Friday, March 14, 2025

Crocodile infestation worry Chief Mpindi


Chief Mpidi of the Lunda-speaking people in Zambezi District of North Western Province has expressed fear that people in his chiefdom risk being wiped out completely if crocodiles are not cropped.

Chief Mpidi said since 2018, over thirty (30) people have been killed by crocodiles in the Kabompo river that passes through his chiefdom.

This came to light when Northwestern Province Permanent Secretary, Grandson Katambi paid a courtesy call on him at his palace.

” Just two weeks ago two people were caught and killed by the crocodiles…a child and a mother…two more people are missing and we are suspecting that they might have been caught as well because they went to the river and never came back”

“We are appealing to the government to crop these animals before they finish killing all the people in my chiefdom,” he said.

In response, Provincial Permanent Secretary Colonel Grandson Katambi said he will engage the Department of Wildlife and National Parks to see the way forward.

” The number of people who have died is alarming. It is obvious that the crocodiles have become too many than what they feed on in water hence now resorting to attacking human beings” he said.

He said the government is interested in matters of this nature that threaten human life, adding that he will not sit and watch people being killed in this manner.


  1. Zambians are dull, they still think Crocodile belongs to white people. In Luapula they believe humans change to Crocodile.
    Crocodile is money making industry.
    Open a company there, and employ locals.

    • No you are the one with a problem you think you can open a company and start killing wild crocs just like that? You must be confusing rivers with crocodile farms.

    • You are one of those dull zambian keyboard warriors that like to pretend to have all the solutions but dont give the stupidest suggestions.

  2. This Chief as well how can a mother and child be missing what were they doing near the river? You should be asking the govt to sink boreholes …you crop the repitiles then what? After a few years the cycle will continue as its in their instinct to hunt anything that comes close to the water.

  3. ZAWA or whatever they call themselves nowadays should send some scouts to Oz and learn how to relocate large crocs without putting a bullet in them….there are National Parks that would do with them.

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