Sunday, March 9, 2025

President Hakainde Hichilema expected in Ukraine,Russia for peace mission


President Hakainde Hichilema is set to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin this week as part of the African Peace Initiative aimed at addressing the situation between Russia and Ukraine. The initiative seeks to promote dialogue and peaceful negotiations between the two nations.

Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Stanley Kakubo announced that President Hichilema will embark on his diplomatic trip, starting today. He will first meet President Zelensky in Kyiv on Friday, followed by a meeting with President Putin in Saint Petersburg on Saturday. President Hichilema will be accompanied by six other African Heads of State and Government, representing Comoros, Congo Brazzaville, Egypt, Senegal, South Africa, and Uganda.

Minister Kakubo highlighted that the African Peace Initiative draws upon Africa’s successful track record of resolving conflicts through dialogue and peace-building. The African leaders participating in the initiative aim to encourage open dialogue and negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, leveraging their collective experience in conflict resolution.

Zambia remains deeply committed to global peace as a catalyst for socio-economic development in Africa and beyond, emphasized Minister Kakubo. Joining the initiative aligns with Zambia’s dedication to fostering an environment conducive to economic and social prosperity. The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has had adverse consequences, including disruptions to Africa’s commodity supply chains, making it imperative for Zambia to actively contribute to finding a peaceful resolution.

Following the diplomatic mission, President Hichilema is expected to return to Lusaka promptly. The meetings with President Zelensky and President Putin hold significant importance in fostering dialogue, promoting peace, and seeking common ground between Russia and Ukraine.

The African Peace Initiative serves as a platform for African leaders to extend their support and engage in constructive dialogue. By leveraging their experience in conflict resolution, the participating African nations aim to facilitate peaceful negotiations and foster stability in the region. The initiative also underscores Africa’s commitment to global peace and highlights the continent’s proactive role in addressing global challenges.


  1. How do you engage in peace talks on behalf of other countries whilst there is no peace in your own country I mean 1 would wonder

    • Stop hallucinating, there is peace in Zambia. I would of course expect African leaders to first deal with the prevailing issue in Sudan than head to Russia and Ukraine. But claiming that there is no peace in Zambia is a far fetched lie.

    • You stop a fire by cutting off the fuel or any energy fuelling the fire. The fueling of the war in UKRAIN is the supply of arms by America and NATO. The point start with is Amerca and NATO not UKRAIN or RUSSIA. Its them{the west} who are fuelling the war because they are making billions of dollars thru arms supply.

    • 1. HH is being used as a stooge & messenger by the West and he needs to learn to say no. Can anyone think Putin will listen to what HH has to say about the war conflict with Ukraine? If he was not being used by the West, he could have traveled to China to negotiate the national debt. Besides, HH does not have cultivating-spoken-communication & inspiring skills. Not on the national level or International level. He needs to work hard on his image. You can have good thoughtful / talking points, but if you cannot translate them orally, then you come out flat. Unless, if he is also using this trip for bilateral agreements.

    • 2. HH is the most traveled president in Africa. He has done 32 trips in less than 2 years. The highest was done by President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria, who did 51 International trips – however, President Buhari did that over 10 years period and most of them were medical trips to London & Saudi Arabia as he was ill throughout his presidency. Barack Obama made 52 trips in his whole term. But that is expected from a USA President.

    • What gullible Hakainde does not understand is that this is simply a proxy war and there is nothing former TV comedian Volodymyr Zelensky can do about it; the machine has already started moving. US is happy surround China and Russia with bases but would not tolerate Russian presence in South America even the presence of China in Africa is a threat to them. All Hakiande is interested in is getting browny points from his supervisors.

    • @HISTORIAN and what is this NATO thing? You start a military conglomeration targeting one country? Russia? Then you are inherently inviting a war like it or not. Because you have identified Russia as your enemy not your peer or comrade.
      Dont you think the 54 countries of Africa and South America too should have formed a SATO to prepare for war with Europe?

    • If the IMF or any other bilateral lender cannot assist us with balance of payments support with or without debt restructuring after all that Zambia has done to appease and assist the west in many areas under the NDG such as this journey of peace to Russia and Ukraine then Im sorry we have chosen very wrong friends in the west for they do not care about us.

  2. Which aircraft is he going to use…please HH use commerical airliner or truck..Zambia can not afford to lose a Presidential Jet. Plus what are you doing there why can you fly to China …stop wasting time!!

  3. Our leaders are a let down surely how do you go to peace talks for a war that has nothing to do with you…we have war in Sudan and these guys were quiet.

