Monday, March 3, 2025

President Hakainde Hichilema Criticized for Lack of Solutions at the Press Conference


President Hakainde Hichilema has faced criticism following a press conference where his ability to address challenges in the mining sector came into question. The opposition and concerned citizens expressed their disappointment, highlighting several areas where they felt the president’s response was inadequate.

Eric Chanda, President of Chachacha, accused President Hichilema of running out of ideas and labeled the government’s handling of the mining sector as “economic sabotage.” Chanda pointed out the urgency of the situation, emphasizing that the people on the Copperbelt were suffering without jobs and the Zambian economy was in desperate need of financial stability.

One of the major concerns raised was the impasse surrounding the Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) and Mopani Copper Mines. Critics argued that President Hichilema did not provide satisfactory solutions to address these issues. Furthermore, there were questions about the government’s approach to China, a key player in Zambia’s debt restructuring program.

Another area of contention was the perceived incompetence at the Ministry of Agriculture. Many critics expected decisive action from the president to prevent a repeat of the maize shortage that led to skyrocketing mealie meal prices. The shortage of medicines in hospitals and measures taken to ensure a steady supply chain also remained unaddressed.

Critics further accused law enforcement agencies of professional misconduct, disregarding the rule of law with impunity. They expressed concern over the denial of police bonds, infringement on people’s constitutional rights, and the seizure of assets and accounts before investigations are concluded. Additionally, the issue of non-payment to suppliers and contractors raised alarm among the public.

The opposition and concerned citizens also raised questions about the diplomatic shift of cadrelism from markets and bus stations to the civil service space, as well as the alleged heavy-handedness of the police when dealing with opposition parties.

Employment opportunities, especially for youths and women, amidst a high cost of living, were among the concerns brought to light during the press conference. Critics also demanded answers regarding steps taken by the government to curb the rising cost of fuel, electricity tariffs, fertilizers, and mealie meal prices. The stagnant salaries of civil servants in the face of a high cost of living were also criticized, as it was believed to contribute to corruption within the public sector.

Furthermore, the president faced inquiries about the government’s plans to empower and employ cadres who were chased from markets and bus stations, aiming to prevent an increase in criminal activities and civil disobedience. The government’s position on rampant illegal mining activities in central and Luapula provinces, where minerals worth millions of dollars seemingly vanished, also remained unclear.

President Hichilema’s press conference failed to provide satisfactory answers to these pressing issues, leaving many critics disappointed and concerned about the government’s ability to address the challenges facing the nation.


  1. I told you not to waste your time listening to this waste of space called hh. No sooner had the press briefing begun , than I headed to the toilet to do number 2. I don’t waste my time on liars like this one. What president used PowerPoint slides to defend his lies? This is a new level of lying

    • Lack of solutions? Thats exactly what all our politicians have brought to the table. Nothing. Someone who spent so long in opposition would be in a hurry to show us the solutions he has but it looks like HH just wanted to be president. It was not so that he could offer solutions to miserable Zambia.

    • That is why when he came into office he just jumped on the bandwagon left by Lungu. He did just what Lazy Lungu did, fly this way and that way doing nothing. When I look at the crowd now contesting the PF presidency they are all similar. Offering completely no solutions. Just wanting to come and enjoy state house. Africa doesnt need such leadership. Politicians need to wake up to understanding the duties, duties, duties I repeat duties of a president-not rushing for the pleasures of the presidency.

  2. 2H when you forgive, you have to move on. The fact that you keep bringing up your campaign issues means you have not forgiven but instead looking for sympathy. People will judge your actions and not your words.

  3. Let’s not be naive. Did you expect him to admit failure? The best he did was to boast about trivia… like Napsa partial withdraw as if the money was donated by his company.

  4. The journalist from MUVI tv put very well….ALL IS RHETOLIC.
    For two hours I kept wondering and trying to make sense of the press conference itself. Nothing made sense. It was indeed a missed call! What a waste of of valuable time.

