Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Socialist Party President Dr Fred M’membe unveils job-creation strategy focused on education, health and peasant agriculture


Socialist Party President Dr Fred M’membe has released a statement on the party’s job creation strategy centered on education, health, and peasant agriculture. M’membe said that if elected, his party would provide free education from nursery to university and allocate no less than 25% of the national budget to education. To have an effective education system, the running of schools will include a broad spectrum of workers, such as human resources personnel, IT experts, accountants, marketing personnel, cleaners, drivers, mechanics, gardeners, nurses, clinical officers, and catering staff, among others. The health sector will also be used to create more jobs by expanding Zambia’s health services in terms of quantity and quality, which will need more workers such as nurses, clinical officers, doctors, pharmacists, radiographers, and many other health and general workers.

The Socialist Party will prioritize peasant agriculture, and M’membe stressed that they will not use traditional methods but instead will transform the sector by providing appropriate ploughs, planters, harvesters, and other necessities. They will set up factories all over the country employing engineers, technicians, HR people, accountants, IT experts, marketing and sales staff, drivers, mechanics, nurses, clinical officers, and other staff to produce these agricultural equipment. The factories will also produce agricultural chemicals and veterinary medicines for livestock, creating more jobs. The agricultural output produced by the factories will need to be delivered to the farmers, creating logistics jobs for drivers, mechanics, and other support staff.

Furthermore, the cotton produced in Nyimba, Petauke, Katete, Chipata, Chadiza, Lundazi, Chama, and other places will not leave Eastern Province unprocessed. Textile factories will be established employing people from all over the country in various roles. The factories will produce reels of all sorts of cloth, which will be turned into shirts, trousers, dresses, caps, canvas shoes, belts, and many other products. The finished products will need to be packaged, so factories producing packaging materials will also be created. These factories will create even more jobs, such as drivers needed to transport the finished products from the factories to the ports of Dar-es-Salam, Walvis Bay, and Durban, and delivery trucks will need to be serviced by mechanics.

M’membe said that their job creation strategy would not only create more jobs but also transform Zambia’s education, health, and agriculture sectors. The party aims to provide free education, expand health services, and transform peasant agriculture by providing appropriate equipment and setting up factories all over the country. Their strategy will also create more jobs in other sectors of the economy, such as mining, construction, and forestry.


  1. Mmembe is a formidable force giving upnd sleepless nights.

    It is Friday and I am off from my businesses today. I am relaxing in my garden alone smoking a blunt with my garden boybefore my f00Iish kids return home.

    • How can moribund ideas that failed during the era of the former Soviet Union give UPND sleepless nights? Wake up!

  2. 25 percent of budget in education? Much as education is important, it doesn’t generate income. The biggest challenge that Zambia faces is making money. These fairy tales can only be achieved when we have a healthy and fully funded budget. Where do we get the money? Anyone can make plans. So far, Sean Tembo seems to have practical solutions for the country.

    • Factually wrong. How do you think education works in the industrialised world? research and development generates income. it is about how things are structured and that what dr Membe is talking about. companies don’t come up with new things out of the blue. They collaborate with learning institutions to achieve such, through sponsoring R&D. And conversely learning institutions earn a lot of money in the process. something that is evidently missing in our educational strategy. its about joined up thinking.

  3. Someone has been reading the UNIP manifesto..but as we now know promises, promises, promises are but lip service to the cause once in power they all run away…we are still awaiting the bulldozer to converge on forest 27 structures….

  4. Efyo mulanda when you are in opposition…. like ba mbuli banenu, you will start fumbling as soon as you are sworn in. The only person who knew how to create jobs was our KK. The rest ni bangwele, they just know how to destroy jobs.

  5. @ Deja Vu, i think KK just took over well to do companies under the British rule. That could be the reason the muzungu is still convinced that he is far much advanced than us. Most of our leaders are just selfish politicians. Look at the way M’membe is dreaming. Not long ago they were busy condemning the free education but now it seems it will work under them. We are tired of fake promises. The best is to engage the current leadership even at personal level and see how you can improve instead of trying to paint a bad picture 2026 is still far and one can learn one or two things.

  6. Any one can have a very good manifesto. At this stage I would really like every serious party president to practically demonstrate how they will mobilise funds or simply put where they will find money to fund their seemingly very appetising manifestos.

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