Thursday, March 13, 2025

Global Fund allocates $350 million to fight HIV, Tuberculosis in Zambia


The Global Fund has allocated 350 Million United States Dollars to Zambia aimed at accelerating the fight against HIV/ AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and COVID 19 for the next three years.

Speaking during the media briefing today, Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) Chairperson Joshua Banda said the grant cycle will run from 2024 to 2026.

Bishop Banda said HIV programs have received the highest allocation of 251,027,914 United States Dollars followed by Malaria with 77,243,020 USD.

He said tuberculosis interventions have received 21,508,410 in the main allocation adding that a further 12,400,000 has been allocated as catalytic matching funds to cater for pre-exposure prophylaxis and community systems strengthening and response.

Bishop Banda explained that Zambia has also been allocated in principle a separate 32, 350,375 million USDs for COVID 19 funds in a separate stream of application from the support the three diseases.

“ This allocation amount represents an increase of 34 million compared to the 315 million USDs which the fund allocated to Zambia in the current implementation period which started in 2021 ending at the close of this year. Bishop Banda noted.

And speaking at the same event Minister for Health Sylvia Masebo thanked the Global Fund for the investment that she described as an incredible partnership.

Ms Masebo said this will no doubt accelerate the fight against the four diseases.

She observed that the government has made significant strides in the fight against the four diseases but that more still needs to be done.

Ms Masebo added that with such partnerships she is optimistic that this will be managed especially for the marginalized 1.2 million people that are living with HIV.

“This is an incredible investment not only for the ministry of health but also for the people of Zambia that will be served in different spheres.” Ms Masebo added.

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