  5. No one takes his lectures serious anymore. Who ever advised him to come and spend valuable time just talking about graphical performance of the past president did a de-service to the president. He needs to fire his advisors. Those boys are messing him up!!

    • It is not even his advisors at fault; it is his own level of intellectualism that must be questioned. He behaves like a “kaponya” president, always giving us a “forward” symbol while his mind is so backwards. What a paradox!
      I pity those of us who overrate the president who’s show is subpar specially in his midterm period.

  6. Why is Lsk Times having fewer and fewer viewership? Ba Lsk you really need to address this because on average this site is having 50 views per article which is unacceptable for a new site that was once the most viewed for reliable news updates.

    • The format is pathetic. I have tried to leave but have nowhere to go.. Zambian Watch Dogs only allows Upnd cadres, tumfweko is for nursery school. So I am stuck with these endless crawling ads and titles.

    • They are stubborn and want implement formats that dont work. Readers have told them this new style doesnt work but they insist on doing it because they are paid for those syndicated/advertisement stories. However people come to a cite like LT for Zambia News not those fictionalised and ubiquitous stories. Deja Vu you arent alone but most readers have just silently departed

  7. It was a very disappointing presser. The guy glossed over the KCM/Mopani saga where he was told he had displayed a lot of rhetoric and instead opted to irrelevantly defend himself citing his achievements in free education and Napsa partial withdrawal. The elusiveness was glare for all to see.

  8. 1. A drunk persona tends to walk sideways and staggering, making a f00l of themselves. HH is staggering. He says – he talks to his brother ECL. The only reason why he said that is because he has received very factual intelligence that people in Eastern Province are so galvanized to ensure they don’t give him votes in 2024. The Village headmen, Chiefs, Churches and Civil Society at large are so geared and unstoppable. That said “if” HH was in good talking terms that’s good for the country. But as usual HH always has a way of just making up stuff when he is put against the wall.

    • # Mulongoti Machayi

      Thanks. You are 100% correct, your point of order is spot on. It was my typo error. Its 2026.

    • Mmm Why are people in Eastern Province “so galvanized to ensure they don’t give him votes in 2026” Im curious that only this province is being revealed to be in an anti HH crusade

  9. 2. Truth be said, CDF and Free Education is not a guarantee to get UPND re-elected. CDF has become directionless due to lack of strategic-planning and rules-of-engagements The cost of living in Zambia is rocketing at a high speed. He should not expect enough votes from the Copperbelt when people are disappointed on the failure of resolving the mining saga. While in South Africa, launching his friends book, he said he had found a resolution. Today the story has changed and the goal post keeps shifting.

  10. Interesting to read that HH secured a pledge from some funders. How can you secure a pledge, when a pledge is merely an offer or a promise for an outcome in the future which is not guaranteed. You either secure a deal or no deal mate.

  11. When councils buy heavy fleets of vehicles and 1 or 2 graders/loaders, they say it’s from locally sourced funds without specifying. Why don’t they say it is with CDF? Where else would city/municipal councils find money. Can govt give clarity on CDF usage unlike this presdential brag-gloating on it.

  12. What makes Zambians think that hh cares about this country! we don’t know where we stand with a liar besides they don’t care they are busy doing businesses for them and their families. Edgar Lungu had his own weaknesses the truth be told he had a heart for this country looking at what he did in 7 years. But the way Zambia Airways have started flying to South Africa and this is the very Airline that was condemned by upnd before elections in 2021.

  13. Your comment is awaiting moderation
    Lack of solutions? Thats exactly what all our politicians have brought to the table. Nothing. Someone who spent so long in opposition would be in a hurry to show us the solutions he has but it looks like HH just wanted to be president. It was not so that he could offer solutions to miserable Zambia.
    That is why when he came into office he just jumped on the bandwagon left by Lungu. He did just what Lazy Lungu did, fly this way and that way doing nothing.

    • When I look at the crowd now contesting the PF presidency they are all similar. Offering completely no solutions. Just wanting to come and enjoy state house. Africa doesnt need such leadership. Politicians need to wake up to understanding the duties, duties, duties I repeat duties of a president-not rushing for the pleasures of the presidency.

