Sunday, March 2, 2025

Fred M’membe Accuses Hichilema of Being a Puppet of Imperialists on Morocco’s Western Sahara Issue


In a strongly worded statement, Dr Fred M’membe, President of the Socialist Party of Zambia, criticized opposition leader Mr Hakainde Hichilema for aligning himself with what he referred to as “imperialists” in recognizing Morocco’s colonization of Western Sahara. Dr M’membe accused Mr Hichilema of being a “United States puppet” and accused him of following the instructions of his “American masters” in this matter.

Dr M’membe emphasized the significance of the historical context and the principles of self-determination. He stated, “It’s very sad and humiliating that Mr Hichilema has decided to make our country a puppet and agent of imperialism against the subjugated, humiliated, and struggling courageous people of Western Sahara. This act undermines the principles of self-determination and solidarity that Zambia should uphold.”

Highlighting the consequences of this recognition, Dr M’membe continued, “By siding with imperialists and recognizing Morocco’s colonization of Western Sahara, Mr Hichilema has not only disregarded the aspirations of the Sahrawi people for independence but has also compromised Zambia’s reputation as a supporter of justice and freedom.”

Drawing attention to the historical struggle of the Sahrawi people, Dr M’membe explained, “The Polisario Front, founded in 1973, has fought for the self-determination and liberation of Western Sahara. The Sahrawi people have endured years of oppression and displacement, and their plight should be a cause of concern for all progressive and justice-loving individuals.”

Regarding the international context, Dr M’membe highlighted the importance of unity and support for the Sahrawi cause. He said, “The African Union, the successor to the Organization of African Unity, recognized the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic as a full member in 1984. It is disheartening that while the African Union works towards a peaceful resolution and maintains a ceasefire, Mr Hichilema has chosen to side with imperialist forces, undermining the solidarity of the African continent.”

Dr M’membe concluded his statement by urging the Zambian people to stand against such actions, stating, “It is essential for the people of Zambia to recognize the importance of solidarity, justice, and self-determination. We must reject any attempts to undermine the rights and struggles of oppressed nations, such as the Sahrawi people. Let us remain committed to the principles of justice and support those who fight for their freedom.”


  1. The “puppet” is Fred M’membe. HH does not have portraits of dead foreign (socialist) philosophers and leaders on the walls of his office, but Fred does. As a learned person, Fred should know the meaning of the term “puppet.” HH’s heroes are patriots who fought for our country’s independence, not Marx, Angels, Lenin, and other confused and authoritarian former foreign leaders. Zambians should start questioning Fred’s sanity, for how can a politician in the 21st Century continue to use language that was commonly used during the Cold War”?

    • Jujuman, a paid BOT of UPNDist conmen. Fred is very right. HH is a lapdog of the imperialiats with scorn for Africans.

    • @west nest: I have provided evidence relating to what constitutes a “puppet.” What is the your evidence of HH being a “puppet” of any ideology, foreign leader or country?

    • HH is obsessed with finding a way out of the us $32 billion debt that PF dug Zambia in when they borrowed money from these same imperialists, looted it, and placed the money in the countries of the same imperialists. HH understands that Zambia has done more any other country in Africa to free other oppressed Africans. The priority HH is pursuing is to free Zambia from the poverty mainly introduced in the country by looting and stealing by people like Kaizar Zulu and Edgar Lungu, who where supported by the fake socialist Fred Mbembe

    • If anyone in Zambia can be said to be a “puppet,” Freddie is on top of the list — from the name of his political party to the portraits of socialist ideologues in his office to mimicking the Soviet economic programs of the Cold War era, etc. Some dumb, gullible and uninformed citizens are all in support of the bourgeois socialist and his Socialist Party. Wake up my brothers and sisters!

    • Somethings you Zambians like to discuss, the Morocans themselves don’t even know what the fvck is Sahrawi.
      Do Moroccans discuss Barotseland.?

    • Marx cannot be put in the same group as Lenin. Marx was a scholar while Lenin was a politician. To make it clearer, Marx was putting forward academic theories backed up with research. He wasnt pushing them. Lenin was using marxist theory to campaign for leadership. Mmembe isnt a socialist He is just masquerading as one to take him to political leadership. Yes we all know that HH is a puppet of the West but in the Western Sahara conflict the US doesnt side with Morocco. The US has relations with both sides in the conflict; Morocco and Algeria driven more by strategic interests in the former and business interests in the other. Take note the US hasnt vetoed UN votes on Spanish Sahara since these motions started in the 70s

  2. I have been saying the same about that traitor hh even before some f00Iish Zambians decided to vote him in. Hh was a mere chola boy for Anglo companies whose interests were not to uplift Africans but rather to enrich western states using African resources. Benthrust and opphiemer family then funded their chola boy so that he could win elections and Stop PFs patriotic and pan Africanist agenda. Fuseke hh

