Friday, March 14, 2025

President Hichilema directs the sale of luxury vehicles purchased for senior government officials during UPND regime


President Hakainde Hichilema of Zambia has directed Secretary to the Cabinet Patrick Kangwa to ensure that all luxury vehicles bought for senior government officials during the UPND regime are sold. The President made the directive to the Cabinet Secretary during the presidential delivery unit leadership workshop in Lusaka.

The President noted that his administration had vowed to curb extravagance among government officials, which was evident in the previous administration. Therefore, he emphasized the need to adhere to that vow, further stating that the luxury vehicles were unnecessary. He reiterated his government’s commitment to serving the people of Zambia and ensuring accountability from appointed officials.

President Hichilema expressed disappointment that some ministers and permanent secretaries had failed to deliver on their mandates and were instead busy globetrotting. He challenged senior government officials to be accountable to the electorate, who, despite facing difficult circumstances, still voted for them.

The President’s directive is part of his administration’s efforts to reduce government spending and curb corruption. He has repeatedly emphasized the need for appointed officials to deliver on their mandates to ensure the effective implementation of his government’s policies and programs.

The sale of luxury vehicles previously bought for senior government officials is expected to raise revenue for the government while also signaling the administration’s commitment to cutting unnecessary expenses. The public has praised the President’s decision, with many calling it a step in the right direction towards good governance.

In conclusion, the President’s directive to sell luxury vehicles bought for senior government officials during the UPND regime is a sign of his administration’s commitment to accountability and reducing government spending. The move is likely to be welcomed by the public and further demonstrates the President’s commitment to implementing his government’s policies and programs effectively.


  1. they will be sold on auction as they aregoverment property andthey second hand now. ministers will get priority which thy buy big discount. this is a simple scam if he meant well they would not have bought them

  2. Hakainde is a comedian. So he doesn’t know that even mayor’s have bought luxury vehicles. The chingola mayor has got the latest prado.

    When did he know about the luxurious vehicles. Does it mean that he wasn’t informed when the vehicles were being bought.

    • How will Zambians know that the money sought to buy cars for those officers is not coming from government? All we hear is that Chingola Council has bought vehicles with privately sourced funds. Funds from where? If you don’t reveal then you have everything to secretely hide.

  3. This is a great announcement and one I’m so very happy to hear… I have been one of the few commentators on this news site that has for years, day after day been yapping about luxury SUVs and my distaste of them, and how they are a drain to public resources. Finally we have a leader that has taken the first step to do away with these symbols of VIP vanity. Well done …this is what real development is about.

    • 2020Vision, whatever you call yourself. Are you telling the world Hakainde did not know ministers had bought these vehicles. If your president is smart enough, he wouldn’t have allowed the vehicles to be bought in the first place. How much are they going to be sold and who is going to buy them.

  4. Hakainde is a c0medi@n. So he doesn’t know that even mayor’s have bought luxury vehicles. The chingola mayor has got the latest prado.

    When did he know about the luxurious vehicles. Does it mean that he wasn’t informed when the vehicles were being bought.

    • Hakainde is NOT c0medi@n, someone else is a comedian. Look, your ECL would have never taken such a stance.
      The problem is that the Zambian people’s mentality is about getting rich at all costs. HH made it clear at the beginning of his term that Ministers should use the vehicles they inherited. The fact that they disobeyed, goes with the mentality. Guess what, he has acted and should be commended for that instead of you criticizing. He is setting a standard, which means that, moving forward it will become harder for the ministers to be purchasing those expensive SUVs. Give HH credit for once, iwe.

    • Iwe Henry stop degrading the world’s most salvaging profession. You cant compare it with Zambia’s state House occupants who dont know a thing about saving citizens. Comedians save lives. Without Comedians hospitals would be full of depressed patients. Zelensky, a comedian is the president who is trying to save Ukraine from invasion

  5. Where have you been your excellence? Whose cars did you think are those luxury vehicles that appear when you meet your cabinet?
    Guys let’s be serious. Let’s not insult each others’ intelligence

    • Henry, my friend, do you have subordinates and if so, do you fire each one anytime you find out that the individual made a mistake? Do you believe in giving people a second chance to learn from their mistakes? You just said even Mayor`s have bought those expensive cars, should they be fired too? As I mentioned above, this is a mentality shift, you don’t resolve by firing. HH is setting the tone, if it happens that the same Minister again goes to buy a SUV, then I will be on your side to get that I.dd.iot fired. I think this is a starting point, let’s just all support YOUR PRESIDENT.

  6. The vehicles will not be sold at the same price they were bought. To this is not revenue to benefit.

    Can Hakainde explain the mode of sale????