    • Tarino Orange

      ++ Its my hope that HH is going to read your comment and a good-point-of-order. We know he indulges himself reading lusakatimes every whenever he gets time . ++

      Your neighbor’s house is on fire, yet you want to travel overseas to stop another the fire. African leaders have stayed mute on Sudan.

  4. No locus standi as he’s a very well known puppet that has allowed AFRICOM on our territory. Yankees can be spotted in Kapiri and are said to have taken over Musofu. Putin has no time for such lackeys. He’ll only be hosted because he’ll be in the company of others

  5. 2H needs to deal with the peace mission in his own country first before acting as a stooge for others. You are at w@r with the opposition in your own country but would jump at every opportunity to look good. Be careful because when two elephants are fighting, it is the kapinga that suffers.

  6. Very is no war between the opposition and HH better you keep quiet than dropping nosense accusations.How many opposition has he killed or gassed?Tarino so you don’t see the reason of having a peace between those two countries? Education sometimes!!!!! china issue is very important I agree with you.KAISALA ZUKU uzakafa chikubaba you can not wish the president not to come back that is NAMAZAI way of thinking in UK.Pf criminals they will never come back just forget no more tatemani.

  7. I will wait to see if Putin will meet with these jokers. The trip Ichilema should be making is China. He is a very small boy for Russia.

  8. African leaders are a joke….Africans are dying every day because of poverty and these puppets are worried about bazungu fighting themselves…..Lusaka is a filthy capital city and the President is worried about the war in Russia….just going to beg

    • Not only poverty; There’s a war in DRC, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Western Sahara, Somalia, Nigeria, Mali and none of them have tried to intervene.

  9. Waiste of time………

    The west is set on dividing Russia into smaller oil rich states friendly to the west.

    The crown in Russia is siberia. A rich vast wilderness with

  10. Wasting of public resources without shame..He is busy enriching himself and the experience of Zambians. This man is extremely self-centered. How many trips so far! And yet when he was in opposition he condemned the then President Edgar Lungu.. 2026 let’s vote for leaders that are principled and not liars..

  11. Among the countries in this group going to Russia and Ukrain only Zambia voted againgst Russia at the UN. What do you think PUTIN will do when he sees HAKAINDE in the group? Betrayal!!!

  12. ba Lusaka Times….report properly. You report like its HH going for the peace mission or its him leading the delagation. HH can nnot lead a delegation to RUSSIA. His govt voted against Russia at the UN. Putin would not even want to shake his hand.

  13. We Africans will never learn Ukraine is the bread basket of EU also supplies to Africa and at the moment production is down due the war instead of African leaders ceasing this opportunity to up production and negotiate removial of tarrifs someone is going there to talk about peace…really laughable indeed.

  14. This trip is manly to explore the possibility of joining the other trading block with Russia, China and Iran……

    And trading in local currencies……….

    Very little to do with peace

    They all know they don’t stand a chance in talking peace………

    • Where does it say that…you have started with you blind drum beating. If that was the case he would have gone to Brussels

    • Tarino Orange

      You should not belive every thing you read in the media ……….

      And some motives are better kept out of the headlines for obvious reasons……..

      If you think those leaders think they can influence the direction of the war……….you are naive.

    • Spaka – So why didnt you post that in your first post on the thread.
      Do not take us for simpletons…this is a statement from Ministry of Foreign Affairs why should they think you are some sort of a savvy spindoctor but you are simply naive and gullible yourself. Put down that HH Koolaid you are drinking and use your brain to think for once.

    • Tarino Orange

      In my first statement , I said looking for peace in ukrain by Africans is a waiste of time……..

      You on the other hand are as thick as they come…….

      If the president comes and says peace was not the only mission but also to secure grain and fertiliser flows from that area………

      Won’t you look silly ??

      You won’t look silly , because you are silly and thick………

    • Spaka – When you are stuck in a hole its not wise to carry on digging!!
      Why should the President secure grain from Ukraine when Zambia can produce its own grain…please stop responding the more you respond the more daft you comments become. And I am thick..okay..really laughable.
      You think its an achivement secruing deals from a country at war instead of us stepping up.

  15. HH should be careful in St Petersburg, Russia.
    The KGB and Putin Zealots will inject him with slow poison. The other Presidents from Comoros, Congo Brazzaville, Egypt, Senegal, South Africa, and Uganda are all despots and pro-Russia.

