Energy Expert Boniface Zulu says the expansion of power generation at Maamba Collieries Limited from the current 300 to 600 megawatts will boost investor confidence in Zambia.
Mr. Zulu has observed that investing in the generation of electricity in the country will attract more investors in Zambia due to adequate power supply, which will come as a result of expansion of the coal mining firm.
Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka, Mr. Zulu has explained that adequate power supply in the country is one of the drivers of economic growth because of the increased electricity production.
He adds that the expansion of Maamba Collieries will also result in job creation for the local people in the area.
“Expanding Maamba Collieries is actually a good initiative that the government is investing in the generation of electricity as it has a lot of benefits on foreign investments and job creation for the locals,” noted Mr. Zulu.
Mr. Zulu, however, appealed to the mining firm to ensure that maintenance works are carried out in adequate time to ensure that the system is maintained.
He said that maintaining machinery at the Maamba Collieries will also help to avoid long term problems.
Let’s learn from what is happening in RSA. Maamba collieries must ensure that they monitor the life span of their equipment and ensure that they are able to replace it in good time. This is where hydro has the biggest advantage. In my opinion hydro is the way for Zambia. If we develop batoka and luapula we will be untouchable
Whatever happened to environmental and climate change talks?
UPND is all about talk talk talk all day….remember what I told you during PF about conman Clive Chirwa when he lied to gullible Zambians that he “invented an electrical car” and that he was going to open a car manufacturing plant in Kabwe…what happened to him…he just disappeared
It took indians to see the potential of a coal powered power station in zambia……..
Africans could not see Plentiful coal and a ready insatiable market hungry for power…..?
No hope for you, cronically depressed people. The Indians are there now, what is your next move? Kick them out? Learn from the UK who use small streams/rivers to genarate power. The rest of Europe is doing the same.
won’t the expansion mean more pollution. we should be scaling down on the use of coal????
Other participants are required in order to have price competition of power. Govt should approach Chines govt to build a new power plant. The Indians can expand to 600 MW and there can be another player competing and bringing the prices down. Alternatively the govt can buy more shares in Maamba colleries as they expand