Sunday, September 8, 2024

Zambian govt. concerned with the planned SADC truck drivers protest-Tayali


The Zambian government says it is aware of the anticipated and planned work protest by truck drivers using the Zambian route into the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC) slated for August 15th, 2023.

Information gathered so far indicates that the intended work protest is meant for truck drivers destined for the DRC to boycott entering that country for alleged unfair treatment of the drivers.

In a statement to ZANIS, Minister of Transport and Logistics Frank Tayali says while it is every person’s right to protest when aggrieved, the government is concerned with the disruption to traffic flow that is caused by congestion when such protests are undertaken at Kasumbalesa in Zambia.

Mr Tayali says the government has been therefore, making every effort to ensure that the situation at Kasumbalesa and in the DRC is resolved amicably through dialogue with all concerned stakeholders.

The Minister said In the event that SADC drivers feel strongly or remain compelled to protest, they are requested to ensure that such protests are undertaken in their respective countries and not in Zambia.

He said he does not expect to see any disturbances on the Zambian roads concerning the matter at hand.

Mr Tayali has earnestly called upon the truck drivers’ representatives under COMESA, SADC and EAC to adequately advise their members not to use Zambia as a base to stage any form of such protests.

The Minister further advised the local Zambian truck drivers who may be harbouring such motives to desist from becoming part to the intended work protests but rather submit their grievances with the local authorities through their associations.


  1. The biggest problem we have is that the people that are supposed to lead are busy looking for dissenting views to suppress. Drivers have been complaining about their mistreatment at the hands of the Congolese for a long time now, some have even been killed. We have also proposed that Zambia considers a dry port at either Chingola or Chililabombwe to enable those that don’t wish to proceed into DRC to offload their cargo so that the Congolese can pick it up themselves. Even HH toured the long queues of trucks and assured the drivers of a solution but nothing has happened. So what does this CNP expect the drivers to do? Sit back and scratch their balls like he does everyday?

    • In fact he is xenophobic. According to our constitution People who are in Zambia can protest in Zambia.
      “The Minister said In the event that SADC drivers feel strongly or remain compelled to protest, they are requested to ensure that such protests are undertaken in their respective countries and not in Zambia”

    • @ Ayatollah, Exactly, instead of looking at this as a possible business opportunity with the their famous PPP, why not just do what you have said, invest in a DRY PORT and make more money from Congolese whose government has never been serious with anything bilateral or multilateral at the regional level!!

  2. You have not seen anything yet, wait until we lgbt also protest. There are many of us in various industries around the country and sadc

    • That is the day we will wipe you all from.the face of Zambia and drop you where you are tolerated, how much are diapers now

  3. The minister should be reminded that zambia is part of SADC and ……….

    the preferential treatment shown to zambian drivers should not be an excuse to avoid actions meant stamp out savage thuggery treatment of other truck drivers by the congolese……

  4. The man should be given a truck to drive into the DRC so that he can have first hand experience. These truck drivers always enter hell each time they enter the DRC.

  5. I feel for these drivers. High powered delegations have bn led to Congo by our Govt. I rember one time a side meeting was held in Addis Ababa by President HH and his counter part. Nothing has come of those meetings todate. Queues continue from Kasumba lesa to Sabina at Mufurila. In the meantime we are not paying attention to the social and environmental problems this matter is creating. Prostitution along this road has increased as drivers are looking for relief. The road side bushes are now littered with feacal matter as there not sufficient toilets to support the many drivers stranded on the road for weeks. The drivers have the right to protest. Give the a hearing

    • @Landmark… anyone who thinks he can change the thinking of the Congolese should be taken to Chainama Psychiatric hospital. These people have been like these even in colonial days. You can sign millions of MoUs and protocols, nothing will change.

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