Thursday, January 23, 2025

This new curriculum on Sexual Education should not be allowed in our schools-Nevers Mumba


Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) President Dr Nevers Mumba has released a statement expressing concern about the new “Comprehensive Sexual Education” curriculum in Zambia, calling for a review and input from the church, traditional authorities, and parents before its implementation in schools.

Dr Mumba argued that the new curriculum is a threat to Zambia’s standing as a Christian nation and an African society. He stated that any national decision that threatens these values must be debated and reviewed by the custodians of Christian and family values.

“The church, traditional authorities, and parents associations through their PTAs are the real stakeholders in this matter. This new curriculum should not be allowed in our schools until they have had a chance to review it and provide their input,” Dr Mumba said in the statement.

He emphasized that it is the responsibility of Zambia as a Christian nation and a decolonized democracy to choose what to teach its children. Dr Mumba argued that the younger generation is being exposed to modernity without sufficient grounding in national morals and values.

“Our generation was never subjected to such information so early in life, and yet the national morals and values far outstrip that of the newer generation. This is our responsibility as a Christian nation. It is our responsibility as a decolonized democracy to choose for ourselves what we teach our children,” he added.

Dr Mumba’s statement has ignited a national debate, with many Zambians expressing their support for his views. Some parents and religious leaders have called for a thorough review of the new curriculum before it is implemented in schools.

“I agree with Dr Mumba that the new Sexual Education curriculum is a threat to our Christian values and African society. Our children need to be protected from the dangers of early exposure to such information,” said Moses Mulenga, a parent in Lusaka.

Religious leaders have also voiced their support for Dr Mumba’s statement. “We need to protect our children from being exposed to foreign values that threaten our Christian and family values. We support Dr Mumba’s call for a review of the new curriculum,” said Bishop Samuel Banda of the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia.

However, others have criticized Dr Mumba’s statement, saying that the new curriculum is necessary to educate young people about issues such as consent, gender equality, and reproductive health. They argue that denying young people access to such information is a disservice to their development and could lead to dangerous consequences.

“We need to educate our children about sexual health and reproductive rights. This new curriculum will provide them with the necessary information to make informed decisions about their lives,” said Sarah Tembo, a gender activist in Lusaka.


  1. Whether you skip it , they will find it on internet. It is no longer the world of restricted information. Better to to teach and guide before they start discovering on their phones,


  3. The emphasis for the young should be on teaching that se.x is illigal and detrimental before a certain age……..and any suggestions or such actions should be reported.

    Not about inside your mother and ejaculation……….

  4. I agree wholeheartedly with @ Kapiji.
    People like Nevers Mumba who preach these ignorant thoughts are living in cloud cuckoo land.
    Do they believe that keeping young people ignorant is tenable?
    Many of the people that he says to consult have no knowledge on the matter.
    Come on Zambia we are living in the 21st century and these backward thoughts should be got rid of.
    Ignorance is a misfortune not a privilege.
    Modern societies thrive on knowledge share and not on the young not being informed.

    • awe bane… where has this so called knowledge taken us? Teach your children in the comfort of your home dont put this burden on the teachers! most of this curriculum is handed down to us no wander we have to learn about canadian prairies and glaciers when what we have is drought. Bring relevance here .

  5. Mu Zambia namo! A Chinese kid in a fifth grade is already competent with ICT, but in Zambia we’re fighting over irrelevant thing on sexual education. This is the reason we have remained in the same place. The developed countries want us to be stagnant by dictating the stupid curriculum for us whilst they are busy designing theirs in keeping with the world’s economic trends.

  6. This man has he resigned from politics? Politics and religion should not mix because crooks like you take advantage …like here we dont know in what capacity he is talking…has he not heard of the underage pregnanies in Zambia? where is he to comment.

    • @Tarino Orange. Thank you! I have never heard him comment on underage pregnancies and marriages or child abuse, This convict is just a problem with very devious motives no wonder his own sister, Mrs Mwewa, could not keep him when he was homeless.

  7. That is why our colleagues in Islam would not tolerate such things and would introduce what the call Sharia law. This is the most useless school cariculum that has ever been proposed. Some of us knew about sex when we reached 16 years but today if you bring such topics in school, the kids will by all means try to practice it. What a shame to this generation, the copy and paste generation that learns uncultured manners from the western world.

  8. After singing praises for hh because he wanted a job, he hasn’t been offered one. So now he will become objective haha

  9. The problem is old men marrying or having sex with girls under the age of 16 years. In other countries that is a criminal offence with a sentence of up to 15 years in prison. In our Country parents do give away their own children girls under the age of 16 for marriage, in return for money

    • It is those big arms of yours confusing the young girls there abroad. Come and develop this country with your strength and strong arms and not hammering women there. We need you

  10. Some of you are so ignorant because of your so called Christian values, you all are of no earthly use.
    Teenage pregnancy is rampant in Zambia, sexually transmitted diseases is rampant in Zambia, aids is rampant in Zambia.
    And you know why? Because of ignorance.
    And yet many of your so called Christian leaders want to keep it that way.

    • Not quite sir. The things you are talking about are far worse in the US where they teach these things at a much more advanced level.
      Please do some fact checking before making posts.
      Secondly the vitriolic hatred I see from people against christianity is quite interesting, despite fact the fact that the greatest influence in the growth of civilisation and human rights over the last 2000yrs has been christianity. Of course a lot of people will try to dispute this fact, but a genuine and honest study of world history over the last 2000yrs is quite clear.

    • @Ben…abstinence is not hard to teach. And it works. You don’t need an entire elaborate curriculum to teach young kids about sex. You see that image above about ejaculation being taught to Grade 5s? What has that got to do with avoidance of teenage pregnancies and STDs? That material just creates curiosity in young kids minds, and they want to try it out. This whole thing is coming from the West, where young kids are being groomed to be part of the Alphabet agenda, and undermining their moral foundation. Leave our children alone.

  11. We all cry Christian values!
    What Christian values do you have, when you do not full fill even one of the Ten Commandments.
    The Sexual Education curriculum, is just fine to teacher our children as early as possible so that it is taken seriously as a noble cause for our humanity.

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