Friday, March 7, 2025

Emmanuel Mwamba Arrested for Forgery and Publication of Information in Lusaka


PF Deputy National Chairperson for Information and Publicity, Emmanuel Mwamba, and Andy Luchinde were formally charged and arrested by the police in Lusaka for forgery and publication of information. The charges against them were confirmed by Police Assistant Public Relations Officer, Godfrey Chilabi, in a statement to ZNBC News.

According to Chilabi, the first count of forgery alleges that Mwamba, in collaboration with Luchinde and other unidentified individuals, forged a document titled ‘Presidential Directive Letter.’ The document purportedly claimed that the Republican President had directed the Director General of Zambia Security and Intelligence Services to take action against the activities of Archbishop Alick Banda.

In the second count, the suspects are accused of forging a document titled ‘Request Letter.’ This letter claimed that the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Josephs Akafumba, had requested the Secretary to the Cabinet at the Cabinet Office to petition the Vatican through the Apostolic Nuncio in Lusaka regarding Archbishop Banda’s activities.

Chilabi further stated that the charges of publication of information relate to Mwamba’s alleged involvement in publishing a letter, accompanied by a picture, purporting to be signed by the Republican President. The letter directed the Director General of the Zambia Security and Intelligence Service to control Archbishop Banda’s influence over the Roman Catholic Church, government institutions, and quasi-government institutions. These publications were made on the Facebook pages of the Patriotic Front-PF and Grindstone Television Zambia, using a computer system.

Additionally, on June 8, 2023, in Lusaka, Mwamba, together with Luchinde and others, is accused of publishing a request letter on Facebook. This letter purportedly claimed that Josephs Akafumba had written a letter to the Secretary to the Cabinet, requesting a petition to the Vatican through the Apostolic Nuncio in Lusaka regarding Archbishop Banda’s activities.

Chilabi revealed that the third count of publication of information accuses Mwamba and his associates of compromising the safety and security of Batuke Imenda, Norman Chipakupaku, Wallace Chakawa, and Clayson Hamasaka. They allegedly published an email printout claiming that Wallace Chakawa, the Private Secretary-State House, had sent an email to Hamasaka, which was then forwarded to Imenda and Chipakupaku. The email purportedly directed them to isolate Archbishop Banda and Emeritus Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu, along with their organization called Our Civic Duty Association (OCiDA), and other unnamed Catholic church priests. These publications were made on the Facebook pages of the Patriotic Front-PF and Grindstone Television Zambia.

The suspects have been released on police bond and are expected to appear in court soon to face the charges brought against them.


    • What charge is that? and publication of information? Are people not supposed to publish information? Is this the UPND’s new penal code at work? Check our constitution

  1. Mwamba is well versed in political propaganda……….

    But they are underestimating GRZs capacity to counter them…….

  2. Ati abducted. He needs to explain himself on these serious allegations. You cannot spin police arrest as an abduction as all PF leaders are claiming. You break the law, you face the music. Period!!

  3. What goes around comes around, this is the culture that PF created and now they are paying the price for it. I pray that UPND can break away from this tit for tat behaviour, let the due process of the law prevail and investigations be carried out in a professional and politcally neutral manner. Remember even if you dislike a person they are innocent until proven guilty.

  4. There are no forged documents. This is another case that will end in a nolle. Today you can not hide information from the public like KK, Kamuzu and Mugabe used to do. This is the information age.

  5. Do not worry brethren. Hh is only doing this because he has been receiving intelligence from OP officers telling him that his popularity is falling and that pf is on the rise. 2026 when hh is out, I will personally use him as a punching bag

  6. Mambala is using the Police as his own personal vigilantes

    When he was in opposition he used to cry monga mwana avala thebela yonaka. Fuseke chi hh

  7. Just a distraction while money is being looted…instead of developing Zambia we busy wasting our resources and these opposition leaders are just doing it for attention….they want to be in the news and they its like they enjoy being arrested…its more publicity for them and HH is proving to be a makaka President because he is falling for their publicity stunts

  8. Due process is being arrested be charged within 48hrs and released pending court appearance. In this case Mwamba has been dealt with within the law like anyone else. If you try to resist arrest like for every citizen, the law ENFORCEMENT officers will manhandle you enforce the arrest. We will protest if any thug, a PF member or otherwise is give special treatment. Law is blind.

    • Have you ever seen a police call -out issued to an armed robber? Forging a President signature is a very serious crime, It is even treasonous

  9. They’re copying American style of Politics….in America we have Republican FBI agents and Democrat FBI agents…..we have Republican judges and Democrat Judges……America is the king of corruption and theft

  10. Now the seriousness of his crimes have overtaken the lies about an abduction……

    Let’s see those who were jumping to conclusions when those fake documents were hitting the airwaves………..

    You condemned this GRZ on a pack of lies and fake documents……

    You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  11. One can never forgot how after MMD lost power and PF took over life was getting to normal almost but the then head of state MCS fell ill and eventually passed away. With confusion in the camp two journalists saw a gap..they became overnight ‘spin’ doctors even against advise from those within the structures of their party, later both landed positions as ‘ambassador’ titles they now wear as if its a doctorate. When the regime they had joined fell? One decided he could be President the other went into oblivion….the police approached him politely he decided to resist them his 1.84m was reduced to 1.0m and folded into a corolla by a person only one third his height and his 70% lighter in body mass. The obese man cried foul.

  12. ………

    Most of the opposition are clowns…….

    Don’t belive anything the opposition in zambia say………….

    • Your opposition don’t have power enough to remove the ruling party but Zambians in all will remove this government from power, since every time any citizen wants to complain they are calling them PF , this is how you can see that PF is gaining more supporters every moment these praise singers insult bloggers, the opposition earns more supporters to it’s side .

    • nshilimubemba

      Despite inflation……..

      This GRZ is doing very well , and will carry the day………..

      No dought about it……..

  13. Zambian opposition members are all jokers…do they even have Jobs these guys…how do they pay their bills…all criminals…all they want is to be in Government so that they can steal

    • nshilimubemba

      The arrests are necessary……

      You can’t have a state where opposition forge documents and purport them to be from the head of state or GRZ………..

      What if they forge a documents that says a certain tribe must be all
      exiled ???

      That is a recipe for civil war……..

  14. These arrests are just the sign that this president is failing to perform to the Zambians expectations , he is thinking that Zambians will be impressed by these actions .
    These arrests don’t reduce the prices of mealie meal nor reduce the price of fuel ,usually those who are bent on intimidating their opponents are non performers and dull politians , who are non creative and have no ideas to put on the ground and be active, they spend all their time thinking about trivial issues which adds no value to the wellbeing of citizens.

    • nshilimubemba

      The arrests are necessary……

      You can’t have a state where opposition forge documents and purport them to be from the head of state or GRZ………..

      What if they forge a documents that says a certain tribe must be all
      exiled ???

      That is a recipe for civil

  15. These are serious charges. I hope police have enough hard evidence to warrant these charged and are not acting on mere heresay and innuendos otherwise the case will fall flat on their face just like other cases that ended with either a nolle or dismissal.

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