Thursday, January 2, 2025

Minister of Finance Signs Statutory Instrument to Suspend Duty on Imported Mealie Meal to Stabilise Prices


The Government has implemented a statutory instrument that suspends the duty on imported mealie meal, when imported by a holder of an import permit issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. The measure is aimed at addressing the shortage of mealie meal in some parts of the country and is expected to increase the availability of the commodity.

The suspension of duty on imported mealie meal is part of the Customs and Excise (Suspension) (Maize (Corn) Flour) Regulations, 2023, which were gazetted and came into operation on 6th April, 2023. This measure is expected to stabilize mealie meal prices and ensure that citizens have access to affordable food.

In recent months, citizens have been queuing for hours to buy a bag of mealie meal. The shortage has led to high prices, with a bag of mealie meal fetching a minimum of K250. Many citizens are frustrated and angry over the situation, which they believe is due to government officials and aligned ruling party businessmen engaging in smuggling activities.

To address the shortage, the Zambia National Service (ZNS) has offloaded 5,000 bags of mealie meal in the Copperbelt Province. The ZNS will continue to supply mealie meal to the province every week to help address the shortage of the commodity.

Copperbelt Minister Elisha Matambo announced that a task force has been put in place to curb the rampant smuggling of mealie meal in the province. The task force has impounded over 15,000 bags of mealie meal and confiscated over 70 vehicles used in smuggling activities. Mr. Matambo urged citizens to be vigilant and report any illegal activity related to mealie meal smuggling.

The suspension of duty on imported maize flour is expected to stabilize the prices of mealie meal and ensure that citizens have access to affordable food.


  1. “Chipantepante”- exporting bags of maize, and shortly thereafter buying back the same bags of maize you exported because you’re now starving.

  2. Good strategy that will beat the smugglers and protect the FRA strategic stocks.This will allow Zambians to import mealie meal and immediately export it to DRC , Malawi and Kenya. The FRA stocks will remain intact and given to selected millers to service the local market.
    The imported Mealie Meal will obviously land in Zambia at a cost greater than K220K. In South Africa a 25kg bag retails for ZAR220 and will be expensive for the local consumers in Zambia. Only way to make a profit will be to export to neighboring countries were a 25kg bag fetches for between K350-K500.
    Excellent plan.

    • How can you seriously type what you typing with a straight face: “allow Zambians to import mealie meal and immediately export it to DRC , Malawi and Kenya.” you think if those countries you mentioned are stupiid and if they knew already they would be buying from middlemen in Zambia. I can guaranteed you USA will be quick to assist jsut so their farmers can profit…I would not be surprised if yellow maize was back in the country. And SA is not going to open the flood gates and end up like Zambia…depleting its reserves.

    • Independent and your fellow praise singers, you are 0 f00ls. After running out of the brand you had through reckless selling, you can boast of importing.

      Ba praise singer are you normal people.

  3. I warned you that this was a bluff…very predictable. So you want to export organic maize in exchange of GMO maize to come in at duty free? These chaps are cashing in big time. Watch how the GMO maize will flood our market. God help us.

  4. This has been a big c$%k up by the govt of Hakainde…reducing a country from a major maize meal exporter to an importer in less than 6 months and there is more shocking news to regarding the coming planting season. You can not run a country like a company.

  5. Give time to HH. He is the best President, tirelessly working for economic emancipation. Results will take time but in medium term, people will appreciate the steps he is taken bg, including financial discipline and focused ecomic path.

    • Miss us with that nonsense man. This American puppet is failing already. The results so far are mediocre and pathetic. I doubt these UPND guys can even run a lemonade stand. Can’t wait for 2026 to vote these good for nothing bunch.

  6. I never imagined that a time like this would happen. I truly believed mtolo and the president. Surely how can we believe and have trust in our govt after this.

  7. Total circus. You export maize to neighbouring countries and then import mealie meal!
    Bu munshebwa, this is the end result.

  8. Very disappointing leadership to say the least. Someone needs to be fired here. We are watching you with an eagle eye.

  9. HH and his UPND don’t seem to know what they’re doing so far. There’s clear evidence of poor planning and lack of foresight. These guys can’t even qualify to be dog catchers. They need to go come 2026. And no I’m not a PF supporter, as they were a corrupt bunch. Anyone but UPND and PF. They’re both failures.

  10. Upnd are f.ools lacks vision,no passion no direction for the country, When Pf was leaving office they left 1.5 million metric tonnes of maize, the i.diots with a spirit of privatization stared exporting our grain, the grain they did not grow. You don’t play games when it comes to food security you id.iots
    For upnd everything is madilu system that is a big problem.
    They have given away our mineral resources. Homosexuality and gay rights can protest for the first time in the history of this country. Corruption is the order of the day, I think these are worse then Pf. We are still waiting for the idi.ot and ministry of finance to sue Mr Zulu!

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