Monday, March 3, 2025

Put God first in order to achieve positive results – President Hichilema


President Hakainde Hichilema has urged citizens to put God first in everything they do if they are to achieve positive results.

The President says nothing meaningful can be done if citizens do not recognize God in their lives and business.

The Head of State said this during the Big Sabbath Day Church Service in Honour of visiting World Leader for the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church, Ted Wilson at the National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka today.

President Hichilema stated that Government will work with the church in various sectors of development for the betterment of Zambia and the world at large.

The President particularly thanked the Seventh Day Adventist church, and other churches in the country for supplementing the Government’s work by investing in areas such as education, health and community Service.

“Without God nothing is possible, without God we may work hard but we may not achieve much, so God leads the way in everything we do”.

He said there is a need to promote unity in diversity anchored on love, hard work and trust as a Christian Nation which is the only way to achieve results.

The church Service was attended by Northern and Southern Conference Union Leaders, Southern Africa- Indian Ocean Division President, Harrington Akombwa, Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament and other Senior Government officials.

And General Conference President, Ted Wilson hailed President Hakainde Hichilema for uniting the country.

Dr Wilson in delivering a Sermon to scores of people gathered at the Stadium said the President has an ambition and goal of lifting the Zambian people through unity.

He said God is working through the President and Ministers as he worked through Joseph in the Bible.

“You see Joseph went through many challenges and difficulties, but Joseph rose to Prominence not to bring glory to himself but help people, and that is what God is calling all of us to do, to serve him as we are called to do, I am very happy that God is leading in Zambia,” he said

Dr Wilson went on saying while in the country, he has had the privilege to visit other provinces in Zambia such as Southern, Copperbelt and Central Provinces.

Meanwhile, Wife to the visiting SDA leader, Shepherdess Nancy Wilson, thanked the Dorcas Mothers of the church for the various Community Services they are doing the country.

She says the Dorcas Mothers have been a force of good will for the communities through the help that they render to people to show the world what Jesus is.

“I praise God for the difference that each one of you is making in your neighbourhoods and communities, thank you my sisters for what you’re doing to show the World what Jesus is and what he wants from us”.


    • How am I crazy? I am asking your f00lish president to put his money where his mouth is. If he is really a man of God he doesn’t need all that millions he stole from poor Zambians. Let him shut his chi mouth.atase

    • These PF idyots at it again!
      In America they don’t call Pope of Seventh Day Adventists as DR.
      Don’t lower his standards to your fathers Dr Nonsese.

  1. Very smart and immaculately dressed. It’s one of the UPND government achievements that now their man is smartly dressed. But why did Zambia’s most successful businessman wait to be Presido to look good?

  2. Just confiscate Kaizar Zulu properties. We all know they were obtained through thefts. The money can be used to help poor Zambians on the Copperbelt who are still suffering.

    • Samuel why do you have so much hate for me? What did I do to you. You preach about me being evil yet you have the ability to hate me when you have never even met me before. You will curse yourself. I believe in God but what I don’t do is worship people the way you upnd f00Is worship your hh. Fuseke

  3. Does Kaizar Zulu ever go to the church. I would like to invite you to my church . The church can change Kaizar Zulu because he is so heartless.

    • I don’t go to tribal churches like yours. Most of you are hateful f00Is who hide behind the church. You are hypocritical sinners who hate on people like me yet you go to church on Sunday acting holy. I am sure your wlfe is being effed by your pastor.

  4. Have u ever heard käîzer say anything about righteousness! all he knows is insulting in addition to his professional stealing anchored on corruption

    • If I steal then why is there no single conviction against my name? I only insult f00Iish chicarlas like you. Continue hating on me while I get richer and receive blessings from god

  5. I witnessed to Kaizer Zulu some time ago about God’s love when he looked and behaved ordinary. Ignored our conversation and was captured by the desire to be famous. Today, Kaizer Zulu is a disciple of his master and his conduct and manner of speech emulates his master – what a sad ending.

    • Hahaha you are a clown. I have never met or spoken with you. How could I when I don’t visit the UK for almost 7 years now. I don’t visit western countries. All my business are in the east. You should buy your wlfe a bag from my shop based in dubai.

  6. This Theodore Norman Clair “Ted N. C.” Wilson president of the General Conference (GC) of the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church must silvating from his mouth given that he has stumbled on across a compliant Head of State like Hakainde to grow the church…as HH will never ever disappoint the white man, he always delivers for them. Just look at mining in Lower Zambezi NP he has delivered that to them.

  7. Sorry I forgot to ask you to lead by example. Don’t put all your hope in the IMF bailout as it might not come soon.

  8. Since 1964, it was UCZ and Katolica, in 1992, we had pentecostals in charge. In 2001, a Baptist did well but died too soon. Then Catholic and Pentes in 2011 to 2021 it was a horror show. Maybe now God will hear the sober SDAs and save Zambia. You Christians if you do not get your act together, you will get an Atheist or Moslem next time.

    • So what if you get an would rather have a leader tell you about a lie and a book written in third person tense!!

    • At least a Atheist tell it straight not like these lying fake money grabbing pastor’s . never mix State and Church

    • Atheists are by all proportion better human beings than sectarian divisive cult followers.

      As for the PRESIDENT’s invoking God, I beg to differ. God is not a servant of mortals. Stop using his name in vain. Keep the poorest of the poor in every political social and economic decision. Eery govt. action plan shall have masses at the center.

    • In third person point of view the narrator is not part of the story and the characters never acknowledge the narrator’s presence like in the bible.

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