Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Illegal mining of manganese in un-authorised area is becoming rampant in Ndola


Illegal mining of manganese in un-authorised area is becoming rampant in Ndola with Police on the Copperbelt so far arresting five people in connection with the matter.

Groups of people have been illegally mining manganese in Ndola’s Lupili residential area in recent times.

Lupili Ward Councilor Emmanuel Mulenga has been raising alarm over the illegal mining activities in the area.

In the latest incident, Police have arrested three people who were found loading manganese onto a truck which they had illegally mined.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba has confirmed
Police officers rushed to the area where the illegal activity was being conducted and managed to arrest three people.

Mr. Mweemba identified the suspects as Thompson Matimba aged 36 years of Chipata Compound in Ndola, Chiza Matimba aged 34 years of Chazanga in Lusaka and Emmanuel Nsamba aged 35 years of Ndeke in Ndola.

The three were charged with the offence of criminal trespass and detained in custody while the truck a Scania and trailer belonging to Shaann Carriers of Lusaka which was found about a quarter loaded with manganese has been impounded and parked at Masala Police Station.

“Kindly be Imformed that Masala Police Station has received a report of illegal mining OB No 1237/2023 which occurred on 04/03/23 at 1030 hrs in Mushili Lupili area of Ndola in which unknown people where illegally mining manganese.
Brief facts are that on 04/03/23 at 1030hrs information was received to the effect that illegal miners were loading manganese onto a truck which they had illegally mined. Police officers rushed to the area where the illegal activity was being conducted and managed to arrest three people; the driver of the truck which was being loaded with manganese M/ Thompson Matimba aged 36 yrs of Hse No 337/14 Chipata Compound Ndl V: Magodi C: Magodi T: Tumbuka D: Lundazi Occ: Driver, M/Chiza Matimba aged 34 yrs of Hse No NSS446 Chazanga Lsk V: Magodi C: Magodi D: Lundazi T: Tumbuka Occ: Co-Driver and M/ Emmanuel Nsamba aged 35 yrs of 2224 Ndeke Ndola V: Kanyanga C: Mutondo D: Kaoma the agent who arranged transport to ferry manganese,” Mr. Mweemba stated.

“They were charged with the offence of criminal trespass and detained in custody while the truck a Scania by make Reg No BAF 2470 and trailer Reg No BAL 7302 belonging to Shaann Carriers of Lusaka which was found about a quarter loaded with manganese has been impounded and parked at Masala Police Station. Investigations are ongoing,” he said.

Meanwhile, in late February, two other suspects were arrested by Police for conducting illegal mining activities in a residential area without permission

“Be informed the Anti Robbery Ndola has received a report of illegal mining activities from a Lupili Ward Councilor M/Emmanuel Mulenga aged 42 years phone number 0964193568, who reported that they was a group of unknown people who where conducting illegal mining activities in a residential area without permission. Police rushed to the scene at Lupili Ward in Mbwana Mukubwa constituency where two people were apprehended namely M/Boyd Mulenga aged 31 yrs of Hse no. A15/5 Hillside area and M/Robby Lukonde aged 27yrs of House no. 3234 Mushili and further impounded a Truck and trailer registration number AJD 5219 and ARB 5923T loaded with suspected magnese driven by M/Henry Mupila aged 41 yrs of Hse 84/27 Mtendere East of Lusaka and the same is kept at Masala Police Station. This occurred between 20:30hrs and 23:30hrs at Lupili Ward near Kaloko area of Ndola. The suspects are detained at Ndola Central Police Station,” Mr. Mweemba stated.


  1. I am just wondering why this government cannot put this house in order, don’t this government have a plan to do this business why did Zambians put them in power if they are not so in adaquate to do the job, this is now getting out of hand.
    Do we have anything to show Zambians that this government is doing something ,it is all lawlessness where ever there minerals what is the plan Mr president , can you stop sleeping on your job Zambians want you to do the right thing arresting people is not development , we want to those mineral wealth God has given us to help Zambia develop do you have any ideas HH.

  2. the problem is that is ministries are sleeping in our pipo should not be called illegal aliens miners instead government is should step in and structure a deal with them teach them better mining practices. we should hear that we are bringing investors when our pipo are demonstrating capability

  3. Before blaming anyone first explain how one changes a culture of lawlessness brought about some previous GRZ’s Overnight

  4. There’s nothing wrong in Zambians exploiting their God given resource. If it were UPND cadres or politicians they could’ve been accorded police escort. Zambia isn’t for political animals alone. Can you immediately release them. Illegalities are happening at the Ministry of Mines and people have lost confidence in their leaders and this is the result. How many projects have been hijacked by those that are supposed to grant people licenses?

  5. Imagine the rotten government doesn’t know where a mineral lies and when I discover it I am called an illegal miner. Just cooperate with these people, help them and some of our suffering will be eliminated.

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