Sunday, September 8, 2024

UPND has performed better – Nkandu


Minister of Youth, Sport and Art Elvis Nkandu says the United Party for National Development (UPND) administration has performed better just in the two years since forming government in 2021.

Mr Nkandu says the new dawn government has also made history as the first and only government to have created more jobs for youths in the Army and Zambia Police service.

He said the current government has managed to create more than 30,000 jobs in the ministry of education and more than 11,000 health workers have been employed in just two years, whereas the UNIP government only employed 15000 teachers in 27 years and the Patriotic front (PF) only employed 7000 teachers the entire 7 years they were in power.

“In terms of youth empowerment and employment creation, we have performed far much better than the previous governments,” Mr Nkandu said.

The Minister said this when he officiated at the handover of youth empowerments incentives to over 200 youths in Manyinga District of North Western Province.

The empowerment included 200 youth grants,10 motorbikes ,20 Football and Netball Kits among other incentives.

Mr Nkanda said all the youth interventions and empowerment programmes are meant to alleviate poverty and unemployment among local youths.

He added that government attaches great importance to youth empowerment as the future of any nation lies in the youth.

One of the beneficiaries Lister Kakoma commended the government for empowering local youths, Ms Kakoma who received a motorbike said she will put her motorbike on transport business since motorbike transport business has proved to be profitable in Manyinga District.

And in giving a vote of thanks Molly Lyuma a local youth assured government that local youths will utilize their empowerments effectively so that government is motivated to empower more youths in the area.

“We are assuring you honorable Minister that we shall put to good use these empowerments,” she said.

Ms Lyuma said with empowerments local youths will desist from bad vices such as: excessive beer drinking, prostitution and theft.


  1. Those of you here who claim that gay male sex is disgusting have never experienced a fishy r0tten smelling vaglna. There is no smell worse than that but you don’t see us gays criticising you heterosexuals. Love and sleep with whoever you want. It’s your human right .

    Upnd are beginning to disappoint us gays who risked our lives to vote for them. Self praising is like masterbating. Let the people sing you praises. You have failed to legalise gay rights so expect no praise from lgbt community

  2. It depends on who is talking. By the way there’s no need for the minister to tell us how his government has performed, we know it already. The chef cannot tell us but can only ask us if the food he’s served is okay.

  3. Upnd is a disgrace…ni failed project.
    You are not servicing debt! Yet the country has no money in circulation. Ba under5
    Gold turning into Copper what a shameless government

  4. Definitely UPND has done much better than PF….within 2 years Cadres making US$11 million deals…..they have outperformed all previous governments in terms of theft …corruption and incompetence

  5. So far I don’t have a problem with you Mr Zanama. I think you can do better at the Ministry of Mines because you know how to relate with people unlike impambata ya muntu who’s currently there. If the President dismisses that guy there’ll be celebrations. Kabuswe must go

  6. Mr Minister, if you want to compare UNIP and yourselves, use proper tools. Look at the jobs created per Youth population. UNIP will outperform you, Sir.

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