Tuesday, March 11, 2025

ZANACO, ZAMTEL join hands to offer banking,mobile money services


ZAMTEL and the Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO) have signed an agreement that will see the two companies offer banking and mobile money services using the Zamtel green shops.
Speaking shortly after signing the agreement, ZANACO Chief Executive Officer Mukwandi Chibesakunda said the partnership entered between her bank and Zamtel will enhance service delivery to customers.
Ms. Chibesakunda stated that the introduction of ZANACO agency express service in all Zamtel green shops will play a critical role in promoting financial inclusion as banking services will be extended to all parts of the country where Zamtel has its presence.
She noted that the deployment of ZANACO express agency services into Zamtel green shops will help expand the operations of the bank.
Ms Chibesakunda disclosed that the partnership will give Zamtel express agency capabilities and access to business growth opportunities and exposure to over four million clients.
She revealed that the ZANACO express service model has grown from over 1,800 in 2018 to over 23,000 at present.
Ms. Chibesakunda further said the two companies stand to benefit immensely from increased revenue transitions from clients.
And speaking earlier, Zamtel Acting Chief Executive Officer Jason Mwanza said the partnership entered between his company and ZANACO is a gateway to unlocking opportunities and further exploration of other business opportunities.
Mr. Mwanza has since assured clients of improved and enhanced service delivery from the partnership agreement signed.
He said Zamtel will continue to foster initiatives with other organisations so as to improve service delivery to clients.


  1. More positive developments under this hardworking government. I am willing and ready to return to zambia to assist the government in any way I can.

    • They’re always behind for so many reasons, just look at the first two letters of their name. All that just reminds of UNIP, crooks. They’re operating very old fashioned, not edge to current tech atmosphere.

  2. @ Tarino Orange
    You’re enjoying overseas and you think things are getting better in Zambia…get on plane and go see for yourself….you will come back running

  3. We’ve just seen placards at Standard Chartered Bank outlets announcing the sale of the assets. There are still long queues at Zanaco branches. You have to queue for hours just to deposit a cheque. The system is always down between 22 and 8 when workers get their stipends. When you get to Zanaco and you’re quickly served, you feel like you have done something wrong! What’s going on in the banking sector? Can BoZ or the Banker’s Association say something?

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