Sunday, September 8, 2024

Reproduced map to reduce land wrangles


Ministry of Local government and Rural Development Permanent Secretary for Administration, Maambo Hamaaundu says the reproduced 1958 chiefdom boundary maps with topographic features will go a long way in reducing wrangles of land boundaries in various chiefdoms across the country.

Mr. Hamaaundu stated that government is aware of the challenges arising from chiefdom boundaries which affect the development of some areas.

He said the maps will also enable government and the traditional leadership in the country to distinguish customary land boundaries from political land boundaries.

Mr. Hamaaundu stated that in cases were political boundaries try to encroach over customary boundaries, government will recognise boundaries contained in the reproduced 1958 chiefdom boundary maps.

He was speaking during an engagement meeting on the reproduced 1958 boundary maps with topographic features held with some traditional leaders of Lusaka province and stakeholders in Chongwe district.

He said substancial parts of customary land in some chiefdoms has been lost due to succession disputes adding that such differences are not good for the country.

“We are aware that were there is no harmony, usually there is no development,” Mr. Hamaaundu said.

Mr. Hamaaundu further stated that he is pleased to note that no succession disputes have so far been recorded in Lusaka province.

He urged traditional leaders in the province to help their counterparts in other parts of the country who are faced with succession wrangles.

Speaking during the same event, Senior Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo II commended government for reproducing the boundary maps as it will help traditional leaders in the country to claim back land which has been taken away from their chiefdoms using other maps.

The traditional leader called on government to also account for how much customary land has been taken away from chiefdoms

“After independence, we were told that the colonial masters had only 6% of the land and the rest was customary land. We want to know how much land has been taken away from us to make it state land and how much has remained. We need answers ,”Chieftainess Nkomeshya said.

She said customary land which was taken away from chiefs should be given back to them.

The Chieftainess said the royal establishment in her chiefdom will share the maps with her subjects and come up with a report on their views.

Meanwhile, Chief Bundabunda said the topographic features added on the map have made boundaries clear.

Chief Bundabunda stated that the maps will enable chiefs to approve the implementation of projects on land in their chiefdoms without difficulties of land wrangles interfering in the process.


  1. Hoo do that’s not Garry in pictures? Maybe they are twins.
    It makes sense that 2 Tongas are running local government, they don’t steal too much. But shows off alot.

    • We do not steal, but this is not Garry Nkombo.. Yes, he does look “Tonga”, but that tends to happen when a group of people share an area for 1500 years. That is how long we have been in Zambia, if you go by the archeological evidence… So if many of us have that “Smoky Haangala” look, do not be surprised, we have been passing around the same genes for a long time, and taking in KhoiSan genes as well.

  2. Do not take Bantustan confusion to the ever calm chiefdoms you failures. How many chiefs have ruled and died in this chiefdoms just after independence when smartest of them all ,” KK ” ruled this country without all these nonsense UPND is trying to create? This is all deliberate to try and divide the country .How can you talk about boundaries when people expect farming inputs delivered. Very shallow thinking this banana rep. No other chief ever spoke of boundaries in the past except maybe the brave Lozi king ,the Litunga who through his Indunas may have spoken about the cessation of Western province from the rest of zambia which was unthinkable decades ago because it was treason to talk about it in first and second Republic and Kaunda was very smart and had OP officials among…

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