Sunday, September 8, 2024

Charting a Path to Economic Resilience


Zambia’s Debt Restructuring and Strategic Economic Reforms

By Alexander Vomo

Zambia’s total debt is about $32.8 billion, including interest arrears at the end of last year, now we just got a $6.3 billion debt restructuring. If we take out $6.3 billion from the figure above, this means zambia later will still have to pay the remaining amount of about $26.5 billion dollars.

Debt restructuring refers to the process of altering the terms and conditions of a country’s debt obligations to make it more manageable and sustainable. In the case of our Government, if we owe $32.8 billion dollars and $6.3 billion is restructured, it means that a portion of the total debt (specifically $6.3 billion) is being renegotiated.

When debt is restructured, certain changes are typically made to the original debt agreement. These changes may include:

1. Lowering Interest Rates: The interest rate on the restructured debt may be reduced, making it more affordable for the country to service the debt.

2. Extending Repayment Period: The timeframe for repaying the restructured debt may be extended, providing the country with more time to make repayments and reducing the immediate financial burden.

3. Principal Write-Down: In some cases, a portion of the principal amount may be forgiven or reduced, effectively decreasing the total amount of debt owed.

4. Changing Payment Terms: The restructuring may involve altering the timing and frequency of debt payments to better align with the country’s cash flow and financial capacity.

By restructuring a portion of the debt, Zambia aims to address its debt burden and improve its financial position. It can provide the country with some relief from immediate financial pressures and create a more sustainable pathway for managing its overall debt obligations. However, it’s important to note that debt restructuring is just one part of the solution, and the country also needs to implement sound economic policies and reforms to ensure long-term financial stability and sustainable economic growth.

Reaching an agreement in principle to restructure $6.3 billion of debt with bilateral lenders can have significant implications for Zambia’s economy. Here are some potential effects:

1. Debt Relief and Improved Fiscal Position: Debt restructuring can provide immediate relief to the country’s debt burden. By adjusting the terms and conditions of the debt, such as lower interest rates or extended repayment periods, it can ease the financial strain on the government, freeing up resources for other essential expenditures like infrastructure development, social programs, and economic projects.

2. Enhanced Debt Sustainability: Restructuring the debt can help make it more manageable and sustainable in the long term. This can improve investor confidence and credit ratings, making it easier for Zambia to access financial markets in the future.

3. Boost to Investor Confidence: Reaching an agreement with bilateral lenders signals a willingness to address the debt issue, which can boost investor confidence in Zambia’s economic prospects. Increased investor confidence may attract foreign direct investments and stimulate economic growth.

4. Strengthened Economic Recovery: Debt restructuring can play a role in supporting economic recovery efforts. With reduced debt obligations, the government can focus on implementing measures to promote economic diversification, infrastructure development, and job creation.

5. Positive Impact on Exchange Rates: Successful debt restructuring can lead to improved economic conditions, which may positively affect Zambia’s currency value. A stronger currency can lower import costs and help manage inflation.

6. Rebuilding International Relationships: Resolving the debt restructuring with bilateral lenders can strengthen Zambia’s relationship with international partners. Positive interactions with lenders can pave the way for future cooperation and assistance.

7. Long-Term Challenges Remain: While debt restructuring is a step in the right direction, it’s essential to recognize that it’s not a complete solution to all of Zambia’s economic challenges. The country will need to continue implementing sound economic policies, address governance issues, and diversify its economy to achieve sustainable growth and development.

It’s important to note that the actual impact of the debt restructuring on Zambia’s economy will depend on the specific terms of the agreement, as well as how effectively the government manages its financial resources and implements accompanying economic policies.

I would like to mention also, the following economic advice that could be beneficial given the country’s total public debt stock:

1. Sustainable Debt Management: Focus on prudent debt management practices to ensure that the debt burden remains sustainable in the long term. This involves carefully assessing borrowing needs, avoiding excessive reliance on external debt, and implementing strategies to manage debt repayments effectively.

2. Fiscal Discipline and Transparency: Implement rigorous fiscal discipline to control government spending and reduce budget deficits. Transparent financial reporting and accountability are essential to build trust with creditors and investors.

3. Economic Diversification: Prioritize efforts to diversify the economy away from heavy reliance on a single sector, such as mining. Promote growth in other industries like agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, and services to create a more resilient and balanced economy.

4. Attracting Investment: Create an attractive investment environment to encourage both domestic and foreign investments. Streamline regulations, improve infrastructure, and address governance issues to build investor confidence.

5. Revenue Generation: Explore opportunities to increase domestic revenue generation through broadening the tax base, improving tax collection mechanisms, and reducing tax evasion.

6. Public Investment Management: Prioritize public investments in projects that have a high return on investment, contribute to sustainable development, and create jobs.

7. External Debt Reassessment: Continue monitoring the external debt situation, and only undertake additional borrowing if the projects have a clear and tangible economic benefit. Avoid further accumulating unsustainable levels of debt.

8. Focus on Economic Growth and Social Development: Adopt policies and initiatives that promote inclusive economic growth and address social challenges. Investing in human capital, healthcare, and education can create a more productive and skilled workforce.

9. Strengthening Institutions: Enhance governance structures, fight corruption, and strengthen institutions to promote transparency, accountability, and good governance.

10. Engaging with International Partners: Maintain open communication with international lenders and partners to ensure a collaborative approach in managing the debt situation and securing support for economic reforms.

By following these pieces of advice, Zambia can work towards achieving sustainable debt levels, fostering economic growth, and improving the overall well-being of its citizens. Thank you. One Zambia, One Nation.


  1. Look the $6.3bn according to Musokotwane has been adjusted to be paid over a period of ten years. It still have to be paid. The people HH went to take selfies with do not have much say on the 26.5bn because most of it is Chinese and local debt. All HH did was tell the owners of the 6.5bn that I will pay “tomorrow”. I was spooked to see UPND organizing dancers to welcome their great leader who just went take take selfies with whites and ask them to extend payment period. The way interest works, the longer you take to pay, the more it accrues. So where is the benefit here? The debt was just pushed over to the next government.


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