Saturday, March 1, 2025

Zambia Police Service Responds to Call for Salary Review by Fred M’membe


The Zambia Police Service has issued a press statement in response to the call made by Dr. Fred M’Membe, President of the Socialist Party, urging the government to review the remuneration and conditions of service for police officers and staff.

The Police Service expressed dismay at the involvement of some politicians in dragging the police into political matters when it suits their interests, and then resorting to name-calling when it does not. Emphasizing that the police service is not a tool to be used in the political arena, they reiterated their commitment to serving the Republic of Zambia and its citizens with courtesy and professionalism.

The statement addressed Dr. Fred M’Membe’s appeal for the government to urgently review the salaries of police officers and staff. While acknowledging that the Police Service, like any other organization, desires better remuneration, they criticized the manner in which politicians are attempting to exploit this issue for political gains.

The Police Service rejected what they referred to as “kindergarten tricks” aimed at enticing the police with pay raises to win their loyalty for political objectives. They emphasized that the police will not be swayed by such tactics and remain committed to staying above politics.

Dr. Fred M’Membe, in his Facebook post, highlighted the urgent need for the government to prioritize and attend to the hardships faced by police officers and staff. He called for a comprehensive review of remuneration and conditions of service, aligned with the demands of modern policing. The Socialist Party President stressed the importance of adequately and fairly compensating police officers, recognizing their integral role in the nation’s defense and security.

Furthermore, he emphasized the need for capacity-building programs, skills training, and career development for police officers to ensure a higher level of competence in the discharge of their duties, especially in the 21st century where policing has become highly sophisticated.

The Socialist Party assured the police officers and staff that if the government fails to respond positively to their demands, they would take action to address the issues upon assuming office. Their main goal being to modernize the police service and bridge existing gaps in remuneration, training, and career development.

The Zambia Police Service, in its press statement, reaffirmed its commitment to serving the nation with a highly motivated and competent police force.


  1. Sometimes its better to be quiet than issue a statement…are you telling us that the Police do not need a salary review? Fred may be a politican but he is a taxpayer and a citizen of the country as such he is a stakeholder and has a say in how the Police is run. ZP Service should not have even responded but refered this matter to Home Affairs, we know the people who responded are the top brass like IG who are eating well

  2. Most Police make more money than Salary through their lunch money and schemes etc etc etc
    perhaps they should be put on a commission basis as its almost impossible to stop

  3. Salary review for what when gay people are suffering abuse in prisons. Let them promote gay rights and our international partners may help them with funds. Until then continue suffering

    • Fear of the appointing authority. Meanwhile the junior officers are thinking why is man complaining against the truth.

  4. Many of you should have realised by now that Fred M’Membe is not a patriot but is an agitator who want to sow discord and create an environment for civil strife.
    And he is aided in doing so by newspapers publishing his articles.
    In many countries in the world a fringe politician like him would not be published in proper newspapers.

    • Fred Membe at 65 is a frustrated and desperate for power.The next time he gets whipped by HH in 2026,he will be 68 and will have to wait another five years to give it another try at 73.Now you see why Membe wants the presidency at all costs.The man is now so dangerous he will do anything to bring about an early election or other changes of government.

    • HH used to say these things when he was in opposition. So how do we have an unpatriotic person (according to you)as our president?

    • Yeah if you look at his Post History he is exactly what you have said: an Agitator. He specialises in throwing a spanner in what is working then causing chaos

  5. A well paid police officer will not be asking for bribes at a fake road block.
    In Solwezi they have continued with fake speed traps and collecting money which never goes to gvt but in their pockects. This IG Musamba should act on these fake speed traps by Solwezi Traffic department

  6. Police men and women live among us and usually share their grievances. They even talk about the money they’re forced to extort from the public in very embarrassing circumstances. There’s a lot of intimidation in the police force. What Jack Mwiimbu and his boss should know is that many of those officers that were leaking info to them have already switched their support to others and already giving them info. Fred Mmembe can’t be wished away, he’s making inroads and might shock many. The best Jack could’ve done was not to allow the police command to respond to a political statement

  7. They are acting exactly like Zambia Police. When called for a crime they first beat about the bush and then tell the complainant they have no food at home can something be done? They then pocket whatever you bribe them with and “express dismay at the involvement of some politicians in dragging the police into political matters when it suits their interests” while smirking all the way to the bank. All police will remind you that the “service is not a tool to be used in the political arena” but inwardly cheer you for asking for a raise for them. Police! Cant we do without them? I think we have for the past 40 years

  8. Fred Membe at 65 is a frustrated and desperate for power.The next time he gets whipped by HH in 2026,he will be 68 and will have to wait another five years to give it another try at 73.Now you see why Membe wants the presidency at all costs.The man is now so dangerous he will do anything to bring about an early election or other changes of government.This coupled by his emotional instability.Dont be surprised if he supports Wagner or even Al Shabab next door

  9. Fred Membe at 65 is a frustrated and desperate for power.The next time he gets whipped by HH in 2026,he will be 68 and will have to wait another five years to give it another try at 73.Now you see why Membe wants the presidency at all costs.The man is now so dangerous he will do anything to bring about an early election or other changes of government.

  10. @Chiza Chirwa
    And you know that the Police Top brace get hefty salaries and hefty allowances from the Government in office so they will always work against the opposition…they responded because they want to show loyalty to their pay Master HH….the most corrupt President ever and even more corrupt than Lungu

  11. When the Post was not paying taxes, the Police Command did not attack Fred Mmembe. So why is Fred Mmembe doing the opposite. We all deserve increased salaries so why single out the Police

    • I’m sure when the law moved in you accused Edgar Lungu of political persecution, didn’t you? How things have changed now.

  12. People check this Mmembe, he was running the post newspaper yes? Then what happened to the post newspaper and do you think if someone who failed to run a small katemba can run a country sure?
    I leave it to you to think twice!

  13. Lumpemela …..”Police!Cant we do without them?I think we have for the past 40 years”
    The police have a section called the Anti-Robbery Squad/C5 We hear and read about them engaging armed robbers with deadly gun fire.They are always reported to eliminate most of members of a criminal gang. Have you ever heard of C5 members getting killed in the process?Ask yourself that question and then go to your nearest police station and give thanks

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