Thursday, March 20, 2025

Middle Management at Mopani Copper Mines Demands Salary Increment as Per Contract


Members of middle management at Mopani Copper Mines in Kitwe and Mufulira are demanding a salary increment which they say was supposed to be effected in January 2023 as stipulated in their contracts.

The workers said they are surprised that they have been omitted from the yearly salary increment as per contract, while those in top management and those working in the lower echelons have had their salaries increased this year.

The aggrieved senior workers have requested adjustment of remuneration while bemoaning the salary margins between middle management and top management saying it is too wide.

In a letter to the General Manager Engineering and General Manager Mining, the workers said they are not being considered for standby allowances and overtime despite their extra working hours.

“Upwards adjustment of senior staff remuneration or conditions of service is required. The salary margins between middle management and top management is too wide, therefore there is urgent need to harmonize salaries in order to at least reduce the existing gap.Senior staff employees are not considered for standby allowances and overtime despite their input in resolving issues on mine equipment, forcing one to do extra work hours,” the workers wrote.

“How soon will Mopani or ZCCM IH consider the welfare of Middle management and if they will, will the arrears be paid since we are now in 8th month without any consideration? There is no formal communication allowed to air remuneration concerns to higher management thereby leaving middle management in suspense on having their issues resolved year in, year out. With the few points raised by middle management we look forward to the issues being resolved amicably without undue conditions.”

Meanwhile, Mopani Head of Public Relations Manager Nebert Mulenga said management was handling the complaints by the senior staff internally.

“The position is that we are actively looking into the matter and we should be able to amicably resolve the situation as soon as we are able to,” Mr. Mulenga told Radio Icengelo News.

And ZCCM IH Public Relations Manager Loisa Kakoma said she was not aware of the complaints by members of middle management at Mopani.


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