Friday, March 7, 2025

Unresolved Mopani/KCM negotiations raises concerns


Green Party President Peter Sinkamba says it is understandable that government could not announce the conclusion of the Mopani and Konkola Copper Mines negotiations because the issues involved are complex.

Speaking in an interview in Kitwe  after the Mines Minister’s press briefing in Lusaka on the two mines future, Mr. Sinkamba said the issues around the two mines cannot be done hurriedly because of the complex issues surrounding the negotiations.

On Monday July 31, 2023, Mines Minister told Journalists in Lusaka at a press briefing that he could not announce the final decision on Mopani and Konkola Copper Mines as he promised early this month because the negotiations have not been concluded.

Mr. Kabuswe however promised to be giving the national frequent updates on the progress.

Mr. Sinkamba said government should be given ample time to resolve the issues in a manner that will ensure a good final deal for Zambians.

“It is understandable that the Minister could not announce the final decision on the two mines today because the issues involved are complex, there are issues of the accrued debt that happened during the PF time and during the UPND time, the deterioration of the assets, and also some assets have been sold, so it is a complex matter,” said Mr Sinkamba.

He, however, urged government to find a way of resolving the issues as soon as possible as the people on the Copperbelt are depressed economically and socially because of the poor performance of the two mines.

He further disclosed that there are planned public protests slated for August 31 in Chingola and Chililabombwe if the issue is not resolved before that date, which he said government should curtail by resolving the issue soon.

And Kitwe Chamber of Commerce Emmanuel Mbambiko said it was disappointing to hear that government has failed to announce the conclusion on the issue of the two mines once again.

Mr. Mbambiko said government needs to make a decision on the issue.

“I am speechless, I don’t know what to say, I feel it’s now an issue of decision making which government needs to take, you cannot remain undecided forever,” he said.

And National Union of Mine and Allied Workers (NUMAW) President Saul Simujika appealed to mine workers to remain calm as government continues the process of resolving issues around the two mines.


  1. This one also is a moron…why can’t these so called opposition Politicians get meaningful jobs to help develop Zambia instead of forming Political parties that have zero chances of forming Government

    • Koala this politician doesn’t draw his pay from government taxpayers money, he works for himself, if you are interested in what feeds him why not ask him how he manages to live and drive his car and continue politicking.
      I rest my case

  2. Forbas–Meet the playboy entrepreneur who went from making millions to losing it on loose life and women. A recklessness synonymous with weed addiction and narrow mindedness. He’s the head of the household of a variety of siblings, and the political leader of none. Relevant-no! irrelevant-yes!

  3. @ Nshilimubemba
    I really don’t know how these Politicians survive…secretary they eat tax payers money by being praise singers just like Nervas Mumba

  4. The problem with some fellow Zambians they quick thing, quick money. And others want even to protest for the delay to announce the investor to take over the mines. By the way, has Banda, the leader already provided and filled or funded the whole process for him to complain and intimate the protest over the delay? Let banda go and quickly open a mine so that he can quickly employ us. Negotiating and setting conditions for taking over,and opening the mines in the national consideration is not as easy as selling roasted maize. In this regard the hon lusambo and sinkamba are credibly visionary and and are acting wisely as patriotic Zambians. They are different from those who just bark anyhow and argue for the sake of politics as people in opposition

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