Friday, March 14, 2025

Chembe Bird Sanctuary to become Zoo


Minister of Tourism Rodney Sikumba has announced government’s plans to turn Chembe Bird Sanctuary in Kalulushi District on the Copperbelt Province into a zoo.

Speaking when he graced the Zambia International Trade Fair Tourism Stakeholders’ Cocktail organized by the Zambia Tourism Agency, Mr Sikumba noted that his ministry will ensure that the Zoo will be stocked with different wildlife and species.

 Mr Sikumba stated that the Zoo which will have wildlife animals like Lions, Zebras, Ostriches among others will be servicing not only the people in the Copper belt province but also beyond the borders.

He said having such kinds of tourism attractions in the country, will not only promote the tourism sector but also help generate income for the country.

“My ministry has a plan of turning the Chembe Bird Sanctuary here on the Copperbelt into a Zoo so that people can have a chance to view different animals and we will ensure that the Zoo will be fully stocked so that it cannot only attract the locals but also internationally,” Mr Sikumba stated.

Mr Sikumba stated that the government wants to empower the private sector by removing all bottlenecks that are hindering growth of sector players so that tourism can thrive and create employment opportunities for young people.

He said the debt restructuring deal that was sealed by the government will release more resources that will go into creating investment including infrastructure development in the tourism sector in addition to USD100 million that was granted by the World Bank to the sector.
Copperbelt Province Minister Elisha Matambo said the region has changed from what people used to know as a place of violence to a place of law and order adding that this means that the province is ready for fresh development and investment.

He said any investors wishing to come to the Copper belt are assured of their investment security.
“I just confirm that the face of the Copperbelt province has changed. It used to be known of violence but now there is law and order here. Even in terms of development, this place has developed a number of roads and now you can see that we are working on the Chingola – Chillilabombwe road which was in a deplorable state,” Mr Matambo stated.


  1. Please leave the place as it’s. Turning it into a Zoo will just disturb the echo system that we have enjoyed for years. Don’t get excited without first looking at the implications.

    • Can you imagine…what are they going to feed the lions and herbivores like Zebras dont just eat any type of grass. He doesn’t even know what a sanctuary is.

    • They have killed two zoos: the one in Kitwe and the other in Ndola. The last free Lion of Kitwe is “embalmed” at the Civic Centre. Believe me when I say, Man is the most dangerous Animal who must be caged in the Zoo in Shantumbu, Lusaka

  2. I doubt turning a bird sanctuary into a zoo is a good idea. Let’s not take rushed decisions just because we want to be seen as doing our jobs.

    • I totally object to this man’s plans. He should try to understand why it’s called a bird sanctuary. Here we don’t allow music or any kind of noise, no parties. Let him create a Zoo at his house if zoo fanatic.

  3. What a stupid idea! Zoo means animals in a fenced yard. What is he thinking? Bird sanctuary allows migratory birds from Europe to survive during cold winters in the north. Leave the place alone you scumbag!

  4. These guys are nuts… do you seriously turn something thats natural to artificial….what kind of reasoning is that….Tourist come to Zambia to visit natural game parks…how many foreign tourists travel to Africa to visit a zoo….dont disturb nature please…. we don’t need unnecessary animal/human conflict because you’re receiving bribes…this Minister needs to be fired..he is very dull

  5. @ Kaiza Zulu. What a great idea the zoo is!! Capture the primate Kaizar Zulu the Broken Hill Man a.k.a. Mfumu ya Mpuno and throw him in the zoo. He is a bother to the human habitat. In his demented mind he thinks he is more handsome than humans and has the audacity to tell them so. If he resists flatten his big nose with a few blows. In all this be mindful of his skunk breath and sharp rabid teeth. Let sleeping dogs lie.

  6. This what you get for having ignorant leaders who cannot wait to show how stup1d they are. Does he know anything about the eco system and why birds have been migrating in that fashion way before he was born? A Zoo will mean cages animals, increased human activity and the birds will that are not caged will fly away. There is a lot of overzealousness in UPND and disconnection between society and the brains of UPND leaders.

    • Individuals and societies have poured in money and great effort to preserve this area. We get enthusiasts from all over who come with all sorts of equipment to photograph the environ and its inhabitants especially birds which come at certain times of the year. It’s an enjoyable experience. Like I said, if he’s in love with zoos, let him erect one at his house.

  7. You have failed to maintain munda wanga in lusaka. You failed to maintain monkey fountain zoo in Ndola and now you want to start another project.

  8. At an anonymous zoo in Lusaka, there’s a cage with this notice: “THE WORLDS MOST DANGEROUS ANIMAL”. That cage has NO ANIMAL per se, only a huge mirror therein which can give you a full reflection of the object, a good selfie.

    Rodney Sikumba has attractively good looks and is practically photogenic, but that ZOO MIRROR in the cage will tell a different story of him.

  9. @ Martin
    Yes animals don’t belong in Cages or Zoo…they should be in the wilderness no wonder they look depressed and miserable in cages and zoo….

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