Sunday, September 8, 2024

Don’t mount illegal roadblocks-Mwiimbu


Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Jack Mwiimbu, has reiterated that no police officer should mount road blocks anywhere else apart from the designated security checkpoints.

Mr Mwiimbu says it is unfortunate that some traffic police officers have continued to inconvenience members of the public and motorists with unnecessary roadblocks.

He says the government has however not given any instruction that traffic regulations should not be followed but that officers can enforce the regulations without effecting unnecessary roadblocks.

Mr Mwiimbu has regretted that the illegal roadblocks have become an embarrassment to the country.

He was speaking when he visited Pemba Police Station to appreciate challenges it is facing.

Mr Mwiimbu is touring Southern Province to appreciate challenges which institutions under his ministry are facing.


  1. This is laughable he sounds like a broken record I mean the police have disobeyed this order countless of times the best thing to do is just retire all traffic officers and recruit UNZA graduates, recently retired ZAF and ZA army officers its the only way you can bring order to this dept. It is clear that this dept is rotten from senior officers down to juniors.

  2. Jack you are a lonely voice in the desert……unless you yourself leave your office and start patrolling the roads, highway and streets. Those police officers who collect the money don’t use it alone. After shift they take huge chunks kuli ba Mwami…ba Mwami also take it further higher. How do you think your officers manage to buy all those goodies like Toyota Noahs for businesses ? How did that woman police commanding officer manage to get those Higer buses…..from money generated by juniors.

  3. Roadblocks are still the order of the day; it is just the strategy from the ZP Traffic Officers that has changed. Two methods are employed now, one is to walk in between cars and the second one is to stand by the roadside and just ambush cars. The way these roadblocks are creeping back is exactly like during PF times, remember they also started with no roadblocks until they crept back slowly and became entrenched

  4. We need the road blocks, haven’t you seen the rise of number of accident more especially this festival season?

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