Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Youth Alliance Zambia calls for UNZA students to wear manditory uniforms


An urgent appeal has been made to the Dean of Students at the University of Zamia, in conjunction with the Ministry of Higher Education, to introduce obligatory uniforms for all students on the Great East Road Campus. An email written by the Mukuka Kampamba the youth ambassador at the Youth Alliance Zambia stated that this proposal aims to tackle the concerning behavior of female students dressing inappropriately.

Dressing Concerns and Implications:

Mukuka Kampamba claims that approximately 80% of students at the University of Zambia have expressed their genuine complaints regarding the prevalent issue of female students walking around the campus in revealing attire. He said this has become a significant distraction for male students, hindering their ability to focus on their studies. Mukuka said it has been observed that the lack of proper attire, both among male and female students, leads to social jealousy, which further impacts the overall academic environment and students’ grades.

Reviving the University’s Reputation:

The Youth ambassador said the decline in the University of Zambia’s ranking as one of the top universities in Africa has raised concerns among stakeholders. In light of this, he proposes the implementation of mandatory uniforms as a potential solution to address the underlying issues affecting the institution’s academic environment. By establishing a dress code policy, the university will create a more conducive atmosphere for learning and foster a sense of unity and equality among the student body.


    • No! Not even dress codes are required at a University. We arent an Islamic state. If a man is distracted by sexily dressed classmates thats his problem, he is immature, he doesnt have self-control and shouldnt blame the “nude” women but himself. Give students the freedom to do what they want. Its part of their learning process and advancement. They dont need policing.
      They will learn on their own and thats what they have been sent to University for: to learn to do things on their own. Zambia already has laws against nudity and the likes-they should suffice. Progressive Society needs: people who learn on their own.

  1. Are these people serious, writing to the university authorities demanding everyone wear uniforms? University is not school or the army, neither is Zambia an Islamic Republic.
    The line that reads. “He said this has become a significant distraction for male students, hindering their ability to focus on their studies” is a load of nonsense.
    I am a man who went to university and however men or women dressed was their business and did not concern me and I did not allow it to interfere with my studies.
    And by the way I graduated.
    You people have to learn to live and let live, you are university to study your chosen subject and NOT members of the opposite gender.

  2. My fellow patriots dont waste your time pondering this asinine call. Where on earth has a University dressed its students in uniform? What a joke! Given a chance some people would want to be Kapitaos putting fellow citizens in line with the master’s rules.
    Some people still live in the second republic-sorry colonial government republic where they want the master to give them a job to frog march everyone to prison cells for not having a pass. A university basks in freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of association. That is what aids mind progression. Now you want to chain them to uniforms! How crazy!

  3. This is an excellent idea actually and one that must be encouraged…the only challenge is the cost of the uniforms…wearing civilian dress is much more affordable…these students need to be guided then on dress codes as advised by @Monze Sec Alumni…the dressing code at these higher learning institutions is out of hand.

  4. Universes putting own uniforms. I hope these rules among the ones we have heard about burning sugar daddies in universities. People at the universities and mature enough to dress us the like and have sugar daddies of they want.

  5. Ubupuba call for uniforms is in the same club of infamy/idi0cy as PF’s own “Gabon Disaster Stadium’

  6. Which higher institution of learning has a uniform? Have you guys who are advocating for this uniform been to any of them?
    At university the bell doesn’t ring for start of classes. Nor do students line up for inspection. The lecturer doesn’t check their nails and hair and teeth because they are supposed to be mature. They are not given lessons but lectures.
    They are allowed to argue with their lecturers on anything they think has poor rationale. Get it? Otherwise next thing you will be asking the chancellor to conduct a parade and inspection at Unza monk Square every morning.

    • I have always wondered about people who write in vernacular on a forum like this. Does it mean they can’t express themselves in English or they just don’t want all of us to know what they are saying?

    • No we cant express ourselves ba Che Miluna.
      What I have posted is from lyrics to a popular song by Benson Simbeye. Its not supposed to be translated. Its about black stooges during colonialism. Anyway you give me the opportunity to rectify the typos. Its supposed to be:
      Umusungu Tapata bantu ba kapitao umulomo
      HH Tapata bantu ba lekichala umulomo

  7. Welcome to the medieval times! Are male students so weak that they can’t control themselves? What a circus!

  8. Surely someone sat down for two-three hours compiling this letter to write to the Dean of Students instead of lobbying for better facilities at the Universities…I highly doubt the person who wrote this has seen the inside of a lecture threater or spent life on campus.

  9. Mukuka Kampamba claims that approximately 80% of students at the University of Zambia have expressed their genuine complaints regarding the prevalent issue of female students walking around the campus in revealing attire. He said this has become a significant distraction for male students, hindering their ability to focus on their studies. Mukuka said it has been observed that the lack of proper attire, both among male and female students, leads to social jealousy, which further impacts the overall academic environment and students’ grades.
    All unresearched and unconfirmed claims. We cant be considering hypotheses that have never visited academic scrutiny

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