Sunday, September 8, 2024

President Hichilema confers with Israeli President


Israeli President, Isaac Herzog, has called for enhanced bilateral relations between Zambia and Israel.

Speaking in Jerusalem today when President Hakainde Hichilema paid a courtesy on him at his residence, President Herzog said Israel and Zambia have had an outstanding relationship for many years now.

President Herzog said there is a need to enhance the bilateral relationship that exists between Israel and Zambia as his country believes in cooperation and advancement of relations.

He said there is so much that can be done and achieved if the two countries worked together especially in areas of technology, agriculture, science and health, among others.

“Mr President, Zambia and Israel have enjoyed a good relationship for many years and it is just good and important that the existing relationship is enhanced,” said President Herzog.

Mr. Herzog said Zambia is an important and strategic partner in Africa saying global leaders have much respect for Zambia and its leader President Hichilema.

He also said Zambia has made great positive advancements in her political system.

President Herzog has also asked Zambia to take advantage of the existing food shortages in some parts of Africa to produce more crops for export.

“Your country has a good climate and soils to produce more crops. Take advantage of the shortage of food in the horn of Africa and grow more crops for export,” said President Herzog.

And President Herzog says he is happy that Zambia has a President who is a Seventh – day Adventist (SDA) and believes in the Sabbath.

He said President Hichilema is the first SDA member in the entire World to have been elected President of a country saying this brings not only joy but blessings for the African country.

President Herzog said he believes that the Sabbath is the greatest gift of the people of the book to humanity.

“The Sabbath is one of the greatest gifts of the people of the book to humanity. You lit a candle and we lit a candle as well,” said the President.

And President Hichilema says Zambia appreciates the good relationship with Israel that dates back many years.

President Hichilema says the good relationship of the people of Israel and their Government has been outstanding.

He said Zambia wants to build on the existing relationship with Israel saying back home Zambia works very well with the Jewish people some of whom are in the business sector.

He further said that Israel has been doing a lot of good things for the people of Zambia Aand that  he is a beneficiary of the Israel assistance through education sponsorship.

“Your Excellency, as Zambia, we are grateful for many things that your country has done and continues doing for us. Am a beneficiary of the Israeli education sponsorship at undergraduate level,” said President Hichilema.

President Hichilema said his political party, the United Party for National Development (UPND) was elected on the ticket of change to deliver economic success to the Zambian people.

He said the economic change that Zambia wants to see back home is anchored on trade and investment adding that Zambia wants to enhance the existing relationship with Israel because of its experience in technology in agriculture, health , and digital platform.

President Hichilema says Zambia admires the precision advancements made by Israel in irrigation technologies.

He said Zambia has good soils and weather conditions to support the growth of various crops despite not being spared by the effects of climate change.

President Hichilema is in Israel on a 3- day State Visit at the invitation of Israeli President Isaac Herzog.


  1. We will be glad to see isreali technology in zambia, being taught to Zambians.

    Isreal is a leader in agriculture and food technology……

    There are very few countries hostile to isreal that still receive western investment.

    We also know tiny zambia is not in a position economically to support the Palestinians at this moment in time.
    Not Paying homage to the Palestinians might cost zambia Arab money , but gain western know how.

    Teach a man to fish instead of giving him fish. It is a strategic position to get western knowhow instead of Arab money.

    • Spaka.As a matter of fact,almost all Arab League countries have regularized their diplomatic ties with Israel recognizing its right to exist.Who is Membe and his minions to carry other people’s business on their heads

  2. HH should ask Idi Amin why he chased them from Israel….they’re the worst criminals and they only operate in their own interest….they have nothing to offer and they depend 100% on the USA to survive….and that land does not belong to Israel its for the Palestinians…HH is just going round in circles wasting tax payers money

  3. The Gulf Stream that he’s refused to use was financed and modified by Israelis. Isn’t he embarrassed? I hope he hasn’t secretly offered them large tracts of land like has been given to Kenyans. He can’t speak for Palestine whose people get displaced and slaughtered like animals everyday. Even animals are left alone in their fauna but Palestinians aren’t. Maybe we should declare them as animals so that they get protection as endangered species and be funded under WWF. Maybe that will accord them peace to exist


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