The leader of the opposition in Parliament, Brian Mundubile, has criticized Ms. Harris for not paying a courtesy call on MPresident Edgar Lungu, who he describes as the “Father of the Nation” and the only existing former President of Zambia.
Mr. Mundubile, who is also the PF Presidential Candidate, has said that visiting Heads of State or their Vice-Presidents usually meet the incumbent President, visit former Presidents, visit the Speaker, and lay wreaths on former Presidents’ graves. He argues that it was a diplomatic blunder for Ms. Harris to do everything except visit Mr. Lungu.
According to Mr. Mundubile, President Lungu’s record of uniting Zambia through infrastructure development, including constructing roads, airports, and flyover bridges, changed the face of the country. He says that Ms. Harris should have recognized President Lungu’s achievements and paid him a visit during her trip.
Mr. Mundubile also argues that as America is pushing the agenda of democracy in Africa, Ms. Harris should have paid a visit to Zambia’s former President, who handed over power to the UPND Administration in a smooth transition, thereby enhancing the country’s democratic credentials.
Many Zambians feel that President Lungu should have been high on Ms. Harris’s agenda, considering the significant role he played in Zambia’s development and democracy. Visitors to Zambia would want to know that there was one former President who did a lot for the country, and it is crucial to appreciate his efforts, according to Mr. Mundubile.
Ms. Harris visited Zambia to attend the Democracy Summit, held at Mulungushi International Conference Centre, and landed at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport, both modern facilities built during President Lungu’s tenure with support from countries like China and India.
Organizers of the US Vice-President’s events in Zambia should have been fair to her and arranged for a visit to President Lungu, according to Mr. Mundubile. The opposition leader believes that it was an opportunity for Ms. Harris to appreciate President Lungu’s efforts in ensuring that Zambia’s democratic credentials remained high and that the country’s development was taken to another level.
How can she visit him when it’s her government is suspected of removing him from office? We Zambians seriously need to examine our heads. We should stop this inferiority complex and start shaping our own future. Throughout it’s history, USA only knows destruction but even when it’s done right under our noses, we still think their presence on our soil is one of saviour. Our chiefs made this mistake and sadly I see this mistake being repeated by our leaders. The best president Lungu can do is to educate our young leaders on some of his experiences with these people.
@FutureZed. Zambians did not need America or anyone to kick Lungu out. He messed himself up.
Lungu had to be kwempad by late Rupiah Banda to pass on power to HH. Lungu knows jack about democracy. Kamwala Alice is privy to this narrative and has better things to do than waste time on historical relics like Lungu.
Yes but if you remove your selective memory, you will find that the Americans threatened our government during elections when our soldiers where put on high alert. You also forgot the people who where spreading fake news about our country being taken over by China. The president even mentioned that there were external forces involved during our elections.
Your Mundubile is an idyot to the core.
Did HH or your Edgar visit Bill Clinton, Obama etc? You idyot!
The Zambia Daily Mail reports that Lungu shunned Kamala. And the UPND is complaining over this
Lungu is a pariah ex president…………
He messed himself up and nearly dragged the country down with him………….
The father of nation does not meet gay Lords. He wouldn’t have wanted to meet an imperial manner less pro gay black token vp
Lungu has not complained leave him alone you politicians. if he speaks you say Kutumpa. Wisdom people do not talk much.
Wisdom people for sure!!! Kikiki
Ati America removed Lungu? Be serious. Don’t reduce the collective resolve that the majority of Zambians had to kick the PF out.
However, it was a huge oversight for the team to not have included Lungu. Also, I am hard at pains to see why Harris was here, other than the 16 million she promised in the right against corruption.
Zambians never learn from history…wait and see what the Americans will do to you.
Ba Mundubile did Edgar Lungu ask to meet Harris? I thought he had retired and doesnt want to be involved in active politics? Anyway you are the opposition. You just have to look for something to oppose
The PF will never recover…………
Rebranding is not working……they seem to miss the point.
Lungu was the worst thing that ever happened to PF , except the caders who got rich…………when PF admit this, they will move on.
Lungu brought a party that had acsses to billions while in GRZ to its knees……….surviving on GRZ and extortion.
We have sick politicians who do not even remember what they say.
It is very important to remember that in politics there are no permanent enemies because politics is like the wind and can blow any where.
Equally important to remember in politics is that the devil you know is better than the Angel you DO NOT KNOW.
Politics must never be played by a fool who rushes in where angels fear to tread.
It is important to understand that politics is an involved situation with no eyelids because in that moment it would have eluded you.
Lungu is a has been.
The woman had important matters to discuss. What would Zambia have gained with her talking to him.
“To every rule there is an exception—and an ***** ready to demonstrate it. Don’t be the one!”
Malabishi… only African low life presidents do that BS stuff. Lungu hasn’t done anything of international significance to deserve a visit from a Vice POTUS. I could bet if KK was alive, perhaps Kamala Harris would have visited him.
That’s like asking HH to pay a courtesy call on Trump when he visits Biden. Sometimes you wonder where some of these leaders went to school.
“Father of the Nation”?!? Atase, ma rubbish!!
I totally agree with observations by Nostradamus and Razor.
All the time Harris was in Zambia Lungu was “cut rubbish” after swallowing gallons of fake Jameson Whisky from Windhoek! I hear he even wet his pants! It would have been a shame for Zambia really, nobody should be made to visit that SOB. Maybe Kiir of Sudan since they both wet their pants, vipuba!
Lungu, ki namunungu wa ndalabangwana! Kipeto mutu wa icocomeza mwa sikapani sa ndwafulu kusi fufulisa ka mioko kuli yena u bamai Harris wamu siloka. Litoto tuni mu tokolomohe butoto, minungu yamina.
U uoo usebanya abanakwe mwibala, nao bamusebanya mwibala.
He who denounces his friends in public, him too is denounced in public.