Friday, March 7, 2025

Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane Provides Clarification on Forfeited K65 million by Faith Musonda


Minister of Finance and National Planning, Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane, addressed the issue surrounding the forfeited K65 million by corruption suspect Faith Musonda during a parliamentary session. The matter gained significant attention after News Diggers Newspaper published a story claiming that the forfeited funds had gone missing.

In his ministerial statement, Dr. Musokotwane clarified that on February 25th, 2022, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) was instructed to transfer the forfeited funds into the consolidated accounts (Control 99) at the Bank of Zambia. The disbursement of the funds was carried out as follows: K73,172,516.00 was allocated to the Ministry of Education under a budget line called University Education.

Dr. Musokotwane emphasized that the transfer of the forfeited funds followed the mandate given to the Minister of Finance by the Public Financial Management Act Number 1 of 2018 and the Forfeiture of Proceeds Act Number 19 of 2010. He highlighted that the ACC complied with the Ministry’s request and transferred the funds on March 3rd, 2022, into the Consolidated Fund (Control 99). The transferred amount was K65,332,446.00 in Zambian Kwacha, which included an additional K1,036,366.21 equivalent to USD57,950.00 at the exchange rate of ZMW17.8883/USD.

The Minister of Finance further provided hardcopy documents of the transmission transcript for both the Kwacha and Dollar funds transferred on March 3rd, 2022. He confirmed that the funds were transferred from the ACC Asset Forfeiture Accounts at the Bank of Zambia to the Ministry of Finance and National Planning Consolidated Fund Accounts.

Regarding the utilization of the funds, Dr. Musokotwane explained that the Ministry of Education had applied for a supplementary provision of K73,172,516.00 under the budget line “University Education Provision.” This supplementary provision included the total forfeited funds of K66,368,812.21, along with an additional K6,803,703.79 provided from the general revenues to meet the Ministry of Education’s supplementary requirement.

The supplementary provision was presented to the National Assembly and received approval. The Supplementary Appropriation Bill, reflecting the approved supplementary estimate of expenditure, was subsequently assented to by the President of Zambia on August 3rd, 2022. To support his statements, Dr. Musokotwane provided hardcopy documents of the transmission transcript for the transferred funds, as well as a copy of the approved supplementary provision for the Ministry of Education.


  1. I refer Situmbeko to the statement that Musa Mwenye made. The two statements don’t collaborate. There’s no proof that ACC deposited the funds anywhere Musa Mwenye stated that ACC never handled the funds. The only thing that’s consistent here is the inconsistency. Let’s leave it there

    • Check the newspapers tomorrow for documentary evidence. I know that you do not believe it that Zambia is now being governed better than it was under the PF. This government is delivering like DHL.

    • Whats the difference between the newspapers and these internet reports? They are all the same incompetent reporters.

    • Remember ECL 2021 illegal number plate on vehicles of PF zealots? It’s time to find out what the state apparatus reported to Edgar Lungu and what he did about it.

  2. This is what you get when you have a responsible government, a full and comprehensive answer has been given.
    That should now be end of the matter.
    All those who were casting dispersions like Tembo, M’membe and others should keep quiet. The look pathetic and ridiculous

    • Musa Mwenye said the ACC has never handled that money and your Minister hasn’t mentioned the ACC bank account number because it doesn’t exist. This statement doesn’t comply with the principal of double entry. The question is simple: The money didn’t reflect on the Control 99 account and your Minister hasn’t provided a copy of the statement. He has failed to answer a specific question. Obviously I can’t comprehend that. One day we’ll know who’s stolen that money

  3. Even before the conspiracy theorists were casting their fake knowledge and dodgy interpretations……….

    I knew there is no chance this GRZ could lose k65 million………

    Not a chance in hell……….

    We have said before……….

    The easiest way to make these du.ll opposition and their supporters look childish and incompetent , is to……….

    Plant a fake conspiracy story against GRZ or the president which can easily be disproven………

    Watch them decent on that fake story like flies to…….

    • They’re now saying to themselves, ” we at least managed to divert their attention from real issues. Remember if they stumble we gain”.

  4. This is how you respond to false allegations not take matters to that cadre at Ministry of Information who is acting Minister, Deputy Minister and PS.

  5. The information is conflicted. They are providing conflicting information.what sort of govt is this? A sign they are all liars. And they called us thrives and corrupt yet it is not even a term and they are stealing millions. Did we not warn you? You voted out a hardworking party to bring in rich greedy people who are stealing in day light. You think kaizar will suffer? Haha. Good luck

    • Look at this Humpty Dumpty Troll based in the UK failing miserably to put across a sensible argument!!

  6. All what they know and believe in os telling lies, formulating falsehood and insulting. And they think lies and insults will make them bounce back to power.. remember the bible says, ALL The liars will go to hell. No return, no bouncing back

  7. Ba LT If you knew how to report, the last but one paragraph is what is supposed to be in your intro because it is what is pertinent to Musokotwane’s explanation. But you start by beating about the bush with : “In his ministerial statement, Dr. Musokotwane clarified that on February 25th, 2022, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) was instructed to transfer the forfeited funds into the consolidated accounts (Control 99) at the Bank of Zambia. The disbursement of the funds was carried out as follows: K73,172,516.00 was allocated to the Ministry of Education under a budget line called University Education.”
    You confuse the readers as to how the K65million becomes K73,172,516.00

  8. A real working govt unlike the previous corrupt /incompetent PF thugs who drove Zambia into the ditch.Well done HH and Situmbeko.

  9. The fact that you keep explaining just shows that there is something wrong. The money did not reflect in control 99.

  10. Money was stolen its that simple…the problem with Africans we joke too much..someone comes up with flimsy explanations…Musokotwane is a known Bandit…they stole 65 million and HH is involved….why do you think Bandit HH secretly talks to Bandit Lungu

  11. Africa will remain poor for the next 5 billion years….we glorify criminals and we glorify theft …..Politicians are busy stealing and enriching themselves and we do is dance and praise them…

    • This government is delivering like DHL and will not be swayed by cheap diversionary tactics. It has moved on now. While PF is seeking to jump into an alliance with the Socialist Party, the UPND is strengthening its alliance with the people of Zambia. HH’s soft power is luring the PF’s MPs and they are damned if they expel them.

  12. People are just used to the PF era when stealing was a norm. They can believe that things can be done in the right way once more. Just get used. Chipantpante is gone

  13. Next they will demand the number plate of the vehicles that transported the money from her house…………

    When a countries supposed educated citizens seem to belive in all manner of conspiracy stories…………

    If the 2.3 million don’t fall in that category,…….

    We have hope

  14. Which bank account number was the money deposited in and show the deposit slip?
    When did the money reflect in control account number 99?
    this is the confirmation we are looking for.

  15. How about hearing from the side of independent investigating wings? Their findings. Then present their findings to the nation to digest and to come up with an answer to the K65 000 000 issue.

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