Saturday, March 29, 2025

Copperbelt Provincial Minister and Kitwe Mayor’s Verbal Fight




  1. Lady don’t be intimidated by this idyot. He’s trying put words into your mouth. This doesn’t connect you with what he’s implying that you are playing with the president. Oh God why are so unlucky to end up with numbskulls as leaders.

    • She is a coward lying PF cader……..

      She said he should resign after the presser………who did She mean ???

      Unfortunately you PF tribal rats have a tonga president until 2031….

    • She is mature, imagine if it was ex-Mumbi Phiri!!
      I just hope they spent a night together, some issues need to be resolved on a bed.
      With love, I like that mayor without a name.

    • Elisha Matambo fits very well into your description. You can imagine, since he was appointed as Minister this is his very first visit to the office of Kitwe Mayor and that’s to cause an unnecessary tension. Even his relatives at Kafubu Depot are complaining about him. He’s the most useless Minister that the Copperbelt has ever had. Anyway, let him enjoy his time after all he won’t get back to Parliament after the next elections

  2. I love the maturity of this Mayor!!! She’s 10 times more mature and intelligent than that !d1ot of a minister. And thank God he took the cameras there himself

  3. These are saboteurs of this GRZs good work…………

    Mr Minister , watch this mayor closely, she is working against GRZ based on tribal affiliations………..

  4. Who else was holding a press conference she wanted to resign? It’s awful that when caught pants down and confronted, namayo ku bwabwata bwabwata! She’s a coward, PF is full of such vinyonyonyo va chabechabe, they must be incarcerated Mumbi Phiri style to awaken then.

  5. The Minister was not prepared for this. He could have done better. I am personally more disappointed with the way he approached this matter than he is disappointed with the statement attributed to the Mayor. He is not intelligent. She appeared more mature and logical and he was emortional and embarassing as a man. Politically he got it all wrong

    • Yes a leader should be collected all the time. That way he learn more than using cadre tactics of intimidation.

  6. This is one big dullard Elisha Matambo he has no right to be saying we should be bringing politics in it when he is politicking all the way about HH…where do Presidents get these morons to post CB? The President is a politician he is a public servant he can criticise him anytime…HH needs to come out and stop this stupidity from his bootlickers. I am not surprised this moron has embarassed himself…he thinks its his money. She treated with too much respect she should have giving him a dressing down and a lecture about civic education…he is an elected official and does not answer to him. This is PF reloaded.

  7. This is one big dullard Elisha Matambo he has no right to be saying we should NOT be bringing politics in it when he is politicking all the way about HH…where do Presidents get these morons to post CB?
    The President is a politician he is a public servant She can criticise him anytime…HH needs to come out and stop this stupidity from his bootlickers. I am not surprised this moron has embarassed himself…he thinks its his money. She treated him with too much respect she should have giving him a dressing down and a lecture about civic education…she is an elected official and does not answer to him. This is PF reloaded…two years in they now think they are gods. Nothing is permanent.

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