  14. The rubbish written in the comments lead me to seriously question the intelligence of many Zambians.
    The IQ levels are pitiful.

    • I think you dont even know what IQ is. It cannot be measured from someone’s comment. It certainly cant be measured by how people differ with your opinions. It is derived from problem-solving tests and it measures long and short term memory. Its not a measure of how wise someone is.

    • @Ben, I totally agree with you. The problem with such bloggers is that they expected HH to talk about what they had in their heads.
      Let’s learn to appreciate both the successes and challenges the country is going through.
      The president tried to remind us about the past and how the economy has been fairing.
      Did you pay attention or because you have been blinded by your hatred of HH?
      Anyway, listening is an art that many don’t possess.

  15. Why all this hatred PF cadres? Who brought us where we are now? Its PF who did the following:
    (1) Borrowed huge sums of money without a plan how to return it, right YES
    (2) Who closed Mopan & KCM it is PF YES
    (3) PF failed to even give partial withdraw of NAPSA because of greed YES
    (4) PF were buying maize from at only ZMW60.00 of the current ZMW280.00 YES
    (5) PF hijacked the market with impunity YES

    • Please don’t mislead people on the partial withdraws of Napsa. HH had to change the law (out of desperation) to allow for the withdraw. Meaning the law does ( didn’t) allow this. I’m s beneficiary of life pension and I can assure you I am very comfortable.
      In future if this backfire and HH is no longer president, the same Napsa officials will claim that HH did not seek expert opinion on the implications of partial withdraws. That’s how life works. PF didn’t refuse but were tied by the law.

    • Iwe Deja Vu , Don’t insult our intelligence, kutumpoko. Are you saying pf didn’t refuse but was tied by the law? What stopped Lungu from changing the law? Didn’t they change other laws like the minimum limit of eternal borrowing of loans.?
      Is this not landed us problems of over-borrowing?

  16. I have always stated that HH is an enigma. He cannot be understood by simple minds like Deja Foool and company.You keep seeing failure in the man,but election results keep saying different things,co-oprating partners,China included, are seeing positives and the economy is saying “stability”,
    Goons are angry because he just can not say what they want to hear

  17. @Peace maker
    Let me remaind you.
    When patriotic front formed government in 2011 mineral royalties where at 0.6% during MMD. The previous pf government negotiated with the mines until they settled to have a 20% shares in all mining companies this resulted into government collecting 3.8 billions dollars per year, during campaign and in line with the what is contented in the pf manifesto they had plans to increase shares to 50% mean government would have been collecting about 8-9 billion dollars per year iam sure they would have paid off the debt. Sadly your government have reversed everything. We don’t know what has happened to the 20% share!
    Please can you tell the people why KCM got closed!

  18. @ Boom
    The previous pf government negotiated with the mines until they settled to have a 20% shares in all mining companies this resulted into government collecting 3.8 billion dollars per year.

    Very interesting indeed!

    Then why did they borrow huge of KALOBA and then yes where were they taking that 3.8 billion USD? could it be its the same money which you cadres were showing off in 2021 under your mattresses and pillows?

    Please tell us more we need to more!

    • As much as they borrowed they left a lot of infra-structure; Lusaka Airport, Itezhi tezhi hydro, Lusaka Livingstone road, Kazungula Bridge, Ndola Airport etc etc UPND just needs to improve on this. They need to give township residents decent roads all over Zambia, what are road tolls moneys for?, removing garbage from especially Lusaka,

    • @Peace Maker, but that’s NOT an answer to a pertinent and politely asked question by @Boom. Answering a question with a question simply shows someone’s intellectual bankruptcy. If you have no answer just say so and move than trying to be a smart-a$$. The questions such as the one @Boom has asked are the sort of questions the President should be answering and clarifying for the citizens of Zambia. Not showing up at a press briefing with a boastful attitude and Microsoft Excel/PowerPoint generated charts that f0@ls no one but himself and his devoted praise singers. HH is the President folks….not a cult leader, so let us treat him accordingly!

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