Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Ndola Magistrate Grants bail to eight (8) Croatian nationals charged with the offence of attempted trafficking in four children


Ndola Chief Resident Magistrate Dominic Makalicha has granted bail to eight (8) Croatian nationals charged with the offence of attempted trafficking in four children of Congolese origin on the Zambian territory.

On Tuesday morning during the first day of trial, Magistrate Makalicha granted bail of K20, 000 each to the eight suspects with two Ndola based traceable sureties.

The suspects shall surrender their passports to Zambian authorities, appear before police after two weeks and legalize their stay in Zambia as part of the bail conditions.

Magistrate Makalicha ruled that the suspects will remain remanded in custody until they meet all the bail conditions.

The case has been adjoined to 23rd January, 2023 for continued trial.

The four children in question are being kept by the social welfare department at a facility in Ndola.

Particulars of the offence are that Damir Magic aged 44 and seven others on 7th December 2022 in Ndola on the Copperbelt Province jointly and whilst acting together did attempt to traffic a child namely Beatrice Magic within the territorial boundaries of Zambia for the purpose of exploitation.

In count two, another couple namely, Subosic Zoran, a musician and Immovic Subosic, a Constitutional Court administrator, on the same date attempted to traffic a child namely Mariella Kalinde Immovic Subosic within the territorial boundaries of Zambia for the purpose of exploitation.

Ladislav Persic, a veterinary doctor and Aleksandra Persic, a dog beauty stylist on December 7, this year allegedly attempted to traffic a child namely Jona Asnate within the territorial boundaries of Zambia for the purpose of exploitation.

Noah Kraljevic, a human rights activist and Ivona Kraljevic, a proxy woman at that country’s national theater, are also alleged to have attempted to traffic a child namely Jean Val Kraljevic.

Meanwhile, trial commenced on Thursday morning in the case in which eight (8) Croatian nationals have been charged with the offence of attempted trafficking in four children of Congolese origin on the Zambian territory.

Three witnesses testified in the case before Ndola Chief Resident Magistrate Dominic Makalicha in a court session that lasted three hours.

The first two witnesses from Spree Guest House in Ndola described to the court how a man only identified as S.B.M booked the guest house rooms on behalf of the Croatians in December 2022.

Spree Guesthouse general manager Estelle Banda told court that after the four couples checked in it was later discovered that each had a black child in their respective room.

“They stayed at the lodge for five days and when I took them back to the airport, they each carried an African black child. We only noticed they had children on the third day when one of the house keepers found a baby aged a year or so crying,” Ms. Banda said.

Ms. Banda said the guesthouse had no idea when the children were brought into their premises.

And Ndola’s Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport Immigration deputy officer incharge Mercy Phiri narrated that on December 7, last year, she received information that they were Croatians who were planning to leave the country through the airport.

She said the couple had four suspected Congolese children which led to her department to treat it as a suspected human trafficking matter.

“After a tip off, I alerted the officers who were at the exit booth to be aware of the Croatians who had Congolese children and at 11:30 hours, I was informed that the same people were at the exit booth,” she said.

Ms Phiri said after reviewing the passports, it was discovered that the Croatians entered the country as ordinary citizens while information obtained showed that the children entered through Sakanya border.

Ms Phiri further said the accused also produced purported adoption documents which showed that the couples did not go to Congo but were instead in Zambia.

She said when asked how they adopted the children without having to travel to that country, they stated a Congolese lawyer helped them to adopt the children.

Last Tuesday, the eight suspects pleaded not guilty to the offence of attempted trafficking in four children of Congolese origin on the Zambian territory.

The Immigration Department last month in collaboration with police in Ndola stopped an alleged illegal adoption involving four Congolese children who were destined for Croatia.


  1. Noah Kraljevic is no human rights activist. She is a lesbian that mutilated herself by cutting off her breasts, taking testosterone pills to grow beard. She is LGBTQ activist.

  2. How dare! Whites would never let a black couple take white children out of Europe. In fact, they won’t even allow black or brown couples adopt white children. Yet they can brazenly attempt to ‘just’ take African children as if they were stray kittens. Setting bail to K20,000.00 is wholly inappropriate for a possible human trafficker! Should’ve been higher. To the guest house employees, one can only say, well done for being alert. I shudder to think what might have awaited the children once in Croatia. It’s a nasty little Eastern block nation where chimpanzee chants are often directed at black footballers. Why would they want black children??? Doesn’t make sense.

    • Croatia is part of European Union and it is at the level you wont reach in 100 years. Croatia never had any colonies. In fact, we banned slavery before America was discovered. In last decade Croatia is rated in top 5 safest country in the world. We do not have homeless people. Hundreds of african children were adopted lately and can speak croatian. They go to school and dont need to think what will they eat today. Why croats are adopting africans beats me. I would forbid that

  3. I wonder why people steal babies/children. What joy do they get from crying black babies?
    Anyway, thank God there is no death sentence in Zambia.

  4. Please translate this article https://www.vecernji.hr/vijesti/tko-su-hrvati-uhiceni-u-zambiji-medu-njima-su-gitarist-elektromehanicar-profesorica-1648816?utm_source=Linker.hr&utm_medium=widget&utm_campaign=razmjena%2bprometa from Croatian to English to understand that:

    – Noah Kraljevic is transexual, helping gays and transexuals
    – Ivona Kraljevic is lesbian in LGBT

    All people shall have same human rights. So let us now fight for human rights of these children, they have rights to their real parents, and environment and laws of their country. These children shall not become gays in Croatia getting abused by Croatian homosexuals, just because they have money.

  5. The question is how Noah Kraljevi? got the permit for adoption, even though she is a transgender person, that is, a person of the female gender whose legal identification documents indicate male gender.
    This couple actually circumvented Croatian laws that do not allow adoption by those living in same-sex unions.

  6. How did LGBT activist and collaborator Noe Kraljevi? become the guardian of a child from Africa?
    Documentary film in which Noah shows his operation to remove the breasts, that is, the so-called “transition from female to male”, she recorded together with lesbian and LGBT activist Ana Opali?, who in 2020 also became the legal guardian of four-year-old Meri, whom her partner Martina adopted in Africa.

  7. What experiments are these people undertaking you have a dog beauty specialist, a proxy woman…my god ..you wonder where the so called AU is when child trafficking is rampant in DRC….Europeans just fly in and out at will like its a Petshop with no checks whatsoever. Look at how Madonna turned that boy David Banda from Malawi into some lost transgender child.

  8. This is disturbing. My prayer is that we have the capacity to handle this complex nauseating problem. Croatians not good to Africans.

  9. Croatia is part of European Union and it is at the level you wont reach in 100 years. Croatia never had any colonies. In fact, we banned slavery before America was discovered. In last decade Croatia is rated in top 5 safest country in the world. We do not have homeless people. Hundreds of african children were adopted lately and can speak croatian. They go to school and dont need to think what will they eat today. Why croats are adopting africans beats me. I would forbid that

  10. Majority of Croatians are ashamed because if this, our MSM, politicians, left activists and other people who adopted Congolese children earlier are doing everything in favor of this group. The conflict of interest is obvious, they participated in illegal child trafficking as well, I just hope for justice for these children and that political pressures will be ignored by the court.

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