Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Newly qualified doctors struggling to make ends meet


Doctors have expressed their concern for the difficult circumstances faced by their fellow colleagues who are volunteering as interns.After working tirelessly saving lives,some of the interns are unable to buy a meal when they are on call, which is a 24 hour shift.

Frustrated by the lack of support from associations such as the ZMA, RDAZ, and the government, these doctors are calling for their profession to find its own solutions to help these interns.

Recognizing that interns are the backbone of any tertiary institution, these doctors believe that it is incumbent upon them to find viable solutions. With over 3,000 interns currently working, many of whom are situated in townships, the magnitude of the issue cannot be ignored. To illustrate the potential impact, a simple calculation reveals that providing lunch for 100 doctors at any institution would only cost approximately K5000.

Furthermore, doctors are suggesting engaging with institutions to explore the possibility of providing at least one meal during on-call shifts. While acknowledging the challenges of lobbying the government, doctors are motivated by the Minister of Health’s statement that they have an opportunity to achieve more under the current leadership. By strategically presenting their case, doctors hope to secure support and resources to address this pressing issue.

The reality of a growing number of medical school graduates has resulted in limitations in immediate job placements.Doctors propose the implementation of an allowance for volunteering interns during their transition to full-time employment. This would provide some financial relief while interns wait for full recruitment opportunities.


  1. When did doctors fail to have a job? Everything is rotting in Zambia. Zambia which celebrates debt.

  2. @ Ati Free Education
    Its called false hope….broke nolunkumbwa or kulibonesha….Just creating an atmosphere like things are ok or applying a band aid on a wound…..thinking the wound will heal but in the actual sense its getting worse

    • Free Education, pupils in secondary schools are not just paying K200 school fee and PTA but pay for everything else- uniforms, shoes, books, meals, transport, socks, books etc. Teachers now teach mount rallies.

  3. But why should they volunteer and hope to be employed by government? This kind of arrangement is against international labour norms.

  4. Imagine 3000 doctors working long shifts without even a single ngwee because they cannot be employed due to lack of funds. The least you could do for them is at least feed them.

  5. A country that celebrates debt restructuring and gives tax holidays to the largest industry they have. Masebo can talk about employing 3000 health workers when the employing of government workers needs to be okayed by IMF.

  6. There are just to many universities in Zambia and just too may doctors from such universities. The university education in Zambia must be regulated. Like it was under Kenneth Kaunda. Those days a doctor was a doctor. From Ridgeway campus. Zambia is now like Nigeria. Money counts. Not intelligence.

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