Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Labour Laws Contraventions Unearthed


Yesterday morning, the Minister of Labour and Social Security, Brenda Tambatamba, accompanied by senior government officials from the Ministry and statutory bodies, conducted a familiarization inspection at BAUDOT CEMENT, also known as Great Wall Cement, and Anshan Lime Company. The inspection was carried out in the Lusaka West industrial area in Chilanga District.

During the inspection, the team discovered several contraventions against the Labour Laws of Zambia. Both companies visited were found non-compliant with employees working without contracts, failure to provide Proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), non-payment of overtime, and some tendencies of casualisation, among others.

“The purpose of our visit was to ensure that companies in the country adhere to labour laws and regulations. We were dismayed to discover that both companies we visited were found to be in breach of the law,” said Minister Tambatamba.

The Labour Commissioner, Givens Muntengwa, who was part of the team, expressed his disappointment at the non-compliance by the companies. “It is unacceptable for companies to flout labour laws and regulations. The law is clear on what employers need to do to ensure that they treat their employees fairly and with respect,” he said.

As a result, the Labour Commissioner has with immediate effect suspended operations at Anshan Lime Company. He has also charged both companies 200,000 penalty units each, translating to K60, 000.00 for each company to pay to the government as a penalty for not adhering to the labour laws. This action was taken under section 10 of the Employment Code Act. No. 3 of 2019, which empowers the Labour Commissioner to take such action.

“We hope that this action sends a clear message to other companies in the country that flouting labour laws and regulations will not be tolerated,” said Minister Tambatamba.

The Minister and her team will continue inspecting companies in Lusaka, and similar inspections are taking place across the country to ensure compliance with labour laws and other statutory obligations at the workplace.

“We want to ensure that companies operating in Zambia create a conducive environment for investment and promote decent work for all Zambians. Compliance with labour laws and regulations is crucial in achieving this goal,” said Minister Tambatamba.

The government has urged companies to comply with the law and ensure that their employees are treated fairly and with respect. The government has also encouraged workers to report any labour law violations to the relevant authorities.

“We are committed to working with stakeholders to promote compliance with labour laws and regulations and create a conducive environment for investment in Zambia,” said Minister Tambatamba.

The Minister and her team have called on all companies operating in Zambia to comply with labour laws and regulations to promote decent work for all Zambians.


  1. Madam Minister, it doesn’t have to take you to do that. If I was in your position, I would discipline the labour officials that aren’t doing their work. That place is under a labour inspector. What are they doing? So many companies are not following the laws. With the new dawn Government, we really must do things differently. How long will it take to change the civil servants mentality to just do their job? I was at ministry of lands other day and the atitude still leaves much to be desired. Get a new team to help you deliver. Change is not being felt other than these stunts from time to time for media coverage.

  2. It has never made sense to me that a policy driver must personally drop to the tactical level in order to ensure her directives are carried out. I will leave it there.

  3. Go to companies Like Varun Beverages who make people work overtime and on holidays for peanuts while their indian fellows get well compensated for their time.

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