Monday, March 17, 2025

K5 million set aside for Lonshi border upgrade- Kasongo


Over K5 million will be spent on the construction of Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA), Immigration and Zambia Police offices at Lonshi border in Masaiti district by JCHX mining and construction company.

Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary Augustine Kasongo has thanked JCHX mining and construction company for supplementing government efforts by constructing offices for the officers at Lonshi border post.

Mr Kasongo said he is aware that the officers were currently operating in a not so conducive environment and that is why JCHX mining and construction company has come on board to help put up offices and staff houses for the officers operating at the border post.

The Permanent Secretary said this when he visited the construction site to check on the works done so far.

He added that once the project is completed, Lonshi will have a fully operational border post that will help decongest the Kasumbalesa and Sakanya border posts.

Mr Kaosongo said the province currently has two active border posts which are overwhelmed and needed to be decongest hence the need to make Lonshi a fully functional border post.

‘I visited Sakanya border and am not pleased that trucks are taking more than a month to cross over to the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo and that truck drivers lack proper sanitation,” he said.

Mr Kasongo observes that once Lonshi is upgraded to a border post, challenges currently being faced at Sakanya and Kasumbalesa will be minimised.

He expressed happiness that the constructor is already on site and that the project was expected to be completed in six months’ time.

The PS further observed that JCHX mining and construction company was also helping with the construction offices at Mokambo Border.


  1. Where is Lonshi border post? Im sure all Zambians dont know it and which country it borders. Give us a map and point to it!


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