Wednesday, February 5, 2025

We Stand With Simon; We Can’t Do Business Amidst Grime & Filthy!


Yesterday, we agonized in anguish and pain as we witnessed one of our foremost patriotic citizens break down on social media.
He’s obviously had enough……watching criminals hiding in the name of politics engaging in all manner of criminality to encroach on private property or literally defacing the beauty of our cities.

As one senior diplomat, Anthony Bwalya, rightly writes, “Mr. Simon Mwewa Lane Television is not only working to upholding and promoting law and order, as intended by the President and government at large, he is also an outstanding citizens’ champion in keeping our cities and country clean.”

What Simon Mwewa Lane Television was shedding weren’t crocodile tears. He was simply demonstrating his genuine love for his country. Like most of us, what Simon would like to see are organised cities – a clean and serene environment, ample space to walk about, paved corridors, painted shops and sufficient parking slots unlike the anarchy and chaos we are used to.

We are even shocked that some of those claiming to be politicians can choose to mock and make fun of Mwewa. We can’t find any better words to describe them than dismiss them as DIMWITS!

Government must in fact be proud that we have citizens such as Mwewa with a passion to improve the image of our cities without expecting any remuneration at all.

What this government needs to do is build consesus on street vending. This can be achieved by organizing Town Hall kind of meetings whereby citizens from all walks of life will be provided opportunities to congregate under one roof and interrogate the merits and demerits of street vending.

We stand with Simon!

Prince Bill M Kaping’a

Political/Social Analyst


    • This is a prime example why Zambia will take time to develop. If Simon Mwewa is so pationate about the state of our streets in Zambia, he must use that passionate to take actions. Simon speaks, writes and reads English. Thats good enough for him to draw a proposal and find sponsors in UK, USA, Japan, German fund the project to purchase Industrial Cleaning Trucks and clean our towns. The world has too much money waiting to used. In western nations, nearly all big corporations are giving 1% to 3% of profits towards Global Sustainability, which includes creating better environments. The same applies to Prince Bill Kapinga. Talk is cheap. Gentlemen, stop crying. And take actions. We cannot wait for HH or GRZ all the time.

    • ……….


      It would be nice if you gave us examples in that regard as to what you have done………

    • Spaka

      1. Good and genuine giving-back to society does NOT require telling the whole world. Its poor mentality. HH and Fred Mmembe both give so much every year and they DO NOT blow the trumpet. They do it in silence. Why? Because its another effortless way of getting more blessing coming back to you. Whether you believe in *The Law Of Attraction, *Self, *God, *Quantum Physics or you are an Etheist it works wonders. Wealth is not meant to be stagnated. It has to keep flowing like a river. The more you release it *wisely, the more you get.

    • Spaka

      2. I do my part from the blessing life has given me. I financially support orphanage children, such as Kasisi Mission Zambia and in Kenya. Orphage causes is my passion. Kasisi Mission is global. I have been buying 500 blankets every year in December since 2015 and donate to the poor in rural areas of Zambia. I bought and donated 2 Home Dialysis Machines in 2020 for two families who have ill loved ones. I do all this in silence. I sponsor 6 orphaned teenagers who are at Universities in UK, USA, Japan, Sweden, having started supporting them from the time they were between 7-11 years. I have done more. Since you asked, I am mentioning this to you just to encourage you that you can also do it.

    • Spaka

      3. You were born very rich and successful. Spend more time exploring your mind. The greatest gift a man has is *Imagination. That’s where all creation and wealth comes. That’s also where all poverty starts from. Its a choice one has to make. You posted back then, that you are an Engineer. That’s Intellectual Capital & Wealth in your mind/head that you are wasting. Use it to create wealth and join the enterprise to better Zambia. HH cannot fix all the problems. Don’t let Excusses, Limiting-Beliefs, Blame-Games, Fear and Hatefulness stop you from the person you were born to be. Stop conditioning your mind to stay on the ground. Release all that resistance in you, and wealth will start chasing after you. Wealth is a mindset.

    • Independent observer

      Thank you for the encouragement.

      I hope zambian leaders read your response and also give examples if what they have done or are doing, imstead of just talking , not to……

      show off , but encourage others.

  1. ………..

    Almost every Zambian can sing the national anthem, because………..

    They are taught to sing this at primary school……….

    In the same vain , if you want clean environments , teach the people about garbage disposal and how to look after the environment at primary school.

    Within the first year of introducing that environmental subject at primary school, noticeable cleanliness and environmental awareness will be witnessed all around zambia.

    • In my view Simon should stand as Mayor of Lusaka, he is forever doing the council’s job around his lane amidst insults from the women vendors.

    • …….

      I agree,

      Mwewa should be brave enough , put his money whete his mouth is and……..

      stand for mayor………


  2. Whilst we can all agree with the need for cleanliness in the CBD, this naive childish big baby called Simon does not help himself or his cause. You cannot go around recording people without their consent. That is against human rights. What sort of ignorant inferiority complex man gets a kick out of the english errrors of fellow Africans who are not English speakers? A person’s accent which doesn’t change yet he was kicked out of America many decades ago. Forcing accents, you will end up soiling your big pants one day. Stop accusing upnd when you have no evidence. This is not pf Regime

    • You are very correct he is lucky he does that to tolerant people you record me without my consent you loose your front teeth .Is he even a trained journalist, I felt bad when he recorded some visibly tired man who was dirty and sitting onthe benches along Cairo Road whilst calling him names.

    • He suffers from inferiority complex and needs therapy. He has not gotten over the reality that he was kicked out of America. He stands for nothing and will side with the party in power. He was a pf darling yet here he is today acting like he always supported upnd. He didn’t cry about cadres under pf yet he wants to cry today about alleged upnd cadres. He is a clown this one

  3. Charity begins at home let him start by mordenising his building if he means we’ll, he is just a narcissistic character

  4. What cleanliness is that man championing when all he does is try to embarrass and make funny of people who cannot express themselves well in a foreign language. Let him clean up his building be focused on real issue. Pretending to be smart just because you feel you can speak better than others in a foreign language. He is not a patriot and not even a proud Zambian.

  5. S M is a true citizen who is sending a clear signal to all true Zambians to stand up accept change , all should wake up and smell the coffee.
    We have a new sherif in town law and order is the new norm.

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