A 16-year-old grade seven pupil of Muoyo Primary School in Nalolo District in Western Province has committed suicide by using his school neck tie.
A family representative, Likando Mutakatala who is also Induna Ikakena from Lwambi Chiefdom in Nalolo has disclosed the incident.
Mr Mutakatala, who identified the boy as Joel Njamba, said the deceased was last seen on Friday when he left the market where he used to help his mother sell second hand clothes, saying he had gone to school.
“The boy loved school very much so we all thought he had gone to school but we got worried when the day ended without returning home,” he added.
Mr Mutakatala further disclosed that on Saturday morning, after searching everywhere, they were informed by some Muoyo residents that they saw him moving near an unoccupied flat with a stool.
He said the deceased was later found in one of the rooms in an unoccupied flat hanging on the roof with a tie around his neck.
“We found him hanging in one of the rooms with his school tie while standing on a stool,” Mr Mutakatala stated.
He said the family is devastated and puzzled as they have lost a vibrant boy who loved school.
“The boy was even the best pupil during the grade seven mock examination and was also a member of the Junior Engineers Technicians and Scientists (JETS) club,” Mr Mutakatala said.
He said they do not know what prompted the boy to end his life in such a manner, adding that he did not leave any note behind.
And Nalolo District Education Board Secretary, Victor Likezo has described the death of the boy as a big loss to the education family.
“It is very unfortunate that we have lost a very intelligent school boy who would have excelled in life,” he said.
The body has been deposited in Lewanika General Hospital Mortuary and will be put to rest today in Katongo area in Mongu District.
However, in Muchinga Province ,two people have committed suicide in two separate incidents in Kanchibiya.
Kanchibiya District Commissioner Chrispin Chilekwa has confirmed the incidents of suicide that occurred in Chikobo and Mpepo areas of Kanchibiya District.
Mr Chilekwa has identified the two deceased persons as Binwell Nyangasha aged 30 from Chinkobo area and Bernard Changwe aged 38 from Mpepo area of the Kanchibiya District.
The District Commissioner explained that Changwe is suspected to have committed suicide yesterday between 06:00 hours and 07.30 in Chongo area of Mpepo chiefdom, which is about 10 Kilometers away from Mpepo main market where he was last seen.
He said Changwe committed suicide by hanging himself on a tree using a fibre rope and that his body was only discovered by a passer-by at 07.30 hours yesterday.
Meanwhile, Binwell Nyangasha committed suicide by hanging himself to a tree using his pairs of trousers in a near bush about 10 metres away from his house.
He explained that Nyangasha went missing a week ago and was only found dead hanging on a tree yesterday.
‘It is too sad that two people have ended their lives in such a horrible manner,” the District Commissioner said.
And Chief Mpepo has advised the community in his area to always find a better way to resolve matters than resorting to ending their lives by committing suicide.
Chief Mpepo has since urged families and the community in his area to be close and sensitive enough to family members who tend to have been overwhelmed by various challenges of life and quickly engage people who can offer counselling services to them.
“Suicide will never be a solution to solved challenges that people are passing through,” Chief Mpepo said.
And Mande Nyangasha, the brother to suicide victim Binwell Nyangasha, said it is sad that his brother decided to end his life in such an unfortunate manner.
“My brother has left two children and a wife,” Mr Nyangasha said.
A young boy who was suppressing his homosexuality because uncivilised zambian society does not accept people’s human rights to be gay. So he took his own life
@ wagner,there you go again with your gay Nonsense
Wagner should check the Sky Website. there is a story on Sky TV reporting that Indian doctors are treating homosexuality. The charge is 50 pounds. Im sure he can raise that amount
How can sin be human rights. Wagner walipena! Have you heard thieves, adulterers or prostitutes claiming human rights? The best you can do for gay people is to pray for them to stop that sin just like thieves, adulterers, prostitutes etc… There’s power in Jesus to change lives.
I am in Zambia you heterosexual coward. Why would I travel all way to pay 50 pounds to change what god made me?
@wagner did God make a murderer , homosexual, thieve, adulterer or prostitute etc… God loves them all a wishes they choose him the source of all power for them to change. No one was born a homosexual that’s a myth, you’re either a biological male or biological female. Jesus changes lives pray without ceasing boi or lose heaven! Even murderers God saves homosexuals too
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men
10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
@iwe you are mistaking gender with sexuality. Every man is born with a gay gene. Some are biological disposed to this gene while others are not. No one chooses to be gay or heterosexual. Stop showing us your ignorance. The same bible you use to defend your anti gay ignorance was introduced to you by the whites who respect gay rights. Who are you
@wagner it’s you spreading lies no one is born a theif, prostitute, gay BIG myth. Don’t show your ignorance. Homesexuals choose to have those sinful feelings just like murderers, nothing like a murder gene or gay gene. Pray there’s power in Jesus. You Google you’ll hear testimonies of people who used to be gay but are now straight! You won’t hear that in the news. They have found Jesus saving power.
@iwe I can also tell you that no one is born a heterosexual and that you will hear testimonies from those that were heterosexual but are now gay.
This is very depressing.
How is this news Lusaka Times please….
It’s sad that our detectives don’t investigate throughly, it might not be sucide but murder. Let the coroner find the cause of death & do toxicology to really find the real cause not just assuming. We live in a very evil world where predator are roaming free. If they are not caught more lives might be lost. Isn’t it just in the recent past when there were cases of suicide? There’s something fishy with this case, there’s no way a grade 7 pupil can commit suicide. Investigate the teachers there might be a serial killer in Nalolo…