Sunday, September 8, 2024

Truck driver has disappeared together with copper concentrate valued at U$80 000


A truck driver has disappeared together with copper concentrate valued at U$80,280.15 which he was transporting to South Africa on behalf of Zam Fastest Logistics of Lusaka.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba said the driver Goodson Mutemela of Lusaka’s Zani Muone vanished together with copper after abandoning the truck he was driving in Kafulafuta between 28th and 31st December, 2022.

Mr. Mweemba said Mutemela started off from Kasumbalesa boarder on 28th December, 2022 enroute to Durban in South Africa and had his first stop over in Chambishi around 01:00 before stopping in Kafulafuta, Masaiti.

He said the suspect allegedly disconnected satellite-based radionavigation system Global Positioning System (GPS) linked to the vehicle prompting Zam Fastest Logistics Manager Wang He, a chinese national aged 31 of Lusaka to report the issue to police.

“Theft of goods in transit occurred between 28/12/22 at 11:30hrs at Kasumbalesa and 31/12/22 at 14:01hrs in Kabwata area along Ndola-Kabwe road of Masaiti District, in which Wang He, a Chinese national aged 31 of 9 miles in Lusaka, a manager at ZAM FASTEST LOGISTICS LTD, reported that one of the company drivers by the name of Goodson Mutemela also of Lusaka’s Zani Muone area stole copper concentrate which was in transit valued at U$80,280.15 the property of the above named company,” Mr. Mweemba said.

“Brief facts are that on 28/12/22 at 11:30hrs, Goodson Mutemela being the driver of a Shacman truck registration number AIC 1642ZM and Trailer number BAL 2889ZM laden with copper concentrate, started off from Kasumbalesa boarder enroute to Durban in South Africa. He made a stop over at Chambishi around 01:00hrs for just 30minutes then proceeded with the journey up to Kabwata area along Ndola-Kabwe road in Masaiti district where the said truck made another stop over around 03:12hrs.The said truck never moved from that point. The GPS was disconnected which in turn prompted the reporter to make inquiries over the said truck. On 30/12/22 the reporter noticed that the truck was still stationed somewhere around Kabwata area along Ndola Kapiri road,” he said.

“The GPS was still disconnected. On 31/12/22, the reporter whilst on inquiries did spot the truck parked at kabwata area along Ndola-kapiri road in Masaiti district, just near Kafulafuta weighbridge abandoned, with the said copper concentrate missing. The driver was nowhere to be seen. The truck was found with the keys inside the truck. The doors were not locked. The matter was reported to the police who in turn visited the scene and found the said truck parked at kabwata area at mupapa junction, with the trailer empty, with no driver. Documents for the copper concerntrate were found inside the truck, bearing the name of the driver. His phone was tried but is switched off. Docket of case opened and investigations instituted,” Mr. Mweemba said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mweemba said Police have been advising copper owners to engage security when transporting the the mineral.

“Time and again we have advised the owners of copper, or transporters that there is need to engage security as escorts, but they did not heed. The goods that are carried are very expensive, and have ready market to be let alone with drivers,” he said.

Meanwhile, unknown criminals have stolen a vehicle valued at K50,000 from a 42-year-old man of Chamboli in Kitwe, who was on a drinking spree.

Mr. Mweemba said Richard Matokwani’s Toyota Spacio was stolen whilst parked outside Step Up Bar between 20:00 and 23:00 hours on 30th December, 2022.

“Theft of Motor Vehicle occurred on 30.12.22 at unknown time, but between 2000 and 2300 hrs near Step Up Pub in Miseshi – Wusakile, Kitwe in which Richard Matokwani, aged 42, of plot no. B100, New Plots near Chamboli Cemetery in Chamboli, Kitwe, Electrician at Mopani Copper Mines, reported that his motor vehicle, Toyota Spacio, Reg. no. ALM 8360, Maroon in colour, Chassis and Engine numbers not known, valued at K50=000, was stolen whilst parked outside, next to Step Up Pub. The thieves also went away with his Huawei P8 cellphone, silver in colour, valued at K2,000=00, bringing the total value of property reported stolen to K52,000=00,” Mr. Mweemba said.

“Brief facts are that yesterday, Friday, 30.12.22, the reporter, who was alone drove to the above referenced pub around 2000 hrs to have some beers and socialise. He entered the bar and left the car parked in parking lot. When it was time for him to go home, around 23:00 hours, he got out of the bar and discovered that his car had been stolen by unknown thieves. He however admits having been very drunk and does not remember anything at all. He is unable to confirm whether he left the car secured,” Mr. Mweemba said.

“Police visited the scene but there are no tangible clues leading to the identity of the thieves. The reporter has been advised to avail a copy of the white book. A docket of case has been opened and investigations are underway. No arrest made and more to follow.It’s unfortunate that the complainant could behave in such manner. To make matters worse, he reports the case late to police,” he stated.


  1. some of these places are self-fulfilling ` Toyota Spacio was stolen whilst parked outside Step Up Bar`

  2. Effects of the displacement of jarabos from the Black Mountain have began to manifest. It’s a syndicate, how did the truck pass through the check points at that time? It was supposed to be packed at 21hrs. They should just search the known buyers of dandashi on the Copperbelt. I doubt if it’ll be found.

    • Commercial trucks are free to move even after 21hrs… is only public buses that are required to be parked by 21hrs.

  3. You cannot blame him. Times are very hard under the rotten upnd govt.

    This is not a normal hangover. I am convinced upnd thugs spiked my drink on new years at chicagos. Diarrhoea for 2 days mwebantu

    • Please ignore this UK based Impostor trying so hard to place itself in Lusaka…UK is very cold now cold weather drives rats and vermin crazy here!!

    • Diarrheas for two days! Just go test for AIDS iwe, osanamilzila moba. Kaili you people used to do all the women after flashing around stolen money.

    • @3.1 Tarino Orange, time and again you have urged us to ignore ‘this UK based Impostor’, yet you never seem to ignore him yourself.

      Why should we?

    • @his masters voice, I have been asking that chicarla the same thing. I have asked him to ignore me but he fails.

      @theeye you cannot test for aids you chi dull boy. You can only test got hiv, which is a virus. Go back to school. Sorry if my boys slept with your chi wlfe

  4. Really laughable…I hope he has not stolen that copper concentrate valued at $80K for a pantry $2000. The company as well should have fitted two or three GPS trackers on their vehicles one that is easy to notice and two anti-theft ones hidden away with rechargable batteries.

    • What was stolen is the copper concentrate and not the truck, not quite sure how the additional GPSs would have helped in these circumstatences.

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