Saturday, March 29, 2025

President’s Excessive International Travel a concern-Vomo


A concerned citizen, Alexander Vomo, has addressed a letter to President Hakainde Hichilema, expressing apprehension about the frequency of the President’s international travels. In the letter, Mr. Vomo points out an apparent inconsistency between the President’s current actions and his previous statements while in opposition.

Mr. Vomo highlights that during his time in opposition, President Hichilema criticized the former president for excessive travel, especially when accompanied by a large entourage. The letter mentions that the President had criticized the inclusion of dancers and individuals for personal purposes, such as taking selfies and engaging in personal activities like shopping.

While acknowledging that circumstances and responsibilities can change when assuming the role of the presidency, Mr. Vomo emphasizes the importance of maintaining consistency in words and actions to foster public trust and confidence. The letter raises questions about the President’s own frequent international travels in light of his previous criticism of the former president’s travel habits.

As a concerned citizen, Mr. Vomo urges President Hichilema to reflect on the significance of setting an example through his actions and adhering to the principles and expectations he expressed while in opposition. He calls for transparency and prudence in the President’s international travel arrangements to demonstrate a commitment to the responsible use of public resources and address concerns raised by the public regarding excessive entourages and personal engagements during official visits.

The letter concludes by expressing confidence that President Hichilema, as a leader dedicated to Zambia’s welfare, will carefully consider the implications of his travel practices and strive to align them with the expectations set forth during his time in opposition. The maintenance of consistency and accountability, the letter suggests, will not only strengthen public trust but also demonstrate the President’s commitment to effective governance and the betterment of the nation.

Full Letter Below

Advisory Concerning Frequent International Travel of the President

Dr. Hakainde Hichilema
President of Zambia
09 July 2023

I hope this letter finds you well. I would like to express my concern regarding the frequency of your international travels, as well as draw attention to an apparent inconsistency between your current actions and your previous statements while in opposition. It has come to the attention of the public that you used to criticize the former president for excessive travel, particularly when accompanied by a large entourage, you criticized him saying that he has included dancers and individuals for personal purposes, such as going just to take selfies and engaging in personal activities like shopping.

I write to express my concerns regarding the frequency and nature of your recent international travels, which appear to have occurred within a remarkably short period. It has been observed that in the span of a few weeks, you embarked on trips to Ukraine and Russia for a peace talk, followed by visits to Rwanda and France, where a debt restructuring deal was secured. Remarkably, within a mere ten days of returning from Rwanda and France, you have now traveled to Ghana to attend a university graduation ceremony.

While recognizing the importance of diplomatic engagements and international cooperation, the consecutive nature of these trips gives rise to concerns among the Zambian public. The rapid succession of visits to different countries, often within a brief timeframe, creates an impression that you are merely returning to Zambia to change clothes before embarking on your next journey. This perception can undermine the perception of stability and focused leadership required for effective governance.

Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the purpose of international travel aligns closely with national priorities and objectives. While the peace talks in Ukraine and Russia and the debt restructuring deal in France hold significance, it is equally vital to balance such engagements with the pressing needs and challenges faced by our nation. The public expects that your international travels are undertaken judiciously, with clear objectives that directly contribute to the welfare and development of Zambia.

In light of these concerns, I kindly urge you to review the frequency and timing of your international travels, ensuring that they are conducted in a manner that maximizes the benefits for Zambia and demonstrates a clear prioritization of national interests. By maintaining a balanced approach and a deliberate focus on addressing domestic issues, you will not only reinforce public confidence but also set an example of effective leadership and stewardship.

While it is essential to acknowledge that circumstances and responsibilities can change when assuming the role of the presidency, it is important to maintain consistency in words and actions to foster public trust and confidence. Your previous criticism of the former president’s travel habits, specifically highlighting the inclusion of individuals for non-official purposes, raises questions when compared to your own frequent international travels.

