Saturday, March 29, 2025

Recording of Phone Conversation of HH Resolving the Maize Problem in North Western Province




  1. Ba Lsk Times where are the old veterans such as Mushota, Jay Jay and Kudus???

    Those where the days…

    Ba Mushota best voted BB2014 and 2016 lol

    Yaba zoona ama guys bali kuti?

  2. This is highly contentious for the minister to record his president and then release the material. Whatever the president discusses with his ministers outside of a media interview ought to be privileged information, especially this phone call.
    Ba HH should show leadership and fire this man.

    • Very true. In fact journalists because they are prone to do such, are warned that courts can only accept the defence of public interest for this kind of “secret” recordings. If HH complains in this case it will be a criminal case

  3. Why moderate a comment that says the minister should be fired for recording a phone call with the President and allowing the same to be published?

    • How did the admin allow this? They moderate and filter genuine comments but they allow this???

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