Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Police arrest Lundazi man who murdered 3 year old boy to get rich


The Zambia Police have arrested and charged a 49 year old man of Village 87 in Lusangazi District of Eastern Province, for the offence of Murder involving a Child.

Police Spokesperson, Rae Hamoonga, confirmed the development that Rabson Sakala, of Village 87 in Chief Sandwe’s area, was arrested on August 1, 2023 in connection with the murder.

He said Sakala’s arrest came after police received a report of a missing child from Nyawa Phiri aged 37, a Teacher at Kasangazi Primary School in Lusangazi District who reported on May 25, 2023, that her son, Bornface Lungu, aged 3 years old, went missing and police instituted investigations into the matter.

Mr Hamoonga said the child went missing on Sunday, May 21, 2023 at about 14:00 hours at Village 87.

The Police Spokesperson said during interrogations, Sakala revealed that together with his friend, Benson Sakala also of Village 87 had gone to consult a witch doctor named Samson of Village 30 whose last name is not yet known, on how they could become rich.

 He said the Witch doctor then told the two men to kill a child and present private parts to him in order for them to become rich.

The suspect further confessed that on the material day, the duo killed the child using a knife and took the said private parts to the Witch Doctor who rejected the organs and told them that they were supposed to kill either of their children for the medicine to work.

“Police opened an Inquiry file and intensified investigations which resulted in Police on August 1, 2023 apprehending a male suspect in Lusangazi District who had left his residence (village 87) after the report of a missing child. The suspect, Rabson Sakala, aged 49 of Village 87 was arrested and charged for the offence of Murder,” he said.

Mr Hamoonga said the other two accomplices, Benson Sakala and the Witch Doctor, Samson are on the run.

He, however, said the knife which was used to inflict the fatal injury into the deceased child has been recovered from the suspect.

He added that Investigations into the matter have continued to trace the remains of the deceased child and apprehend the other two suspects who are on the run.


  1. Only heterosexuals do such evil things because they believe women want money. We gays have nothing to prove or no one to please with material things. We gays are very mature and independent

    • This story has nothing to do with your disgraced status Mr. Wagner. Grow up and respond to issues at hand and not advocating your homosexuality to every topic on LS which has neither support or relevance to your queer situation.

    • It’s seems it is you who has a problem with me and not the other way round. So why should I leave? If you have a problem you leave.close the door on your way out

  2. Bloggers get to know this chap is purely here to cause annoyance and irritate
    there is no LGBT association in zambia as he indicated, those of you have gay friends or know of them Know there dont go around canvasing for support all they want is to lead a peaceful life like the rest of us
    so ignore all his posts as he thrives on controversy

    • You have been away from zambia for decades and you think you have a clue about what is happening here. If you think the gay community is still insignificant in zambia then you must be so deluded. Just recently we staged a protest where we freely showcased the gay flag without fear. We have big businesses behind us.

  3. There’s no cutting corners in getting rich unless you Privatize the mines and get 90% of the money otherwise you just have to work extra hard to be able to live a decent life in Africa….anything less than that is just a fallacy…i won’t mention any names but whenever the word “Privatization” is mentioned then we know who the Bandit is

    • It’s obvious he was there on the list of Panama Papers invading tax & hiding wealth. If it’s genuine wealth why hide?

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