister explained that the Government through the Ministry of Defence is in the process of disposing and replacing the Presidential Jet Gulfstream (C650ER) with another air platform that will have much lower operational and maintenance costs, adding that during the period that the Zambia Air Force has operated the jet, the maintenance, operational, training and other associated costs have been astronomical and proven to be a strain on the Government treasury.

“US Dollar Six Million, Three Hundred and Seventeen, Forty-Three and Fifty Eighty cents (US56,317,O48.58) was spent on its annual maintenance and servicing costs, for a short period of three (03) years even when the aircraft was under utilised by the Presidency for flights within and outside Zambia,” he explained

Mr. Lufuma disclosed that the Government of the previous regime,through the Ministry of Defence, purchased the Gulfstream C650ER, through a third Party, at US $7O Uittion (cost of aircraft) as opposed to buying the aircraft at a lower reasonable price from the manufacturer, Gulfstream Aerospace of the United States at US $5O Million, at the time of purchase or indeed the market price of US $60 Million then.

Mr. Lufuma further disclosed that it is, therefore, not in the best interest of Zambians and the New Dawn Government to maintain such an aircraft on Government inventory as it would ultimately provide an alliance of individuals involved in this illicit procurement, a protracted window to continuously syphon the already paltry government resources.

“The previous Administration bought the Gulfstream at an exorbitant price of 194.9 million United States Dollars inclusive of the accessories. The 194.9 million United States Dollars is part of the total loan of 400 million United States Dollars meant for Modernisation of the Defence Force. (Army, ZAF & National),” Mr. Lufuma stated

“The overpayments on the basic Aircraft and other additional enhancements such as the J-Music, which were illicitly entered into are as follows: Upgrade (J-Music) contract amount at US$ 50,000.000, and actual amount paid was US$ 50,000.000, with a US$ 5,000.000 market price at the time, with a US$ 45,000.000 difference over payment wastage,” he disclosed.

Mr. Lufuma mentioned that the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has taken keen interest in the corruption allegations in the procurement process of the Gulfstream C650ER Presidential Jet by the previous Administration which was used to siphon funds.

“The Anti-Corruption Commission will continue investigating into the corrupt acquisition of the C650 aircraft by the previous administration,” Mr. Lufuma said


  1. I think someone is cooking the books in UPND. Someone buys an item at an exorbitant price instead of chasing the crooks for refund, you opt to sell the item at a further loss in the name of corruption? If you allow HH to sell this jet, he will not stop there, next on the list will be State House, Zambezi river, Barotseland etc. KK warned us about this man.

  2. The manner in which this government is handling these matters has ceased to give us confidence. There’s the audit by Grant Thornton and there are also investigations by the ACC that have resulted in some arrests although with some conflicting figures involved. There’s also a push to quickly sell the plane even before investigations and the audit are concluded. Our law on evidence requires the physical presence of exhibits during trial. First there’s the risk of differences in findings of the multiplicity of those involved and that can dilute the case. I foresee a situation whereby the prosecution will have difficulties should the Courts request to view the added features to determine the extent of abuse or overpricing. This government might score an own goal because of the manner…

  3. F00Is. Hh just can’t stand using something we and ecl used. We had some fun on that jet. Some good memories were made.

  4. That’s what happens when a government or head of state has an advisor above who smokes ;bange’. How can one man transact a complex deal on behalf of a nation – PF are thieves – fit for extinction

  5. They paid $50K for a sound system on the presidential jet for the spontaneously dancing president lungu……………


  6. This cockroach with thick unkempt moustache just supports anything blindly coming from his master backside. So if you sell the jet were are you going to take the money to.? With privatisation thieving insticts still fresh in HH’s medulla they will make sure they loot and depleat the state coffers and leave the treasury empty more than PF deed .Mind you the catch word they are using here is ” fighting corruption ” and yet they are there to steal and fatten their big bellies. Secondly there is no way HH could remain arich man when he sponsored UPND for 20 years and participated in presidential elections morethan 5 times and it is morethan likely he has to pay his friends and masters back their money he borrowed from them .Batila Indalama shakwiba shilakola and he still wants more as…

  7. .Batila Indalama shakwiba shilakola and he still wants more as the deals in privatisation did not yield what he expected despite becoming an instant millionaire without much sweat when he sold the national assets cheaply.The other thing is we zambians maningi ukupwalala we elected aprivatisation thief who stole our money as our president .In Western Democracy they were going to disqualify him 20 years ago and not to participate in any election, but in zambia due to poverty even the educated are compromised and bribed as they need money to survive. HH is a regional and tribal president who has put his tribes men and tribal cousins to head strategic government positions so that the protect his interests but this won’t work. We cannot allow him to steal twice from our national…

  8. We cannot allow him to steal twice from our national coffers. He will be a5year president as zambians know who he is and what he is aiming for. Upnd Mps like Mwankole Lufuma even saying they want to sell the presidential jet and yet that’s HH’s favourite jet and is using it crossing the the Atlantic ocean none stop every week to go and make mining deals with his corrupt friends.what ashame,GOD HELP ZAMBIA CHOOSE ANON CORRUPT, NOT TRIBAL PRESIDENT NEXT GENERAL ELECTION.

  9. The gulf stream is a newer plane for future presidents, why is he not selling the older Challenger plane to save the country money? The liquidator is at it again…this time we are documenting his transactions.

  10. how about the roads, bridges, clinics and schools which you told us that they was corruption and over priced are you going to sell them to recover the supplass money, they say don’t please your ego you may regret it,we were been told then in opposition that i will sell the jet i have a buyer already maybe that is the reason of the persistence

  11. Selling gulf will not rearise alot of money. Sale the jets and helicopters s we are not at war. So they are useless. Sell to countries that are at war . Let’s use the money for the poor

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