Monday, March 3, 2025

Lands Minister says electronic title deed issuance is efficient


Minister of Lands and Natural resources, Elijah Muchima, has clarified that the electronic title deeds issuance under the Zambia integrated land administration system is working efficiently.

Mr Muchima says the system has also eliminated agents who have been duping members of the public by charging them exorbitant fees to get the title deed.

Mr Muchima was speaking during a media briefing at his office, where he urged members of the public to trust the electronic title deeds issuance portal.

The Lands Minister added that plans are underway to decentralise the electronic system to all parts of the country so that people can access their title deed in good time.

“I want to confirm to the members of the public that the electronic title deeds land issuance is up and running, so far quite a number of title deeds have been issued to applicants, “he said.

Mr Muchima further explained that the electronic system has helped to seal the leakages which characterised the manual title deeds issuance in the past.

He called on the media to sensitise people on the benefits of the new system of obtaining title deeds through the digital platform.

The clarification by the Minister comes in the wake of doubts by some sections of the public that the new digital system has got flaws.

And Mr Muchima called on people that have continued to build in the Kawena forest of Shibuyunji district to stop until investigations are concluded.

He said people who are still constructing in the Kawena forest and other designated forests such as palabana and Munali, among others should halt their activities as the law will visit them.

Earlier, Ministry of Lands Assistant Director Information Communication technology (ICT), Monica Bwalya said the electronic system is proving to be effective and efficient.

Ms Bwalya advised the public to continue using the new system because there are no longer middle men in the process for one to get land title, since it was launched in May this year.


  1. Quite convenient but it opens up corruption. We shall all be vulnerable to corruption done in Lusaka for land deep in Luena or Chief Mushota’s area. Watch out!


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