Sunday, September 8, 2024

Clergy calls for cementing of Zambia as a Christian nation


Pastoral fellows in the Zambezi district have called on government to come up with a strong political will that will concretize the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Zambezi, holiness Pentecostal Keton Musumali said Zambia in its current state does not depict itself as a Christian nation.

Pastor Musumali stated that a strong political will is needed to change from being Christian nation by declaration to actual practice.

He noted that while the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation may be meaningful, there are no tangible meaningful things that can be pointed at to show that Zambia is a Christian nation.

Pastor Musumali also added that the social behavior especially among youths is a source of concern regarding Zambia being a Christian nation.

He said there is a high level of immorality by youths citing sexual activities, high level of HIV/AIDS, beer drinking among others which are contrary to Zambia being a Christian nation as well as norms of Christianity.

“The only time you see Zambians behave like Christians is on 18th October because on that day almost all of us go to pray and fast. I don’t think that’s how we should practice our Christianity or be seen as Zambia is a Christian nation”, he said.

Meanwhile, District Council Chairperson Gorge Njolomba said government should heighten its regulation on churches to avoid misleading the masses.

Mr Njolomba noted that mushrooming of churches has had a negative effect on the development of the country.

He said most of the churches are born out of greediness by some pastors and have no license to practice saying that as a result they end up swindling the vulnerable in communities.

Mr Njolombe alleged that some doctrines being practiced by churches do not serve any purpose rather as detrimental to the development of Zambia as a nation.

He attributed Zambia losing its dignity as a Christian Nation, due to high levels of corruption and mushrooming of churches.

The Council Chairperson added that continuing allowing churches to set up anywhere without proper guidance will continue undermining Zambia as a Christian nation.

Mr Njolombo also appealed to youths especially girls to change their lifestyle especially when it comes to dress code saying that indecent dress code has a potential to dilute the values and morals of Christianity.

He disclosed that the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation is still meaningful despite having other religions in the country and other issues like high level of corruption and indecent behaviour by the youths.


  1. The declaration is prophetically well intended.
    As such the church that see (in spirit) this prophecy, shall adopt values or a philosophy that support the declaration.
    Otherwise a declaration is a strategy, 18th October is one such tactical means..
    If we focus on the journey (christian teaching and evangelism) , the destiny of christian nation shall be reached.
    So were is the argument on the declaration?

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