Sunday, September 8, 2024

ZEMA Approves Proposed Construction of A Multimillion Dollar Hospital In Lusaka West


The Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) has in accordance with the Environmental Management Act No. 12 of 2011 (“the EMA”) and the Environmental Protection and Pollution Control (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations, Statutory Instrument No. 28 of 1997, approved the proposed construction of a multi-million-dollar specialized hospital in Lusaka West.

The specialized hospital will be constructed through the Zambia Medical Association Cooperative at a total project cost of Forty Million US Dollars (US $ 40,000,000) which is equivalent to Seven Hundred and Twenty Million Kwacha (K720,000,000) by Brentwood Health Solutions Limited and is envisaged to contribute to the Government’s efforts to increase access to health care services.

During the second sitting for the month of April, the Environmental Assessment Committee (EAC) approved a total of 75 projects from the total 87 considered projects. This is part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process which assists to predict and mitigate possible negative environmental, health and social impacts that can result from implemented projects.

The total investment value for all considered projects in April is over One Hundred and Forty- Four Million US Dollars ( US$ 144,511,631 ) which is equivalent to over Two Billion Kwacha (K2, 178,239,054.14).

Projects in Infrastructure represented the highest investment value whilst tourism projects represented the lowest investment value.

The Agency remains committed to ensuring efficiency and effective service delivery by processing submitted project reports within the stipulated time frame as enshrined in the law and contribute to sustainable national development.

The Board and Management of ZEMA greatly appreciates the support and guidance of the Government through the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment.


  1. Here again is where our leaders in the past have let us is a specialised private hospital costing $40million this is three times more than what Dr Chilufya in PF was sending on Ambulances. Ibet you most of them are on bricks by now awaiting parts which they can never afford because they are Mercedes parts.

  2. Who is Brentwood Health Solutions Limited? When you do a search all you come with is a company called Brentwood Health on UK company register specialising in Nursing Home activites.

  3. Who says all amenities in Zambia have to be in Lusaka? Yet our Presidents never even use them because they are flown abroad for flu. Why are we trying to aid the migration of every rural Zambian to Lusaka where we have no homes for them? At least when I spent one week in Cuba I noticed the homeless and beggars were not as visible as in Lusaka

    • It’s not the government that is promoting this hospital project. The owners of the money have decided to locate it in Lusaka.

    • Sunga Ilunga – At times please try to make balanced comparisons you dont know nothing about Cuba’s history it probably has enough doctors per population than UK. If you were an investor in a private “specialist” hospital where would you locate it in Zambia? Chipata? Katete? Kasama? No you would locate in either Lusaka or Ndola or Kitwe that’s where there is the highest concentration of middleclass who can afford your services. You think this $40 million just dropped from the sky.
      Wake up!!

    • Sunga Ilunga – At times please try to make balanced comparisons you dont know nothing about Cuba’s history it probably has enough doctors per population than UK. If you were an investor in a private “specialist” hospital where would you locate it in Zambia? Chipata? Katete? Kasama? No you would locate in either Lusaka or Ndola or Kitwe that’s where there is the highest concentration of middleclass who can afford your services. You think this $40 million just dropped from the sky.

    • @Gunner But then why are you defending government when noone has mentioned government?

  4. If its a private hospital how affordable will it be,? There are do many private hospitals in Lusaka now but all beyond the reach of the average zambian who has to make do with GRZ services.

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