Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Mealie Meal being Imported for Foreign Markets is Safe for Consumption-Government


The government has assured citizens that the mealie meal being imported and destined for the foreign market is safe for human consumption.

Speaking yesterday morning on 5FM Tuesday’s edition of the Burning Issue Programme, Ministry of Information and Media Director Spokesperson Thabo Kawana said the mealie meal poses no danger to people as the National Biosafety Authority (NBA), whose core business is to regulate genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the country has certified the mealie meal safe.

“The NBA has communicated that the mealie meal being imported and destined for export is safe for human consumption both within and beyond Zambia ‘s borders,” he said.

Mr. Kawana said the mealie imported is meant for export in order to satisfy the foreign market and secure the local market. Mr. Kawana revealed that Zambia and South Africa are the only countries in the region that have maize as the region has been negatively affected by climatic conditions hence it depending on the two countries.

He further said that Zambia boasts of the cheapest maize and mealie meal in the region prompting other countries to buy their maize and mealie from Zambia thereby creating an artificial shortage.

“To secure our local market, we allowed for the importation of mealie meal from South Africa so that we satisfy the international market which is highly dependent on the Zambian market,” Mr. Kawana said.

He said the imported mealie meal is strictly for exports and not for local consumption as it is expensive.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kawana dispelled allegations that government through the Registrar of Societies plans to deregister the opposition Patriotic Front. He charged that the PF has failed to comply with the rules as required at the Registrar of Societies.
He cited the incomplete documentation attached to the Office Bearers of the party such as Green National Registration Card and Security Clarence.

He appealed to the PF to do the right thing by complying with the requirements as stipulated in the Societies Act governing the operations of political parties.

On the NAPSA partial withdraw of pension, Mr. Kawana said is was a promise made by President Hakainde Hichilema while in opposition and what has transpired is the fulfilment of the promise.

“NAPSA partial withdrawal of pension was not done for appeasement but to allow people to get what they have worked for while they are still energetic enabling them to invest.”

He assured citizens that the NAPSA system is constantly being monitored and upgraded to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the disbursement of partial benefits.


  1. Where is the Govt Spokeslady? Why is she in that office if she is that useless? Who can trust this cadre Thabo Kawana whose position was just created for him in the mnistry I am surprised no one challenged the legitimacy of this position in Parliament.
    Surely what equipment has this National Biosafety Authority (NBA) got to ascertain that a product is GMO do they even have labs…why have they not said anything?

  2. What boggles my mind is that not too long ago we were exporting maize.

    Now we’re importing mealie meal.

    Okay, I get it. We have no capacity to add value to our maize, so we exported the maize so that we import the finished product- mealie meal.

  3. Just imagine someone who lives on a farm that has water through out the year coming to buy vegetables at Chisokone market when he should be the one selling. What a shame.
    Be honest we won’t bite you.

  4. A pension is a pension. You only benefit when you retire. I hope there won’t be complications and complaints when these young people’s time comes to retire. By that time Kawana will either be residing at Memorial Park or a very old frail chap riddled with dementia.

  5. Kawana should ask those who have retired and are beneficiary of the Napsa life pension if they have any regrets for having waited.

  6. Talk is cheap…can someone explain it to me please…..WE EXPORTED MAIZE AND NOW WE ARE IMPORTING THE SAME MAIZE….where’s the logic…Africa we joke too much

  7. Of course he can’t say: This mealie meal we have imported has the potential of causing cancerous diseases if not properly boiled… can he?

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