Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary, Robert Kamalata has assured civil servants in Chilanga district that works on stalled projects will soon commence.
Mr. Kamalata noted that some contracts in the district were terminated due to poor workmanship.
He however, stated that the works will resume as soon as verdict is passed on whether the contractor should continue or not.
Mr. Kamalata was speaking yesterday when he toured the post office, civic centre and district administration block.
He added that government is aware of the office space challenges in the district, adding than the situation will soon normalise.
The Permanent Secretary noted that the district administration block whose total cost is 6.4 million Kwacha and half of the amount was paid.
“Government terminated the contract the district administration block citing poor workmanship, he appealed to the government that the contract was unfairly terminated and it was taken to infrastructure procurement who are studying the appeal,” Mr Kamalata said.
He noted that this month (March) government will give a verdict as to whether the project is going to continue or not.
Mr Kamalata said that the office space in Chilanga is a challenge because government workers are not working from one place.
“They are in different environment others are renting houses and it’s difficult to bring them together so as government we are doing everything possible to ensure that the projects are completed,” he explained.
Mr. Kamalata added that the works at the Post Office will cost 3.2 million Kwacha and the contractor was already paid 38 percent of the amount.
“Due to circumstances beyond the contractors control there were some misunderstandings, but we have come together, we sat down and we have given him up to next week Friday to get back to the site and complete the building,” Mr Kamalata said.
Later the Permanent Secretary interacted with civil servants in the district, advising them to work hard for the district and avoid politics.
He also handed over 10 bicycles to the community volunteers for monitoring and sanitation issues in various communities.
Mr. Kamalata noted that he is hopeful that next week Friday the contractor will be on site to resume the works.
And Chilanga District Commissioner, David Sheleni said the district is in desperate need of a district hospital.
Mr. Sheleni also noted that a number of officers are sitting in borrowed rooms.
He said if the infrastructure projects can be completed, it will help to cushion office challenges.