    • It’s called depreciation, therefore, those cars can never be sold at the same price. Even if the car was bought yesterday and sold today.
      For the “mode of sale”, go and ask Secretary to the Cabinet Patrick Kangwa, who has been tasked, Don’t bother the President with such, although I respect your opinion.

  7. When we say a failed government you think we are lying. We are seeing historic levels of extravagance under upnd. They buy cars then sell them for a cheap price to themselves.

  8. imagine if your boss at work described your manager as inefficient and globetrotting so you i willl not fire you but from now use the Toyota for globetrotting no more mark x for u. this is why zambia can’t go forward. if the tyre doesn’t work change it fast you ‘because no matter how efficient you want the car to be flat tyres ensure the trip is canceled

    • He keeps crying about inefficient workers yet he is their boss!
      Instead of whingeing about incompetent workers fire them! Why are you scared to fire them? because you are equally incompetent?

  9. Mr Chief Editor stop commenting on stories. It is unethical. Comment should be done separately and be clearly labelled as “Editorial” This should be separate from the report so your conclusion with its sentiments are not needed. Otherwise you are giving us propaganda dressed as news.

  10. What we don’t know yet is the motive behind disowning a jet and cars by our Zambian president. Is it worth it? Where is the person who disobeyed the presidential order not to buy luxurious cars? Is the president superstitious that he has to wear gloves when addressing people at State House or it is a real concern at stake, that the House needs proper disifection? Won’t our president be linked to graft after these car saleoffs. Is the president’s wish to sell the jet owing to black magic or he means well to dispose of it and serve Zambians from hunger? Posterity will answer these accusing questions.

  11. In 2013, trying so hard to be darling of the West, Joyce Banda searched for popularity by vilifying Bingu wa Mutharika. She insisted on selling luxurious cars and the presidential jet choosing hitchhiking private airlines on her international trips. The jet was bought for $22mn and sold at $15mn to Virgin Islands firm.
    By 2014, it was reported she fraudulently connived with the buyers of that jet, and secretely rode on same plane she condemned and sold!

  12. Mexico’s Manuel Lopez, has refused to fly on his predecessor’s jet which was finally auctioned, half the price, last week to the Tajikistan government pegged at $92m. (They were lucky to even have recovered this money). Enrique Nieto bought it at $200mn in 2012. Our Gulfstream was also bought at $200mn as well. How much will we realize from the sale? At the same time leaving it parked in the shade accumulates idle costs.

  13. Mambala HH trying his privatisation tactics he wants the vehicles sold cheap to his friends.This time we are watching

  14. Is HH being serious or is he just joking….HH is a big crook….stealing from Zambians in broad day light…so his Ministers will buy these cars for pennies…in short HH knew what he was doing when they bought these cars….use them for a year and give them away…he cares less even if it’s wasting Tax payers money…..

  15. It will only make sense if he sells them at the same price they paid for them brand new… imagine buying a car at US$150 000 and and selling it for less than US$3000…to himself…his family members…his close friends and his Ministers and UPND cadres….and you thought Lungu was a Bandit..

    • They should have not bought them in the first place; it is a loss as they will be sold as second hand. One Zambia one nation. God bless Zambia!

  16. I fail to understand how some of you can be against such a pragmatic move by the President? Those cars serve no purpose except to feed on egos, there are a huge cost to the state when it comes to maintenance, the point is to show high office holders that this is no longer business as usual as was the case in MMD and PF. This is a paradigm shift we are witnessing and one that must be encouraged as it will lead to a mindset change that will bring real development in the nation. Thomas Sankara did the same thing.

    It shows how petty some of the commentators on this site here are.

    Just continue on this path with these directives and we are on the right path to development.

  17. Some think being president is like running a coner shop………..

    The president can’t know everything, certainly not what car so and so has bought………

    Let this be a starting point………

    Well done Mr President……………

  18. Praise Singers are so gullible ..if HH tells them to drink doom pesticide..they will do it without any hesitation especially Spaka,Tikki,General Kanene,2020 vision….very dull pompwes…they’re cheering their small god HH whilst he’s busy looting and selling government assets to himself and his family

  19. kkkkkk good step made so far check mate.But in the first place why were the vehicles bought?If i recall my mind very well we were told the govt did not buy any VX vehicles but today they want to sell the same cars which were never bought by this govt, mmmmmmm kkkkkk check mate.And the same minister are the ones who again will buy the same cars mmmmm kkkkkkk check mate.Lyashi lya pansaka ilyo.

  20. Give these cars to your ministers on loan, interest free loan. Sell them to your guys. After all you bought those vehicles for them initially.

  21. If he’s genuine let him extend that directive to all parastatals and government departments and agencies. Except for those SUV’s that are bought by donors. GRZ does not need all those SUV’s unless being used for operational duties not going to meetings, conferences/workshops, visiting personal farms or plots, shopping, partying…

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