    • Why would they poison a “Useful idiiot” in a group of other tools…Colonel Gadiffi would have laughed at these clowns…they have much bigger problems at home but decide to fly to another continent. If the war were to stop today Ukraine would up production get investment they whole of Africa can dream of.

    • War is profitable for American Defence companies thiose arms are not free…its like you having a factory in Zambia that manufactures AK 47 bullets you would be rubbing your hands with glee.
      Its disgraceful that a country like USA which has no free health for its citizen but is willing to send billions of heavy machinery to Ukraine.

  16. Putin has not forgotten Zambia’s vote at the UN against Russia. I am sure when he sees HH in the delegation….he will just walk away.

    • He is a very selfish man…And too thirsty for money…He wants to make money through allowances. 35 trips in less than two years.

  17. those African leaders………

    are fully aware that they can not change the direction of the war………..

    However, Russia and Ukrain remain important economic realms for those willing to dance around western economic embargoes…….

    • @ Spaka… Stop it.

      @TARINO ORANGE is embarrassing you. Your lies have just too far. Go and have yourself checked in a mental hospital. This is now mental issues that need to be dealt with.

  18. Kikikikiki Lusaka Times reporting as if its HH going to meet Putin…just the way the report when HH travels to the USA for UN General Assembly they always write HH was invited by the USA but in the actual sense its all world leaders attending the UNGA…@ Historian very good observation…..HH is full of himself he is just part of the delegation but he is acting he is the main man….HH too much kulibonesha

    • And it seems like these African presidents start the process top down. In any peace talks we hear of junior government officials meeting first before Presidents jump in. But the Africans are very much in a hurry it is their presidents who want to broker the peace pact by meeting President Zelensky in Kyiv on Friday, followed by a meeting with President Putin in Saint Petersburg on Saturday. Isnt this just from the Africans or Zambian’s love for travelling?

  19. All the writer above belong to the group of fake wisemen. All their comments are the riches of their soar grapes for they never expected a different person to become their president, especially, the shepherd, from the south. Awe chalibakalipa, bamukukulu. Otherwise, our president is both a national and international material

  20. Congolese are dying….Sudanese are dying….Ethiopians are dying….Bukinabes are dying….Somalis are dying… the Russians and Ukrainians care about these Africans dying every day….and African leaders almost 70 after the African continent was liberated but still failing to fight our own battles on the African soil….where were there demagogue African Presidents when Gaddafi was butchered by the Americans and Europeans….

    • Imwe bantu. If there was an encylopedia for Hypocrites, it should have these Africans on the top of the list

  21. The puppet is on the move again in the meantime he has left instructions for police to lock up few individuals and on return he will say he is not aware

  22. African leaders are a laughing stock of the world….they think they’re smart but they look so stupid and the Western World takes them as stipiddd fools

  23. African leaders are a laughing stock of the world….they think they’re smart but they look so stupid and the Western World takes them as stipiddd fools
    Just ask any African studying in Russia or Ukraine how they’re treated in those countries…..we should be having African peace summit for Congo or Sudan or Somalia or Ethiopia or Chad or The Gambia or Bukina Faso or Mozambique or Guinea Conackry

  24. You will see happiness on their faces when taking pictures with Putin…..just like little kids taking pictures with Lionel Messi…with Demagogue HH you will him smiling

  25. Our President is clever. Forget about the peace meeting it’s a cover. These essential minerals rich African countries have been invited by South Africa to join the BRICS Nations, it’s obvious the two biggest copper producing Nations in Africa are among the deligation to Russia.

  26. The top exports of Zambia are Raw Copper ($6.33B), Refined Copper ($2.97B), Gold ($814M), Precious Stones ($280M), and Electricity ($176M), exporting mostly to Switzerland ($4.7B), China ($2.26B), Singapore ($1.43B), Democratic Republic of the Congo ($1.11B), and United Arab Emirates ($860M).

    Copper & Gold will be the driving force in the green economy of the future for our planet & most of these countries except 1 have these minerals

  27. African leaders are Ramaphosa is crying “racism” in Poland…first of all who told them to even go there…South Africa is struggling with electricity and farm murders…Zambia is struggling with high levels of poverty…..USA gives Ukraine billions of dollars every day….and here we are feeling sorry for them….do Ukrainians even know where Zambia is?……Ramaphosa is the worst President and a criminal….they found US$ 1 million dollars cash in his house……

  28. I hope the Russian bastards will be kicked out of Ukraine soon! Freedom for Ukraine – a future member of NATO and the European Union!
    Slava Ukraine!


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