    • You are the one who made Zambia need to carry the bags of Anglo America. When you went and borrowed US$31 billion which even you knew that Zambia could not pay, what did you think was going to follow, why do you think they gave you that money, because they love your ugly face? It is your fault, you swallowed their bait, and now they are making Zambia dance to their tune. It is your fault, not that of HH. If you were in power, you dance even more to them because not only did you yoke our country to their debt, but since you looted that money and deposited in their banks in Europe, they have you personally by the balls as well, you stupid *****

    • Zambia doesnt owe $31 billion locally or elsewhere. Only a mad lender would give a Third World country loans amounting to 31 billion

  3. The likes of HH are the ones who sold fellow Africans as slaves during slave trade. He sold the mines for a song and now he is failing to meet with China because of his support for America. What kind of an African leader supports the colonization of another African country? A traitor.

    • I love seeing fellow Africans like you who are aware of the sad truth. Hh is a curse. I pray for him everyday

    • Nonsense ,why not take evidence to court instead of spouting hearsay from Mtendere kachasu bars?

    • All Kachasu bars in Mtendere went out of business since Gary Nkombo became Local govt minister so theres no hearsay emanating from there

  4. KZ is bitter. I think when sleeps he just sees HH! we are in leadership mwana for the next 5 years and beyond accept it.

  5. I hope HH won’t be upset….he used to say worse on ECL. I would have supported Fred but his past is as bad as the one he’s criticizing.

    • I think most of you are frustrated because HH will not lower himself to the level of a cadre like you to go to the press to answer such lunacy.

  6. Morroco’s annexation of the Saharawi was first recognized by the PF Lungu government.As Kalaba

    • No it was recognised by Rupiah Banda. The Moroccan King bribed our corruptible president and there was a sudden change of KK’s pro-Polisario stance. Lungu did try to clean up the act -he actually recognised Western Sahara but flip flopped. The King’s bribery has continued with the weak UPND-I wonder why LT has censored my earlier posts on the subject

  7. Fred M’membe is a Russia puppet.
    We care less about his rantings.
    Let him win some MP elections first.

  8. I hardly agree with M´membe but there is a discussion to be had on why the Zambian state has changed its long held position on Western Sahara. The problem might not even be the change but the inability to clearly have, let alone articulate, a coherent foreign policy. Unfortunately, this dysfunction extend beyonds the Ministry of Affairs to journalists and commentators who cannot objectively or constructively engage on such subjects.

    • Its got nothing to do with foreign policy. Its corruption of individual politicians in Zambia. Individuals with that kind of power being Presidents. Banda and HH were corrupted by the Moroccan King. Moroccan royalty is known for corruption. They love to buy influence in everything they are doing. They even bribed FAZ for the 2010 World Cup vote. If you read Wikileaks, you will come across the King’s corruption of the EU Belgians, etc etc
      Morocco has long pushed for fish caught off Western Sahara to be covered under Moroccan trade arrangements with the EU to bolster Rabat’s territorial claim.

  9. I hardly agree with M´membe but there is a discussion to be had on why the Zambian state has changed its long held position on Western Sahara. The problem might not even be the change but the inability to clearly have, let alone articulate, a coherent foreign policy. Unfortunately, this dysfunction extend beyonds the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to journalists and commentators who cannot objectively or constructively engage on such subjects.

  10. I hardly agree with M´membe but there is a discussion to be had on why the Zambian state has changed its long held position on Western Sahara. The problem might not even be the change but the inability to clearly have, let alone articulate, a coherent foreign policy. Unfortunately, this dysfunction extend beyonds the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to journalists and commentators who cannot objectively or constructively engage on such subjects.

  11. M’membe is just spouting nonsense to stay politically relevant bcoz he’s a fringe/marginal politician.

    • Yes M’membe is spouting mld words, HH has been concubine of supremacist Buzungus of South africa from the time late Anderson Mazoka put him on Anglo American companies boards.

  12. Bashi Promise is no different from Judas Iscariot in fact he is worse off than Judas Iscariot because he came back to his senses that he had betrayed the Son of Man and took back the coins. Bashi Promise no conscience he keeps on telling lies.. Lying is part of his DNA…

  13. I suspect Zambia Watchdog has a role in HH recognising Morocco’s colonisation of Western Sahara. When Watchdog were leading UPND opposition propaganda they reported that Lungu had recognised Western Sahara and that this was like Barotseland being recognised by another country. Now that Watchdog staff is in State House they must have brainwashed HH to disregard a country recognised by KK, the AU, the UN and over 87 countries of the globe

  14. Kadanasa.Can you explain what flip flop is in political or diplomatic terms.Did Lungu recognize the annexation or not?

    • Kikikikikiki To flip flop is to move from one position to another and back. To be inconsistent. The PF in 2016 cut ties with Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic but the following year Lungu recognised Saharawi after he was visited by President of the Sahrawi Republic Ghali.
      Then later he sent Mundubile to Morocco and the PF changed stance

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