Sunday, March 9, 2025

Matambo opens ZNS Chingola Milling plant


Copperbelt Provincial Minister Elisha Matambo  has opened the Zambia National Service(ZNS) Eagles Mealie- Meal at Muss Milling Plant in Chingola District  to enhance national food  security.

Mr Matambo said at the official opening of the Muss milling plant in Chingola that the government has placed high premium on stabilising mealie- meal prices across the country through such ventures.

The Minister said the Milling Plant has a daily production capacity of 240 metric tonnes of Mealie-meal and to be produced under a collaborative partnership between ZNS and Muss Milling of  Chingola.

The Minister noted that the partnership is  cardinal because it will not only add to the variety of Mealie- meal brands on the market, but will also  make it available to the people of the Copperbelt at an affordable price.

Meanwhile, Mr. Matambo disclosed that the Milling Plant Will be producing breakfast meal which will be fetched at  K185, roller meal at K160,  number  three meal at K85 and Gem meal  which will be sold at K100.

He stated that the Government  is aware that Mealie- meal prices in Chingola and on the Copperbelt in general are on a  higher side with breakfast Mealie- meals selling  between K200 to K230 while roller meals pegged at K160 to K180.

Mr. Matambo said the flagging off of the sale of Eagles Mealie-meal will go a long way in addressing the situation and fulfilling Government’s resolve of providing cheaper Mealie- meal to its citizens.

“Government is convinced that construction of additional Milling Plants will assist in reducing production costs of our the staple food, this will result in reduced high prices of the commodity,” he said

He urged the people of Chingola and the Country at large to endeavor to buy Zambia National Service (ZNS) Eagles branded Mealie-meal and other locally produced goods to support the growth of the economy.

The Milling Plant is able to produce 3800 bags of Mealie- meal every day.

Mr. Matambo warned those who will be found smuggling or selling Eagle mealie-meal at more than K185 to be arrested.

Speaking earlier, Zambian National Service (ZNS) Commander and Chief Staff Major General Reuben Mweewa said ZNS is committed to supplementing the Government’s efforts of producing affordable Mealie-meal to the citizens.

Mr. Mweewa explained that the Government through Food Reserve Agency (FRA) had allocated 5, 000 metric tonnes of maize to ZNS to produce Eagles breakfast and roller meal at the Milling Plant in Chongwe, Monze, and Mpika.

“Today we are here in Chingola to continue with this national program that Government and ZNS attach great importance to and has been made possible by Muss Milling Limited,” he said.

He assured the public that ZNS is always ready to work with the local private sector to help better the lives of the citizens.

Muss Milling General Manager Mayi Wanga thanked Government for partnering with ZNS and it will be more beneficial to the Company to address the challenge of food security in Chingola and on the Copperbelt


  1. This man has a thick body. In lgbt community we call such, flabby bummy. Nice thick juicy behind.

    • I don’t understand a single thing you wrote. Rewrite using English or if you have mentally challenged then use local language. I am everyone you hate because you can’t stand the truth about lgbts. Today am kz, others say am Mike, others say am gay, others say I am God. I can be whoever you want me to be. Get the lgbt message that is all I care about.

    • I h@te Augustine Mukoka, now it has damaged Hazel Nali. The child had a bright future, but modafaka Augustine take advantage to use players to fight FAZ.

  2. This W@gn£r dipstick must be that sad $hite KZ wanker who loves attention and can not do without LT, he is the only one commenting on this platform all week.

    • I don’t understand a single thing you wrote. Rewrite using English or if you have mentally challenged then use local language. I am everyone you hate because you can’t stand the truth about lgbts. Today am kz, others say am Mike, others say am gay, others say I am God. I can be whoever you want me to be. Get the lgbt message that is all I care about. Thank you

    • He may have some peculiar if not strange views, but who are we to judge or decide what is strange or not. If no law or rules are being broken I don’t see why this wagner boy needs to be censured.

  3. I hope ZNS will be making a modest profit from this endeavour. It’s absolutely vital that this happens because at the end of the day Maj-Gen Reuben Mwewa will retire and get a state pension. If the ZNS is unable to make a profit from this activity government will have to look elsewhere to find money to pay the general’s pension. Why not make these commercial ventures the ZNS undertakes profitable so that Felix Nkulukusa and his minister Situmbeko Musokotwane will find it easy to pay Gen Mwewa’s pension? We need proper cost accounting in ZNS ventures.

  4. Politicians are destroying our country and we’re watching. There’s a massive milling plant at United Milling that’s going to waste because of the senseless decisions of politicians. Today they want us to praise them because ZNS has gone into a futureless partnership with a private company. ZNS is a creation of the Constitution and its budget is expropriated by Parliament. Has this partnership been approved by Cabinet and the requisite SI gazetted? We need more details on how it’ll be managed otherwise people will be made to answer in future

  5. I sincerely pray that this venture is for keeps! In fact ZNS should expand its maize farming acreage to include export to the central african region! Not to mention maintaining supply to millers within country as they (ZNS), might become a monopolistic force in the milling industry seeing as how they are also major producers of maize.

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