As a concerned citizen, I urge you to reflect upon the importance of setting an example through your actions and adhering to the principles and expectations you expressed while in opposition. By ensuring transparency and prudence in your international travel arrangements, you can demonstrate your commitment to the responsible use of public resources and address the concerns raised by the public regarding excessive entourages and personal engagements during official visits.

I trust that as a leader dedicated to the welfare of Zambia, you will carefully consider the implications of your travel practices and strive to align them with the expectations you set forth during your time in opposition. Maintaining consistency and accountability will not only strengthen public trust but also demonstrate your commitment to effective governance and the betterment of our nation.

Thank you for your attention to these matters. I believe in your commitment to the well-being of our country and trust that you will carefully consider the implications of your recent travel patterns.

Yours faithfully,
Concerned Citizen
Alexander Vomo




  1. WHAT PUBLIC ?? an Individual and a few disgruntled ???
    Zambia does not have a good reputation around the world so the president is trying to restore our name
    making Zambia a viable and respected nation
    Where is the wrong ? It will bear fruits in the future

  2. It is unfortunate that he travels widely to European and American countries that have advanced lgbt rights but fails to learn from them. Hh believes in lgbt rights but for the sake of his political popularity he is scared to enact the lgbt Bill of rights.

  3. This president is too selfish that he wouldn’t allow his vice to to go to some of those duties abroad he wants all allowances to be his , anyway that is how he is making his money but people will be wondering how he has become a multi billion president in one term of his office

  4. It should be “A concerned citizen, Alexander Vomo, has addressed a letter to President Hakainde Hichilema, expressing apprehension about the very few times he visits Zambia from abroad”

  5. I hope all his travelling shenanigans bear fruits at the end of his mission, and we us Zambian wants to see that all his travelling purpose will transformed Zambia into a economically African power nation.

  6. What I don’t see in HH supporters is the response to HH’s attacks on Lungu’s travels. HH is a BIG hypocrite.

  7. @Tikki
    With your type of thinking no wonder Africa will never develop…only if you know how much money is spent on Presidential trips…that money is enough to develop the entire country…lets be objective sometimes…traveling from country to country…have you ever seen a Scandinavian President/leader making any international trips…they work from their respective offices and they’re very busy developing their their countries…African leaders on the contrary its Globetrotting….running around in circles whilst making personal businesses

  8. @Grant to a certain extent you are right
    but this chap is really trying, give him a little more time and you will see

  9. These characters who support HH in anything wrong he does are the enemies of progressive Zambians who have Zambia at their hearts but these flies that destroy the good soup they are a pain the neck of Zambians who would like things to be done properly.
    Mean while Zambia is at a stand still and the mines on the copper belt are in the sleeping mode as he continues to arrest his hated tribe and torture them .
    This president can’t make a decision to start mining sugilite , gold in Mpika and Kasenseli and mining Lithium in southern province but he is always crying about debt.
    The said minerals could easily off set the debts he sings about and adore .

  10. We have a cattle header is office who needs to see the world. What do you expect from someone who spend most his childhood in Bwengwa alone talking to cattle.

  11. According to his praise singers these trips bring economic benefits to the country, but what benefits would a trip to receive a honorary doctorate in Ghana bring? Only those out of their minds would support such piffle. Maybe the man has come to realize that in retirement he’d spend most of his time at Chikwa and Chimbokaila so he needs to seize every opportunity to enjoy

    • As to the honorary doctorate conferred on him by a Ghanian university, I see nothing wrong. It has been a tradition to awarding such honours to deserving leaders all over the world. Our first president, KK was a recipient, FTJ, RB were also awarded these honorary degrees.
      I only wish that these recipients add “hc” (honoris causa, the Latin phrase which means ” for the sake of honour”) after their non-earned degrees to distinguish them from earned degrees. Leaving out “hc” is misleading.

  12. HH is showing what he truly is, he pulled the wool over us all before being elected he said “I will sell the presidents jet”, instead he uses it more than any president ever did… he is nothing but a charlatan, campain to get in power was no more than a snake oil salesman pitch… rumour is he has his hand in every ministry, on nothing bit an egotistical power trip

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