Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Emmanuel Mwamba stands firm on national values and principles amidst foreign pressure


Zambia’s Patriotic Front (PF) Presidential Candidate, Emmanuel Mwamba, has issued a statement emphasizing the importance of not sacrificing national values and principles in light of recent criticism from the United States Embassy in Zambia. Mwamba’s statement came after the Zambian government arrested four LGBTQ activists, a move that was condemned by the U.S. Embassy.

Mwamba stated, “We should not allow foreign values and perversions masquerading as human rights to be forced on Zambia. It is imperative that foreigners that wish to cooperate with us as development partners must respect our national values and principles, and must help us promote and foster our laws, norms, values, culture, and traditions.”

Mwamba added that programs aimed at ending sexual and gender-based violence must not be used to promote LGBTQ+ rights, which he said were offensive to Zambia’s laws, norms, traditional, religious, and cultural values. “Yes, Zambia will fight Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (S&GBV),” he said, “but like other programs such as Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (S&RHR) and Comprehensive Sexuality Education( CSE), these programs must never be used to integrate the Agenda of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Queer (LGBTQ)+.”

The U.S. Embassy had called on Zambia’s leaders to take action against sexual and gender-based violence, focusing resources on preventing SGBV and holding perpetrators accountable, and ensuring all people realize the full and equal freedoms, rights, and protections they are guaranteed under the law.

Mwamba’s statement highlighted the need to address sexual and gender-based violence in Zambia, but emphasized the importance of doing so in a manner that respects the country’s values and principles. He further noted that Zambia must not allow foreign values and perversions masquerading as human rights to be forced on the country.

“While we appreciate the support of the United States Embassy in condemning sexual and gender-based violence, we reject any suggestion that our nation should be compelled to adopt practices and ideologies that are not compatible with our cultural and traditional values,” Mwamba said.

While Zambia is being recognized as a poster boy of Africa by the West and is set to host international conferences promoting democracy, Mwamba asserted that the country must never sacrifice its soul in the process. “Even as Zambia is being identified and fronted as a poster boy of Africa by the West and will be rewarded with official high-level visits from such countries and will host international conferences promoting democracy, it must never come at the expense or expedient of sacrificing the soul of the nation,” he said.

Mwamba’s statement underscores the need for Zambia to remain true to its values and principles while addressing issues such as sexual and gender-based violence. The statement serves as a reminder that development partners must respect Zambia’s cultural and traditional values and work to promote and foster the country’s laws, norms, values, culture, and traditions.


  1. So is Zambia an American colony now? Why is the American ambassador condemning the arrest of the law breakers? Does he realize that just like America has laws, Zambia has its own laws too that need to be obeyed and respected? What does he not understand that Zambians do not accept this homosexual lifestyle? But then again, all these are HH’s buddies. They’re trying to effectively turn Zambia into an American colony, and impose their culture on it. A Zambian ambassador in America cannot begin to condemn laws that forbid polygamy there. So why is the American ambassador trying to undermine Zambian laws? He needs to mind is own business and leave Zambian laws alone.

  2. Can these PF elections take place quickly? We are tired of amateur lectures on national leadership from every loudmouth. Every candidate of Mkobeko prison cells. National values should be preached by those who have a clean slate not those being chased by the ACC

  3. Yes we need to define our national values . Since removing KK who used to define them we’ve been silent about these. All our new leaders say nothing about our values preferring to pursue only Western economic theories that they dont understand and which so far have failed to drive us forward .

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