Sunday, September 8, 2024

President Hichilema urges accountants to work with govt. in accounting for public funds


President Hakainde Hichilema has urged Chartered Accountants to work with the government to ensure transparency and accountability of public resources is restored.

The President said for the government to deliver to the people, the accountancy profession should work with the government to bring order in the manner public resources are utilised in the country.

He said the profession is crucial in helping the government to manage public resources so that the situation of over borrowing does not repeat.

The President said this today in Livingstone during the official opening of the 38th Zambia Chartered Accountants workshop.

The ZICA workshop is being held under the theme “transparency and accountability”

“You should not be found wanting as professionals in facilitating or creating a bad balance sheet for the country. We need to engage where things are not going right. Don’t wait for the Auditor General’s report to bring out the wrong” the President said

On the corruption fight, the President said it is the duty of the government to protect public resources and accountants need to check on the use of funds that are disbursed at community level.

 “Accountants help us to manage resources that our communities are receiving through CDF to avoid misuse.”

The Head of State told councils to consider employing professional accountants in order to help in the management of public funds which local communities are receiving through CDF.

He also called on the accountancy profession to work with the government to look at tax reforms so that the revenue collection can improve in the country.

“The current tax system is prohibiting economic growth and the reforms should review the policies governing the system.”

He said the government will support ZICA in its intention to develop the Chunga na mutitima development project as it will create jobs for the local people.

ZICA outgoing president Cecilia Zimba informed President Hichilema that the institute desires to develop the chunga na mutitima development project as Public Private Partnership.

Ms Zimba said the project once developed will contribute to boost the tourism sector, raise revenue and create jobs.

Southern Province Minister Cornelius Mweetwa thanked the ZICA organizing committee for choosing Livingstone for their AGM meeting.

He said the theme of the general meeting speaks to the aspirations of the government of ensuring it runs its affairs on principles of accountability and transparency.


  1. I support the call especially that privatization was presided over by mainly economists and lawyers. So we don’t know where the proceeds of the exercise have gone as there are no accountants to explain

  2. ……..

    The problem for zambia is stealing seems ingrained in some people………

    Take matters worse , all manner of criminals become MPs……….

    MP candidates should have a squeaky clean record……… you find even fraud convicts becoming MPs

    There is need for major indoctrination against stealing………..

  3. New data show that the effects of homophobia and exclusion could be costing economies billions of dollars. In a panel discussion organized by the World Bank, participants discussed the findings of a new study that developed and tested an economic model to measure the cost of excluding sexual minorities.
    The study highlights that in India, where homosexual behaviour is criminalized and no protective legislation exists for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, it is estimated that up to 1.7% of GDP is lost in one year due to homophobia and exclusion of LGBT.

    Zambia will never develop until gay rights are introduced

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